News Scrapbook 1958-1961
In Player ~wap Pair Sent
To Toronto By Indians By J .t:RRY MAGEE The San Diego Padres· promised accent on youth be• came a matter of necessity rather than choice yesterday whe>n 1he Cleveland Indians swept away outfielder D a v e Pope, 33. and shortstop Larry Raines. 28. They were sent. to Toronto in exchange !or Hob Tiefe. nauer, a relief pitcher. In addition, the Indians will send another player not yet.
T b7 I MINORITY GROUP 1 CITED Field Blamed For lnju
LARRV ltAINl<:!11
Loht-the Padres' "MVP"
hls ,303 avera,re
the Intc-rnatlonal
~=fue team as part of the LJ,S. LOSES BY 2 "It's tough to lose a man like Dave Pope," manag-er George Metkovich of the Pa. dres said from hls home in Inglewood. "He's a terrific
Aussies Capture World Golf Title ST. ANDREWS, Scotland, Oct. 13 1/1'1-Au,tralla won the
man for a Triple A ball club, not only for his playing but for his attitude. "I don't think we'll miss Raines as much as I 0 ope." EXPECT LEFTHANDERS
first World Amateur golf team l'li;1.mplonship today by the "The only thing that takes margin ot !W? strok,:,~, one supc•rb round of golf by young away some o! our disappoint• Bruce DPvlm and ph,mome~ally lucky shot. ment in losing Pope," Padre The Australians margin in ------------ general manager Ralph Kiner the JS.hole playoff tor t h e St I N d said from Palm Springs, "i~ huge Eisenhower trophy enge ame that all the players we PX• was 222 s1rok<'s against 224 pect may replace him also _ . , are lefthand hitters. fo1 the United Sta\Ps. '58 AL p• 1 t "We anticipate getting some• D l~VUN CARDS 72 I 0 body equally as go·oa:• Th<' count was bas<'d on 1hl'.' d Pope wats nalmedl thel· Pa• three low S<'0res for e a c h NF-W YORK, Oct. 13 (UPI) res mos va uab e Payer . -Cnsey StPngd 68-year•Old both in 1957 and 1958 his only learn Devlin, who <'Pil'.'brated f th ' N y k . · , . . . . manager o e ew or lw? _seasons with the PacifH• his 21st. birthday during the Yankees, was sele<'ted today Coast _League team, He hit compet1llon last W<'<'k, made as lhe Unit<'cl Press Intcrna- .~13 with 18 home runs the the greatest contributlon to- tional's American League ma n•
Joe K a pp , 205-pound California quarterback from Newhall, will lead the Bears against Southern California
in Pacific Coast Conference game Saturday afternoon in Los Angeles. Kapp, a senior, is BE>ar c.-o-captain.
,uren Draws 250 fine for :hoke' Sign NEW YORK, Oct. 13
Army Tops UPI Football Rati ngs
• PLEASE PAY ON WAY OUT Ir you ean I <·atd1 'em ~o,ning In get 'em grnng OH That's the wuy thr y c-ol- lr.eted admlso;ion fee at• urd y afternoon at t h e 'football game here be- tween Cal '\\'p~tern a d Uni,ersity o! Call!oi ia, RivN ide. Al Le" i . Cal West rn roa!'h. explairn•d to t h e Monday Quarterback Club ye terday that there wu a mlsunder tandlng over the game·s .starting time, and ticket Uers weren't on hand when !ans .started arnving. So the sellers picked up a !ew admissions dQring the game and, till ~ar. Ing down, nailed B o m I' more as they 1ert t h e JH'l'mt es alter tlle !inal gun.
NEW YORK. Oct J.3 IUPil-Army who~e Cadets defeated first season and last summer d it h h h t 1. ' batted 316 with 19 homers war
ag<'r of the 1958 SPason.
1_ eball com_mlsBtoner Ford Notre Dame on its own field Saturday, today topped the and 96 r~ns batt d in. :ick today fined Pl t c he r United Press International college football ratings for the
w en e s o a p ay- of! round of 3 7 •3 5- 72 over the
Stengcl, who has won nin<>
1--------- --
Popp also was elected by massive Old Course of St. An- P<'nnants and sevPn :' or l d
yne Duren o! the New York first time in eight years.
fans as the most :popular Pa. d
$250 f
ch,,mp1onsh1ps Ill 10 years with thP Yanl«'<'S, was chosen by But it was a whistling iron 15 of the 24 American League rewa. t . writers thl'<'<' from each cit us r~ ian cap am who ~~de up the UPI boa!ci Bob Stevens which struck the f . .
m ee!I
In a drastic re~
mg a
the131-6 tr!bmp!i o\"e_r Pure, ,e, ~d-
a st year. Too,
e was
•hoke up ' gesture at an um- top 10 teams, Auburn slipped vanced irom s1xtll e during the 1!)58 World from first to second and Okla- 1 with five first-place votes and along_ With handyman Earl s O Y homa, usually at or near the 244 points. Ohio State, hard- Averill. _ top slnce the UPI ratings were pressed by Illinois dllring a Raines h!t -~03 for San Di- pin on the 14th hole a n d O expei ts. He also levied fin~s o! S50 inaugurated in 1950, dropped 19-13 victory, advanced from ego. He hit five home runs drQpped safely on tlie green l\11lwaukeeltrom second to 11tk. Okla• fifth to fourth with three first- and batted across 65 ayers becau e of tlle pre- homa, a 15-14 victim of Texas, place votes and 242 points. YOOSGSTERS-COlllNG ri~ing hopes and saved the ~ur 1 / 0 ict1 ature dfselosur~ of how t1:e fell o~t of ~e first 10 toz:. the Michigan State, a 22-8 victor Raines was owned by Cleve- Australian victory. to third named t? the all-PCL t<'am h t b A ·t r • ,nes. . ch against 22
A_l Lopez of th " Ch I ca 0
l'llns. that crushed the Americans' White Sox was second with
fo~owed 1tH~1:
le~~s, 0 wl:i~ ~