News Scrapbook 1959-1962
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THE SAN DIEGO UNION'S 1961 GRIDIRON LO KANSAS U. 18 ·:• J 19 Colorado 11 Iowa State 0 2'1 At Oklahoma NORTH CAROLINA 17 1' Wvomtng ST. REDLANDS .. 15 31 Col Western 6 22 North Carolina 2fj 2 j Xl~g~n~ao •. 27 25 Nevada U,C, RIVERSIDE : e~~~. 0 Devis •
Coryell Praises Aztec Comeback By ,JOHNNY McDONALD . San Diego State coach Don "The Santa Barba1:a club i,~ Coryell told the Quarterback scrappy and never gives up, Club yesterday that it would Coryell stated. . have been easy for the Az. Coach Mike Pec arovrnh, tees "to fall down and die" whose University of San Di- against Redlands last Satur- ego Toreros defeated Pepper• day and he was proud of dine, 13-0, last week, .re- them for the way in which marked that this is the first they batlled back. time in history that a USD "It was a crazy game," the team has blanked an oppo. Aztec mentor told the group nent. at Town and Country Hotrl. "Normally, if a team scores "Redlands went .through us 21 or 28 points against. u.~ easily and had a 13-0 lt>a ,s us . l • 10 Flagstaff Sf. 26 14 Col Poly (Pom.) 20 Son Diego State o 11 Pomona O 28 At Claremont N • Al Occidentol ,A lrvx-h,;,ier WHITTIEllt 27 U. of Son Dle:t:io 13! 6 Laverne is i8 !>'b"6efs Borboro o 21 WoKe Forest 0 28 DUk4' N N l l At Morvlond N HI South Corolino tl 2.S At Clemson O 11 At Claremont 0 28 Pomona N 3 At Col Tech. N 18 Col Western O 28 Oklahoma State N 4 At N~bro-1ka l ~rnrc,1i,::~:~ N 2) Mlssourf VIRGINIA '8 PIPPttdmt , 46 Cal Western ,2 O 21 Ocetaentol 21 N 4 Pcmono • 1 {1 ~~a;l~~gnt 1'1 • ~1 " At M lss. Southern .21 Wm & Marv ~;l_e State, _ 1 ~ 70uvM1 32 U.C. SANTA BARBARA O 1~ 26 62 ~i ·J; 11 Long Beach 50 6' ao 8 ~~uti:roncisco St. : 82 100 2~ lf KENTUCl NORTH CAROLINA RICE Tech 7 Miami , Mlssls.siooi o 31 1 ~ E:t."'1,J,~le 13 o ~f"~r8s~;ho,~eState I O 28 Occident , I l~ i:p~~r'di~:vls - N 17 At Cal Poly (SLOJ~. . 14 27 N.C. State WICHITA ~'!~ g~d 3 0 h Auburn fg J . . . I~i~~o ,r 21 Kan 01 State 8 21 At l.S,U, N N 11 Xavier (0.) M 2~ l 2 ~ ~for9drg'i',~,e Al Vanderbilt N 11 LONG BEACH ST, PacJhi; Cal.J t Son Fronc1sco St. 1} San D~:~ 0 ifJ~ 0 UC, Santo Barbara J , .. ,/ 2 1o 76 1~ . Slot, O 21 At South Coroltno 0 27 At Miami (Flo.) N , Tennessee N fl l.S U. N 18 Af Duke N 25 Al Woke Forest O 2 VirGinio • 8 . .. 13 . 21 Cincinnati O Boy%~KE. FOREST 3 7 O souukl•h C0r_o1.1o_a . O 21 Ar N C. State O 28 Virginia 4 At Auburn NII Virginia Tech. N 18 At Maryland N l5 North Corolino N Utar, State Tdeah 0 a' ... . . o 21 At lndlano 0 28 At San Jose State N 4 At Ore9on Stott N 11 Oregon N 18 At Stanford .. . WASHINGTON ST, ' Missouri ··:: 16.:f f! 't:oer 5 t~ TJ~~~s 51 i\~te 4 Oklahoma State, New Me1tlco State 0 21 O 28 Tulsa N l l Droke N 18 At Dayton N l 50117 Clem!lon .23 . 13 II - 35 JC - UNIV! OF SAN DIEGO CORNELL 19 . . 0 Whitt er 7 U Of Pacific 37 '11 40 34 CoJgat~ 1 o Harvard 21 7 0 ~lavyale 1 . COLLEGE 0 NORTH TEXAS ST. , .. J7 . . 0 .. . :i, 0 MCRD 1, 12 9 Hardin-Simmons 1, 41 Brigham Young 18 14 15 u Wichita . Tu/so O 28 At Cincinnati N 4 Drak.e N 11 N 18 Loul!vllle Ne-w MexJco State 13j O 11 . . . PepperdJne 108 • 1 13 31 O 21 N 4 N. Me~. W~ttrn O 28 At Long Beocr, State So., Francisco ~-nte N 10 At Col Palv (Pom) N 18 At SDS N 23 Col wes:ter11 28 28 89 21 ~ O 28 Al Princeton N A Colurnblo N IT Brown N II Al Dortmoulh N 2 77 e 1 f:~ WISCONSIN 1 021 0 21 N J N rt N 18 7 Utah .21 o Michigan S1ote J4 6 Indiana ."6 230 ~reai~ 1;10Je . 0 28 Ohio Staf4' N 11 Illinois N 25 At Minnesofo N 18 b?~o 0 20 3 , 20 J.i: :i! I At Pennsylva a Fresno Store L.A. State At PePPerdlne At Memphis Stolt 20 " 29 1 o4 f PnsP wH n lt>am, come 1o I <'rans' Memorial Sta: um 45 fa N 25 At Texas Western ~•w DARTMOUTH Hompsn1r, UTAH • O Colo. State U. 11 SAN DIEGO STATI! 0 7 I . 13 0 Wisconsin 6 lot Oregon . 1J Los Ange1es St. 9 Col Poly (SLO/ At Northwestern , . 6 . 26 . . 12 ,a .. B ti 50 l 72 6 JS Lons Beach Sate . . . 17 28 Arizona Sta,e- • J20 R2~dlou1.s Santa Borboro2012ro ~,'i•~rM~f~~o" 8 ~g~vlvanla o 21 At Holv Crou 2] tt' ~;~vord Al Cofumb10 .~ 11 Cornell N U Al Pr nceton II 11 NORTHWESTERN LOS ANGELES ST. o l{ickoff is set for 8 o'clock. The 49ers have a powe•r!ul line anchored by 235 pound 1 a ,. k 1 <' Hector 'Alvar<'z Al- vart•z an All.California Coll<'• gia(P' AthlPti<' Association sc•• lection last sPason, has been the scourgc> of opposl11g ball 1 carriers in thi· six 19cr contests this VPar. It ·w i I J 11,, up to quart r-r- bucks Nrlson Murphy anu Pat Heminger to z,•1·0 in on the right targ it the Tor<'ros wish lp <'V<'n their sc>ason rec- ord at -3 for. the> SPII on Bow- rvPr, hctwe<'n them 1lwy h n• c-omplrtrd onl; 19 of. 81 pnss- es. So, il may be, ask111g ;1 lot , On land, the Toreos h,ttV<' something to now about. Full- back Jim De-Santis has gamed 333 vards in 7:J cardc•s, half• back Joe Gray has 24:l yard~ in 49 carri<'s, Don Dorkowsk1 14 4 in 19 and Howie William- son 136 in 35 B; comparative scores, it's all Long Bl'ach ThP 4\h•rs droppPcl a tight 12-7 c1,,,. s1on lo Univer ·Jty of Padfie while USD was handl<•a easily byl ro!'k;• road of !hC' CCAA !;O~- t~OJ • oug.hfan• for a victory against Thr 49ers can bank on a strong trio ot runners in Dal- las :\,loon Henry EdnPy and St~v~ H~rlman and a fin.t> runnrr and passer in Curlis ncnn<'tt. p<'lit1 urt lo a smooth<'r the Toreros. th<' Tigers, 40-7. J\foanwhil<', the Long Be ch club !lgur lj . 201'62N 25 Ar Washington (~fo'r.' fa"~ , 0 U 01 College :lo _ 0 11 6 O WASHING'fON O 28 W1oming N , At New MexJco At Co.Iorodo N 18 Uloh Stofe N 11 •J 0 28 At Fresno State -4 At Pe-J>perdine N 11 Col Western N 18 U ot San Diego _N 25 MCRD I N 101 J Mmnesota O 21 Ohl o 28 At ~orre bame Stat .. e,lco l0 3 f •w• f- 0 'n UFCr'onSco,~~'!. Bso,0roa, 9 ra 2 1 1 8U :: ~~~lnni:°C:r, J _ N11 Al Long Beach Slole_ N • Col Poly 2311 ,Qc _,,, • • · • 6 Pu rd ue llllnols WYOMING I 13 29 Montana 7 15 N.S. Stole 17 6 Kansas .21 6 Utah Stott 20 f~ . tii\J~~l'.h 0 1, 6 6 7 JOJ , _ 1/ (,.,'1~ci'n°.le " 59 . 6 . O ~i z;~~Y(},~~~t• 561 N , Sa. Calitornlo Asttanof~.. rdon 00 2281 2 us, Santa ea,ooro ... 0 16 Wesl .Vorg,nia . SAN FRANCISCO ST. VA~DE,R:8ILT .. 69 N 11 O 21 1 18 Colo State U... 2 2 ! !I ~~?:ooo _ 59 • N 5 ial~cJ.t:: 6 123 .. 9,~ey,:°-. t Br,gh..,m Young- •.. • . 9 21 Georg,a I< Long Beach Slate 17 63 76 I ~1 2: 21 0 1 0 :lot, g J . ·····:11 ,to 6 ~u"mbbl~'/'"s~~te \/·1;;!~"a ... . O O 28 U.C. Davis · 20 I 16 19 Oklo~~J~E DAME · o 30 So. Collfornla • ' 7 22 Purdue '· • · l · 7i 62 N 11 At New Mexico O21 At rMl~sfsslppf N n Kentucky N 17 Al Tulane N 25 South Corallno _Q 2 Ar Tennessee 28 21 16 Tt 74 WEST VIRGtNfA .JS 33 .. • , 26 RlChmond 6 Vandtrbilt 1, Svrocuse YALE N , At U San Diego N 11 At Sacramento St. N 18 Al Chico State SAN JOSE STATE ~~::'m~m 0 21 Al Mich,gan Slole O 28 Norlhwutern Nrv~. I b h ' 0 . .... 16 a CMnecticul . 19 1' Brown . . 1 4 11 I . , ?8 t' Cornell o~1.~th 0 !\~1. 0 Columbia . • ' ~,r,91n10 Tech. 0 11 Af Boston u 0 28 At Army 0 3 VILLANOVA fyroc/~ ur; 6.. 5" l~ . N :t 0 0 33 Mioml 1g 22 V.M.I. 17 28 Buffo O · 27 20 Holv Cross (0.1 . o 33 MassoChusens FLO'!OA STATE O 11 N25 Al Iowa D 2 At Duke ~,:it1~ir II 30 2 tS Gto Wash ns,ton 6 t~l~f ODI 1 g 'lf'r3 •~hmond 3: Ar KenhJ(k.'I -4 N 25 Tulane 2 : fl N 1 At Penn v•von,a N 11 At Princeton 13 71 N • At Cea. Woshlnglon in~cin!tate, Jdoho 6 Stanlord 1' Colo. Slote U. 0 21 At Oregan 2; 18 7 3 n Ola 1~; 1 IJ 6 1 6 J - B6 • . OCCIDENTAL 20 16 I< H0"111fon AFB ~g~tawr.~·:an . g 4510C21'areWmhollnt,!e·~udd 2' MCRO 32 ~l!_osl~n _o 21 2 94 ~• R~k AC 21 Al Vlrg nlo Tt PREP SCHEDULES- i~I 2 2 : N 11 N '< 11 Vallty All-Siers 387 Y 01 ° 1 PSaolvn <"-'oegmoona', 21 At Pacific u. 2 ... ' :~1i~~~n•g~f." SI, At Poc1f1c (Col.) C ladtl 8 Southern N ti 1/t '< 25 At Hau Ion N 18 At Fresno Stott O 28 At UC. S Borbora N 4 R@dlo d 4 68 l~ N lO Col 21 Ar Cal Poly (SlO) l: ~=:~~l 1 ~rtrNAS t~~,!~o cg,~,. n 57 ~~tern Lea,iue ~N DIECO MILT. 0 Carlsbad JV 6 D~~~ TH N 11 At Pcmono CRAWFORD CAROLINA o 6 Oceans,de JV o O Mt. Emprre o 33 Marian .so • 7 40 Mission Boy 1 ,J Cloir~morlf 17 J3 Kearny te°o~~i/ore~ 1 132 11 • 8 n ,o :i O l.S,U. OCEANSlOE·CARLSBAO J O21 Nortn Caro!,na O 28 Marvland -4 At V1rg-,n,o :i i~'i?.' State N 25 Af Vanderbilt t.. 51 19 Coollngo JC Porterv1P!" , 1.S OronQe Coast JC: if" A~ 1 ,g10 5 r:i·a;'V o 28 Antelope Volley N , t s th t 11 JC . 2' 21 14 25 0 I - 7 J 1u J.V, Lincoln 0 <17 12 27 20 MARYLAND N .~ E~ 0~,0Mo~~Sct,ogt 19 1 , N S VI J. ~~1r~SJino 2" C 1 emson Svroc;:use B North Carolina 8 ~! !f :O~ { 0 ":;,fna it ~~("·st5cJf.t• N 18 Woke Forest N 25 At Vlrgin10 22 N 17 El Caoitan 31 JC 72 30 Jmpt~Yo, wJg1r;,;' N 11 ,. .S so. CALIFORNIA O HOOVER a son Btrnordino o 20 St. AtJJ1ust1nt O 27 San Dlffo N 2 Keiamv PALLBROOK JC ,a f 14 Rcfn\Ona .• , Oceanside- 3 Armv-Novy \'1sta O 20 Powov O 27 Son Morcos . . 0 73 Teen SIJ~ 18 Santo Barbaro JC 13 J,c 13 42 0 lJ 18 27 l 07 HP•r.1lxt:omo .. «I FRESNO ST 16 Montano State o 21 US, Senta 8arboro 28 1 64 2 OHIO ST4TE •. • Iowa ,. • J4 181 • 351 o Notre ·Oome O 21 At Col1tornia 2 2 ~ ~linoJ~shlngton N n stonford N 18 At Pittsburgh N 25 UCLA T cu 1 3 1 State, l think they'll play hk~ Ti er. against u~ up there , 19 68 I Caf.L 1 20 Poclt,c "8~1 1 i:X 2 · · · · '2 ll N1Tn~'t's lO }~ gg:nbad MIAMI CFLA I 152 y SI~~. O) 0 •/ P~~1~k~h GO UNION I HE SAN DIE , 1111., OC't. 29, 196] _ SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA , Beack t f I I , Ek O t 1412 es u . w· 0 USD ,n ver Q 1) bs • l~ O 21 At Northwestern O 28 At Wisconsin i: ~tJc~lano 25 At Michfsan N • Iowa H ~arned. 1,eWis, 28 Son Diego Stott N 3 Ar Long Beach Stat, Ab Christion 27 2 j N 17 Perris tnn. State 10 46 r .. 7 ,J 33 6 6 Gros. mont League W. ·tern Cal LINCOLN 'A O N I N 18 , 6 POWAY 6 El Centro . lJ tl. 1 ~\~• Vlsia · . 8 20 c wto d pf~Lorria 27 c!,~~ado Son Jose Stott I 1 •62 9f _N coach who saw his elub los<' 46.1 2, to Whittier College last Saturday, said he. was Pn• couraged and believed hi ~ club played its best game. "The big difference in the• game was the ir great left end Stan SandNs, a 6·3, :9 8 ' " L ' ·d "No dash man , ew1s sa1_. ,, · body could stay with him, Jack Murphy, The San Diego Union's sports editor. was master of ceremonies at the luncheon, NAPKIN NOTES - Coryell believes Larry Korsmeier is a better punter than Gil War• ren. "Warren kicks 'em long. er but Korsmeier's are high and few are run back. . . . He said because of the great number of sophomores on the club, the Aztecs hav<' been inconsistent, .. . "If we can stop this fellow Vazquez this week I think we can beat New Mexico Western." said Pe,·arovich, 'Ou,· new for• mation, where we split th e lin e and slot the back, worked well." . . . Harris said the Marines might be in line for an invitation , to the Missile Bo 1 at Orlando, Fla., Dec, 9, • • . Lewis said that the Westerners' halfback Al Mud• Ison (only 5-6) is one of the finest athletes in San Diego 1 · 2Z 14 El Co~~a~A!.~N 27 Sweetwot~r , • 33 Monte Vl~fo • o 20 Mt. MtAUtf O 27 Chula Vista N 3 He:lx N 10 Grossmont N 17 CroMe H,lls g 20 El c~TonC~PITAN 3' 6 i, lio 1 f-."d!,r.trJ?,ta . F I 1 ~ Rg~;~k ""' 20 Faltbrook ,20 6 : o; a 27 Norlh Corcuna 1f tFi},~ne N 24 Northwestern D 2 At Florida I GEORGIA TECH, .. . 7f lCO 50. METHODIST It ra1 turn off he L J6 21 $,). C0ht ... 14 • 271 _ 6 Morv1ond 10 16 So. California 9 Air Force 0 21 Al Rice ' 0 28 Texas Tech, 2' 1' 25 OKLAHOMA STATE 0 2, Rf N 3 st. Auvustrne N 9 Son Ofego N 16 Hoover o Colorado 7 26 TtJlso 0 ori•~~b~asko 0 28 At Kansas N 4 At Wichi'a N 14 Houston o N 25 Kansa, State 19 D 2 At Oklahoma 1 owo State 51 33 O 6 Carlsbad O N N O 27 N 7 3 10 10 • • . N A mw- ovv rae,;"torcos O 59 - -- 21 Auburn 14, Tulane 4 FJorlaa : U :: 1ra'i:~e O 2 G:oruo u 14 1 MIAMI (OHIO) 20 ST. AUGUSTIN E 1/ A~•~~as A8.M . 18 SB j 3 w. Mrchlgan 2 Kent State 6 Purdue 26 32 Chula Vista N 18 Arkansas 2 ~ :: f 0 Z.~: ,i ~f. 0 1, 2' 'L°~o RAMONA 66 .1. • 0 13 12 l • O Follbrook ~~;',;~gJ . Poway gr, ~°.;6bico 7 Escondido O 20 Hoover 42 '59 ->I 12 : 7 0 21 At Ohio U 0 28 At BONling Green TOIPdo U !: ff:ic'r~notl N -4 HIils 1,0~· tf~~l~rd 2~ 0 \~YtTHIYESTERN COL. tat DP~?,!'· Frosh . ij U ~f•~i~,''~'t 0 AntelOPe Valley •• g n ~i l'c\'.f,'i.'i~o~li~v N 4 Oceansode•tarlsbad •: Tulan:TANFORD 34 Oregon State J Michigan State 17 San Jose Store Af Washington 0 21 It 2+~ Californfa N 18 Washlnoton Slote N 25 California 0 28 UCLA 17 3J u, o 27 Grossmont 1i m,ne Vista 25 N 9 H,over il 57!!. _. 8 1: 19 20 OKLAHOMA 2 6 Notre Dame ts Iowa State 7 Texo~ O 21 KoMas o 28 Co1orodo N 17 Son Diei,o 6 ,t ~,c ·ys ...!!. 17 Crawfo,d ra",;'u;:;:~~~os N 11 Armv•Navy 6 Frem~i"' cPllfGO 6 Manual Arts (LA) 21 :ze J 33 .58 0 0 Cl I~
fi :: MICHtCAN ST, 19 g j} .. At Kansas Sto1e- At Missouri 21 g }:J!;::r · 20 WJscons1n StoMord lS M1ct,fgon t., 11 SAN MARCOS . JA~\~~ Veoas J '! 18 At Army N 2S At Nebraska O l' 0 0 6 (Continued) rd 0 2l Notre Darr e Q 28 Indiana :: ~~R!!ota N 18 Ngrthwestern t 1: g I~ ~~eo~:,,~e World a 20 Army•Novv O 27 Fallbrook 2 Qk;lahoma State t~,;~P~fs~a tSf~A1~ 107 l U 17 Ltn ~ARVARO Si 1-4 Corot/' " o cc aot 2 f O21 Calunibfo O 28 Dartmouth N , f :\loon. who l an excellent away but it seemed to halt in 28 u 9 u 5 in• o , rr- N 3 Mrir N 10 Mt, Miguel ,·, N 17 El Coion '° ;.),~~ Vlsto ·. 34 Granlle Hills O 20 Polo Verdo ,o t. player on offense• and ddense, has plek,·d up 254 yards for a mid-air 4.9 a, rrage, F.dnPy has 215 dead on for a h1g. 9-yard a,.,ragP and plays Hartman has pickc:d up 21 ~Hartman for 4.2. JO 22 -46 ,3 31 68 19 J4 d ~sonbo NN \l"e~tern League CLAIR EMONT dropped ~o 0 then __ and OREGON STATE 6 o lllmols N 25 8 Svracuse 0 Stanford J l~ w~~nsln 0 l°J IJ 0 16 the USD 36. Five Po-Noy f N 11 GROSSMONT lS 79 6 i° ' 1~ 25 frowta rd 'o ,;,irate~o O26 Miss,on Boy Steve later . 21 Ar Pennsyl..,ilnla Prln"ton 1\lt,•De,ert J.Pai;-ue CALI PATR IA 6 O21 At Adzana Stote N 14 Wa MICHIGAN 3 ~ !.'.~.J.on Slalo 0 21 At Mfnnesola N • Duke NII Al lflfna;, bC:,yg Slo•o 19 UCLA 0 21 Purdue {g N 11 N 18 Brown N 2.5 At Yale I cu~i;, £ 2\ 2:, 63 g ~r.,~:nlroJV lmp~riof . . 0 27 Holtville N 3 Mt Emolro 6 _N 10 Son Pascual . o 1~ 2f . ' t't 1~ R~a,i~' 0 N 17 At Sonta Monico " SYRACUSE :i,g~g~hi~~g from sPven yard. Bennett has complet<'d eigl~turn<'d out to be the deciding of 19, gained 7:5 yards and touchdown. leads the dub in punt a n d The wind although dying kicko(f returns \,:i th l 119 an down some~hat in the fourth 113 yard , re ·p,-cllv<' Y period: k<'pt Long Beach deep '/Jfoev,tt n,01 Ltong 800 iJ'~,n nmin its country then. The Tor- {2 ~io, [l 1:1:i::: ~5~·eros were abl~ to grab a 49er , y~;o1~ 8 s\ 90) Ric H"rl:~ ~68fumble on the Long Beach 24 j · y I f225l R Farrell 1:g midway o! the final stanza. 1 G~~1e1 <21e• ~B :,:,,:-;:/l J75Three plays later Don Dor- OOriffc,';.-(,o~18t\90, mkowski went off left tackle !or g~i~n1\i 9 "l,as> FB Hortman 210 19 yards and a touchdown. o N 10 El Ca,on 11/ 31 19 Oregon State . 29 Wesl Virginia 12 21 Maryland 28 Nebroska o O2! At Penn, Slole 2 2 = ~f,'t~b~i~~• iflg,_\' 6fre Dome . :: IS N25 At O,egon D 2 Ar Houslon I O20 Rancho def Compo .._!!. 11 Helix 1' W- 66 -18 n 11' 22 KEARNY 37 2~ HELIX , 7 . . 6 12 Browley OREGON HOLY CROSS 6 ,o Cloiromonr o St. Auousline . . idoho 51 .!O 6 V, lanovo i 'i. 1 g JJ 13 2 1 i O 67 ~gg HOLTVILLE ~Il ls. OO~Oa~~~~,on· Bov O 27 Lo Jolla 1~~esoto 7 l! \. 8 21 Do't 2 ~ ~~Y1~acuu In 40 29 Palms ~~"'t, 0 58 Nt. 0 Em",;rr! , O 20 lmpor,ol d O 20 Monle Visla 2 2\ 6 Arizona MINNESOTA N ,i 1 t/'/:Jti~el 9 ~rl f, 0 l!,':,'1~;::.,ont N 25 At Boston Cauege l~nw'0°,Si;in~(~~e o, MOresso . 13 l 9 0 50 _.!:/. 17 Pt. Loma N 10 El Capitan N 17 Grossmont ii- N • Al Stanford N 11 Ar Washington St, N" Al Ohio Slot• -·;:: ::,.,~""l~,\~ la 2J 2 t 12 57 TENNESSEE 26 is IOO~i°'t~fe1llf.:-~ls 0 28 Michigan . 21 2~ g~-w:ra IL Son o~d.?oLLA h~~~t:t . 21 Acburn 6 H 7 a :l •J u .t JlZ :i:~a j 7 o"' 25 1 :: e ca VIS:~ .. r~~"b~~o O;iis,:ti;~b: A:A:1:,: ~late ti:i;"an Slot, 2 2~ 8~9 <6 'J 19 . d J3 m 39 IMPERIAL Oo¾ c~!'m. N 3 Er ~.:..ifan N 10 SNeelwotcr N 17 Ml. Miguel o 2 7 G 0 ·1 H C ula J;~,c.;tic ~1·1:~~ 1 ~ gros1;"°!1fn N 1 Mo':i1~ eVi,las MT. MIGUEL O 27 H•II• )Jetro Lea1;ut1 "'~ """ Fonlono SI. Augustine 1 22~ i7a~g;,~c?arofino N 11 Georv,a Tech. N 18 Al MissossippJ 2 j ¢~n~_;ntinfKY ~;•J~~c~,J~ore u. son Diego • Freoso Slate N25 Wisconsin ' 77 MT~xs,°'s,'!.p~p~SsT"IOo~o !,t,1 .I> 'Calex· 0 Romo';g O Col,potdo O 20 Holtville <>" •-;;,.;~ N 10 Mf Emi:,Jre N 3 Cla,remon1 N 10 Po,nl Loma N 17 Mission Boy MISSION BA y 7 16 40 JO 24 .~ Cc ·2c MISSISSIPPI :!f'::tpP,llege 28 2J 1 8 6 1 :A1lazkuma '6 Ackansas '7 Houston ii 70 O19 New Mexico Stote t g JJ f~: ~~f:•s g2 1 2 11 0 ~mo -ot• I 26 . 21 . •o '7 91 90 __ ~~~•$!ale . 'cam 79 O Crowto,d 1 1 6 0 ~8r°K~~nv 7 6 Oceanside O 2 2~ ~~~;:-rrg:::o N 9 St. Auousl,ne N 17 La Jolla . TEXAS A £ M ldoho N • At cld S~o~ i/ifl: •~ •• The Toreros tried to tie it with a run but the pitchout was bobbled. San Diego's Jim Desantis was the running star of the game althdUgh Joe Gray l\nd j Dorkowski scored the points. I DeSantis picked up 81 yards in 18 carries while Gray had 1 47 fo1· nine trips. lsTARS BOTTLED Defensively USD bottled up halfbacks Dallas Moon and Henry Edrw~ :'v!oon had 68 yards in Jour t rl~ . 46 of them on the first ,-erimmage play of the game. Eclny, who had a nine.yard average\ was held I to 34 in six carrir::;,. Long Beach scored quickly and with ease in the, !irst pe- 1 riod with only two minutes gone, Hartman went oft the right side for 26 yards and a score. Tom Turrill made the first of two important place- ments. USD had a break in the first period when a Long Beach punt went out on the 49N 41 but cou ldn't take ad- vantage of it. BREAK HELPS The Toreros made the most of another chance a little lat• er when Al Borza intercepted I Curtis Bennett's pass on the Long Beach 39. Six plays lat. er Gray went the last l 5 1 yards around right e nd, Thel kick, however, was low, USD stopped two Long Beach threats in the second period. It recovered a fumble on the U D 22 and halted a 46-yard march on its 24. The strong wind then came to the aid of Long Beach. USO ..... . 6 0 0 6-12 1 Long Beach SI, ,. , ., 7 0 7 t;-J4 LBS-Hartmon1 26 run {Turrlll kick). USD-Groy, 15 run (kick falled), LBS-Hortman, 7 run (Turrill kick). USD-Dorkowskl, 19 run (Run failed). " 7 120 J t.~·~· 7 Hous,an PALOMAR So" Jose Stat, ,g 2 2 : X?"E~sbJ.' o 21 At Tulane N 11 ~f - " 11 ~ -, a Calipa!rio MT. EMPIRE . 0 Tech fo ,, • ,2 fSLO' 6 $a~A'o ~L .. Sl II 17 iray~,;:;,::ii. r&. 70 "" 10, SaOrnegonJ~-AHStooleu. g ~::i~.i!~at!tore g Jl !( t: 0r;:vs,a1e N < Pocof c; !Col) NII Al Aro,ona N Jj At Monlona ·- 6 Ja~ .!;,8'Gtat~alley sr. Long Beach State l,oL fosf:,i 7: Adams Stal• N l ' U(, Sant • Barbaro 0 0 s; Trinity u 2 Ctrus fForfeil) g ~J :~vToru. N 1 4 Al Arkanso, ss Son Miguel 2g ?'ti'"~·'l'Jt JV . ~1~~~rf~g,h 11 D 2 Mo,sissipoJ Slolo 32 !: 96 i, 22 1l O Long Beach SI. JV ,i 8U~[ Pn'i~~i~de.J 0 Y 1~~bod 0 , 6 0 58 o H'o1iv111~' orv : : , g 61 .Ji POINT LOMA l1Mil~ce M1ssrss1pp1 ST. r8 ~~~ronTe 0 7 i~-:,c1;gs~~f1compo _ ll Escondido _N 2J Texas N 24 At AnteloPe Valley t:u~;~~,:~rtloro ll N 3 Coliootria ' r,aa~~9ustine c,a,remonl 30 2i 107 TEXAS CHRISTIAN 25 17 59 28 'ALIFO,NJA ,, 65 Imperial ~.i~.. '" N 10 ' 0 , . 16 o ii s 17 K - r " " 9 , ""'"- 28 • " " ,_,, 10 N 10 • " l• """""'"' "'" .. ,,,:-.,,,. 20 Novv . 10 3 Ar>anso; 9 Miami (Mia.I RANCHO def CAMPO . 1 N 2 Mossion Boy la Jollo . 20 = i 'l 5- 7 ILLINOtS '4 Ml saurl 2 Wash,nglan s G t ,~i•;t~ 1 J:::r ' 2 ·~ g ta 33 26 Coronado JV t 11:i,:•~:r· N • Purdue 8 j~ 25 001r'a1\xJs°c~.&M • , " .,,,,, ,g 33 6 • n ii.ri~. 14 7 Washln lo• .. \~M,, L~flitt Cage Post/~% Ken Leslie hu r ed as head ba ketball C!OI. the /Unive mty ol D ~ lf'~reros. The r PSigna. WOl epted by B ob S atll OP. !rector and becam6 eflMitl\'.-'immedi- ately. The former cage mentor's resignation was expected since he had joined the San Fran- cisco Saints team a.s a player in September. The Saints are members of the newly formed American Bru;ketball League. An all-time great while at USD, Les 1 i e trook over the coaching reins last year and] piloted the team to a 10-16 season mark in his first year as a coach. Sexton said that candidates for the p o s i t i on are being screened. Assistant coach Ed Baran, a 1961 graduate ol the university and thref\vyear letter winner, has been handling the Toreros. during th-elr pre-season work- outs which began last Monday. Preliminary training has been limited to cross-country running and other conditioning exer- cises. The Toreros started formal practice sessions last Monday at the municipal gymnasnnn In Balboa Park. The new field house which will include ~m l will not be completed until April, 1962. I 7 :,'"~~•~:hf. '111A Ml·c•w1i,o,nan, n 0 o 2 2 N I~ !: N 2' Rice D 2 s M.U, A,·ocado League CORONADO N' ll 0,r,. 0 utar1, 24 g ~l N n cP o 0 S 2 26 .onoter SEw,ece 0 tw 1 0 7 it 1J~ '?';}ts 0 0 , Al M 1 i::n•i,g~uTHERN 7 NII Al w::t~irg,nfo nd 0 2 At UCLA :~n,:;:•co c ;1i USORally Nips Ponie ~Ou. 1 DeSantis t r t: ., G! By JOHNNlfJUcD NALD Jim Desantis, a compact 185-pound fullback, a 1 m o s l single-handedly carried th e University of San Diego Tor. eros to a come-from-behind 20-18 victory over tough New Mexico Western yesterday in USD Stadium. Desantis' powerful thrusts accounted !or 165 of the total * >,< * STATISTICS NMW USO First downs 11 18 Rush Int vardase . . 187 3:W Passlnt yordoge 1, JS Pones . 6·14 '4·13 Posses had intercepted J o Punts . . . . . . .... 7·36,3 5--35.0 Fumbles lost . . . 1 1 I Yard, penal/zed . . • . . . . 73 54 * * * 334 yards made rushing by the Toreros and obtained t w o valuable touchdowns. The 23-year old senior and captain of the USD squad sparked a fine second ha I ! offensive by the Toreros who trailed, 12-7, at intermission. In fact, th an Diegans re., mained in a state of s h o c k through most of the first half after Mustang halfback R a Y' Cross ran the opening kickoff/I back 90 yards for a touch- down. De Santis, a Jameston, N. Y. boy, stole the show from New Mexico's one-man gang, full. back Juan Vasquez. The Mus- tang runner, who was listed second in the nation among small coflege players for most yardage, made a noble effort by collecting 93 yards in 19 carries. In tact . the extra point I: Sweetwaler Mor Vista 26 12 0 30MJ.~t 0 NN 25 At srantord 0 2 ~ 'm,pe~r:;tre . .. 20 Oxnard TEXAS TECH. fl-' TO Holtvil1e 6 N 11 Holv Cross 7 _ 2S Al Pillsburgh ii 42 N 17 Hilltop 20 SW Loulsfono • -92 1 Memphis Slolo o O 28 Ab;Jene Chrlst,on 2 N 4 N,C. Slolo N II Ar Lou ,oano Tech. t, 18 Ar Florido 5tote 25 Tr,nfly, Texos , Choltanoao 0 21 Arkansas Stole 28 8 N 25 At Michigan Slote IMP. VALLEY COL, CAL WESTERN 27 8' '5 98 . 6 O Mission Bav 0 20 Un,vers,ty 38' O 27 Oceanside 1 N 10 Souonno High N 17 Vlsto 19 Palos O t~~~s,(i~) 16 21 M1ss100 Bay •• 7 Escondido . O ,o Son O;eguito £ 2; ~?ft°ci'ado University Son Oieguito _ 13 Follb,aak . . J 1:, 'j N Carlsbad 0, N O Mississippi Stale 7 7 Texo, A 8. M 14 Texas 6 •• . .. 21 66 o Rea,ano 32 U, of Mexico occtdenlol 2) LaVtrnt 12 W•ltt,e, 31 1, • ESCONDIDO 45 PENNSYLVANIA 28 27 Vista I< Latavetle O Dorlmouth 3 Pr;oceron o 21 B,ov.n O28 Rutger, 2 56 Sa. Cal. College 90 125 20 32 Point Loma ,. El caoilon 22 Oceanside d 0 ";t JO 10 T.C.U. . h 'R di 14 Y~bo o [ r JS 2$ SAN PASCUAL F O 21 Bovlar O28 At S.M.U, 1 1 ~~~7on College N 2S Al Arkansas _o 2 Wesl Te>os Slote ros 20 19 Parktr, Ariz. .12 12 Browley JV ,& _ 9 JC 0 78 Peooe•d·n• N • Al Cl;,,emanl-Mudd A ... 0 20 Mar Visla 501 a O:~• {:;{;th~~~ JC g ... ·: £ 2 : N 1111 £ NN dtl ·camPo Emt:iire 81 6 66 t1 H,t;~o rd N 18 At Columbia ,2 fa"Ai::'°ia,-/;;,,a JC ~t, AOnceart.,,.~evoJC, JC l'lnug:,~v~!~fg. .6 "" ~J U Of San 01.vo CINCINNATI 16 Davion o Bo Ion Cc, ••• 1 1 w,ch ta 6 :r:'f!ar::u Houslon O 8 No Texas St N J At Tulsa II Miami {0 N 2.i Detro r 071 I~ f,,~~v1tEMSON 2• No Co ol!na 1 Wake Fore 0 2 Al D k D28 Al Aib~rn ,, 2 ~ i~~ri"(Ji~~~ oH.ileltnop 1107 O20 Mf O 27 Imperial N 3 Holtvllle N 10 Callpatr·o 2B Wo,m~~l2,Uf,~.~· 6 Mln~e ota 161N 6 31 O _ N 25 Cornell rera..... 9 - 22 TEXAS U. 6"\ ;~ 17 I ... 1 HILLTOP - 28 Colifornla 11 J"';/,' ~ech, ·.27 28 0 ~~oh',;::;gn 21 1 ' IOO ?,' 10 PEPPERDINE 14 Col fornia ..\'f';'.,"..,, 51 f 11 i 1, '2 98 1 Kansa '6 37 5 19 Soa Oiegulfo 12 Grossmont 2 Lincoln 0 01~ \:;•5~110 o 27 Mar Vista . ° e O O Soc•amen10 St. 16 Chico St91e l6 Ne~ Mexico Hfgh,onds ,181 1 ~ '(f.h•~~r 0,ego·. . . " "f,~~NA 16 23 21 Imperial League BRAWLEY 51 1 o 28 Neoro,ko , Colo,oo? , I J Wlscan,,n N ~a l7 8 Iowa I &n 0 21 At Arkansas 028 Rice NN 1 ' 1 At S.M.U, N 18 ~ 0 l_ 1~'. f T 27 ifl 10 N 17 .. 6 • f1•~1~m~~nWd,•. N 4 At Norlhwcsterri N u~~ 1 ~;~r'~1ra1n1a 7 Coachella 7 Kearny Lo Jolla 13 Calexico i, 60 .••• 40 ...... 25 ... 28 ·: ~~~.~mftatt • 7 . 12 13 . 1 SAN DJEGUITO O 21 At Cal Poly {Porn) O28 Cal Westorn N 4 So'l Diego State N TO At UC, S. Bnrbaro N 25 AJ Kansas t . HloilUOJPolla 67 .... N N 10 E:i~d1°rlir N 17 Chulo Vista J S 1 19 • 57 . 7 2 14 NAV<,i 20 O 20 O 27 Los Vegos N 3 Polo Verde N 10 Calexico N 17 El Centro er Centro ~- 25 Calexico 32j O Mar Visto . exas A&M ,.. Wm. - d ur "° 1, 9 N 2J A • -II 19 .• . , "S p f _N 18 Lons Beach Stale 2l :~ Mia,::/Tf~,~~R~H g, Mor, ff f:ifas[i\~.) 33 Jl 19 Unfve~stt~ VISTA : i\~~~{u~.NE 1; 99 ·; 1[ ~r 21 Dra,.'eOWA STATE i 1-4 OKklhoma State 17 1( Ok 0 Jnash0 oma 1 2 2 1 ~?'li'gs't~'~:L 2 7 ~?[t~naoo N 10 Vista N_ 17 University . . 3 Florida 13 Baylor AAt' DPelttt~~lul,gh 14 14 0 o 208 16 22 20 ·t D" s 39 6 . 20 75 • 13 ... . 27 VirQinia Tech. 0 21 Al Mississippi £ 2: Xf 0 lf~::,.;;~n. g C"J~~rJ,f/ 0 .> N 25 Al LS.U. wWoes'ininvo,lr0'1ginlo i/J" E;~;fo~o . 1 67 CALEXICO 28 ll ·11i lmperlrJI Holtvil, Son Dlegu,to O ,a N 4 Al Notre Dome •lr3ii~e D 2 Army fPhfla I l f~,~~:~~:o~iKA l(onsos State 6 Svracuse 10 ,{'?1\'1s~6~;~ I: ~?",~~a Slale N 18 Colorado 25 Oklahoma JOO ~{ N 102 7• 21 27 O 27 Hllltoo ~ g~~~ I1 1 UNt'vERSITY O21 At UCLA £ 2 1 f, 0 ;~racu,e 1i1 s~olteo,;?i;;N;, ~i~ t, ,~ ~%n~~ 1 '/.ioh s N 11 Neora,k~ 1; ~~ Carolina 1' J~ !: 1 J~ 1 1 7 Sweetwater _ N_ '6 ~'ata~:uma) ~~~a'b'i~uilo t~f;~odo ~uc~l'ato J9 l~ :: Cori~~;TWATER 24 Granllc HIils 7 El Caion . O Hordin•sTn\1;,~~' o ~N 25 Peon Srote •J 1 62 •:,. Calfto:~~A U f~l~ria"'O O g ?J X'.1•~~ae n ,.o 21 M111our 65 16 12 Memphis Stale 0 Arkansas PRINCETON I~ 28 - - '8 - . 6 55 COLGATE VISTA · ~i:i:;,iia JO 26 2r 13 2 g 21~ 0 20 64 3 g Ii !! f:~~:lon · 26'.20 Escondido :i r~:{~~~ra O 20 Savanno o 27 UniversilY N 3 Oceanside Jr. N lY ~~~on~~"ci'uilo 1~ir~~~tVisla O 9 Pennsvlvania 2 ~f~i!L N II Ar Harvo,d N ra Yale N 25 Dartmoulh Ro Stale 2 J Harvard 101 g ?J :: 6 • 0 0 ,t t?,h~~xo, stole 52 i~~~"v1~to • t'.n~~~.: N 18 At Ml N 17 Mar Vlsto N • Cincinnoli Houslon Jo,-a Slate N 11 N 18 N 11 Al Snac N 23 Arb•o~n 11 R 70 - - <9 31 90 _ '2 Palomar League t g"-outhern League 59 I~ ~°,;'dJ1~~;~~:vY MARIAN 7 Fallbroak 21 8 41 39 ;: Ai• Forc~CLA 7 ,2 "ewN~";Jt0E~/~1~ •• , tJ 1~ u ! •g '1 J! 1 t".nC:fn~,.srern 21 7 2~ (5'~ft'•s~~•e 6 21 Vonderbill 13 Woshin:Po~OUE O 21 Al Mlch1gon /i ?8'.l'e 65 12 o W 0 g n 12 0 lndi:ALO VER?E • 43 , Bishop Amat 13 19 HottvUle- 28 6 Coachella 0 20 GrOS!ilTlonf N 3 Browley N 10 El Centro N 17 Calexico ,i'i~zona ':,,S 1 1• 8 Kentucky 47 O Co,lsbod 21 25 n 26 u,·,,versi1v JV § ~lo Jmi~!? N 16 ~~r:,,~"
P,llsourgh ~~c!i~~~i~ O 21 I ij :; __& l~ O 28 Ar Force 6 ~l~~oo Stoto git ~rir&i,, I N 2j Al Oklahoma Sbte S S ii rd lt~1~i%san 1~1~;~rcos ~n:::~~o St, u. ~: State l~ ll ~i _8a s,__ N 11 ~~~ona za•t~n•::o:,iforn,o so 26 j N 25 Cr!nham Young 10 T a. 36 65 i, ;o I NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE AMERICANFOOTBALL LEAGUE ftO~TON 93 I D Ntw York 2 , Los BAAn z~~~o~!oto 7 Green Boy 10 Chicago /l~ o 29-At Ooki;,;"d-. l Srin Diego N S 9 LeT,.1Ms 0.RE 2l u Jl 121 '.3 10 Denver Broncos O 17 k\W York Titans At New-York "'ftans 24 1_011 AfNewYork 1S 113 U f?~~~ton o 29 N 11 N 19 N 26 D 3 0 10 D 17 N 23 At Detroi1 D J New York ot Mllw. D 10 At Son Francisco. D 11 At Los Angeles Da::as P'1ilodelPh10 Pittsburgh At Cle-.,elC'lnd At Green Bay At Philadelphia Cleveland N w Vo,k an D eoo 1 kou.sron O 11 Houston 8 20 Bu tolo 2 N J Dall01 N 17 Oa~land £?: J At Denver 5 :J :: fg~'o":vo AP Doi OS 35 Los Angeies JS Minnesota . O 22 At Chicago 0 29 At Pittsburgh N Detroit N 12 At Los Angeles Ji ~~~'n°e~~to 8,~ t~~~,,~~re . N 23 Buffalo D l Oallns D 10 Housto,i D J7 Ar C>Qllos 0 24 121 107 DALLAS 33 • 45 27 Pittsburgh • 24 21 Mlnne50ta 1 1 Clevelonc, 28 Minneoool?s JO New York 8 N 5 St. Louis DENVER 2/ o 12 At Detroit 2; ?;~~iav N 12 At Mlr,nesoto N 19 St. loul~ £ . 10 • •s Jll 2 Buffafo 7 eoston .24 - 7 161 51 LOS ANGELES 25 : S~ 0 ~rk · 11 Dallas ..... 27 - 2-4 Baltimore 14" 134 1 . .... 21 107 1J g .31 17 Chicago 19 :ri~f!l~~~k 2 At Pltrsburgh ,6 At Phlladelphia 0 17 At Washington N N lP Wo,:hin9ton N g 1J iiesf. 1°L~uls 11 Green °s~iROIT O Son Franci~ca 11 Chicago J.I LO$ An9eles . o n Bolt1more 0 29 At Los Angeres f'4 .5 At Son Froncisc.o ;~ ~: ~fn~~~ 5 olls ,J S 2 1 f retr.c~~~ D 10 Mlnnesoto D 1 7 Philadelphia :1 .H ' 2 ~ f~~sbt{g~c,sco· . . O :n At New York 0 29 Detroit N 5 Mlnne!ofa N 12 San Francisco N 19 At Green Bay N 26 At Chicago 13 Detroit . 27 8 751 27 Cle~~~~:o~LPKIA .. 1H?!i~1{;s .2'. 0 HouSIOC:,AKLAND J A~71a~iego · JJ Denn, 24 Denver O 21 Son D'ego 2 2 I ~f'eu~fci~ N 17 Ar Bostot, 2 f :~,~~as 0 11) Boston O 11 Houston ._, II ,6 Dari , -"' Ookland : ~~r,~1~n 8 Boston 2, New York 0 20 A 0 19 Otnver \ New York fl At Denver 10 Dalio o 3 At Hou1tou D 10 Buffalo O 17 Boston f Ook"ond .A.f New York :t6 ;2 92 SAN DIEGO ~•l<;..~t York 2 ~ :.~ ~n Dlrgo sa~'o~~o : .2Y; _ D 17 Boltimore .. ~10 . u 1" Washington Pi1tsburgh ·20 Sf, Louis 27 St 21 .cl _ D 11 At Soo Franc:Jsco N Louis ...• 19 93 111 D 10 20 27 ,-.i 12' ll • N j9 Bott910 CHICAGO .. .27 122 New ~~-rkLOUIS . :. l~ 2T . l'3 Minnesota 2 J t~~e~"&~ 1 31 Dtlrolt 24 Balt,more o 22 At Dallas o 29 At Washington N 5 Chlcoqa ~j :: ~l~~efu~cfk 2j f?'~~ftsburgh D 10 NeN York O 17 At Detroit j At HOU! on trb~~ta, N g 17 Cleveland 30 PhllodelPhio 2-4 New York 7 Phllodelp'1io .. :s , 37 ·!! 17 10 I . ... . g 9 . 20 . o~tlOM~norwrmtire 87 1) 166 0 2~ Ar Washington 0 ?9 Cleveland N 5 At Dol!os N 12 Detroit N 19 At Bortlmore N 26 Af Pittsburgh D 3 wo,-hini.iton D 10 Dollos D 17 Plffsburgll 8?l ij ii D 17 Green Boy lO 16 Bottimore l~n B~{.?~.~<• N S At Phi1<1delohla N '2 Green Boy 11i • 1S 78 , • 9 MINNESOTA 13 J:4 31 17 Chicago IJ 7 Dallas . 21 109 ao 27 l; 21 JS f~ssl~fe~~lnclsto 33 Baltimore O D~llos 2 • Son FroflCl!:CO 0 22 Green Bav N 12 Baltimore N 19 Detroit D 10 At Detroit D 17 At Chicago 23 2 2 ! :; ~tt·ategy by the Mustangs in , not using Vasqupz m::iy have cost th<'m the game, and, at most, a tie. But, U1is was Desantis' fin. est hour. Desantis was only (Continued on b-!.l, co,. 2) PITTSBURGH D 3 Al Delrolt 0 l'.J Clf!11elnnd o 17 Mne3ot 28 U Dollos . 38 14 New fork 14 Los Angel~ 10 99 Jg C 89 16 35 14 2, l05 t~e!n:~res CLEVELAND WASHINGTON 2' o n Cleveland O 29 Snn Francisco 1~ ~~ifci:veland 19 Al New York Sr. Lcuis :; Philadelphia o 10 At Washington 0 17 At St. Loul5 N :26 D . O 3 San Fronclsco / PhllodelPhio ~l New York 11 20 Ph l00elph10 '17 20 St Louis lO If ~~,~~rMfon 17 Gretn Ba,, O 22 .At 27 17 t~ss~~te~~;cisco 7 64 7 7 Ci~velol'ld O P/tlsburgh 0 22 St. Lou,s D 29 Phl1adetpt110 N 5 At NeN York N 12 Clcvelond N 19 At Dallas 2 f :~ 1 !~~l~~'I$ O 10 Pi1tsburgh D 17 Dallas . Jl 20 GREEN BAY 121 -49 13 Detroir 17 10 81 7 10 17 17 0 Pittsburgh 2 2 ~ i!ufJur L:'i' N 12 At WoshYngton N 19 Phllt1t1,.lohla N 26 New York 0 l At Dallas o 10 At Chicoso :;o San Fronclsco 2, Chicago ,s Baltimore ,9 Cleveland 0 22 At Minnesota 2 2 ; ~tG~m~r:' N 12 At Chicago 1~, NEW YORK St. LOvls Pill!.burgh 15 Washington Sf. Lavis 2-4 21 1-4 88 '1 • JS 10 10 '9 19 Milw SA'I FRANCISCO '" •• ij Woshlng,on Gre4'n Bay Oerro11 .. Jl Dollos , O 22 Los Angele,, 3 0131 124 r
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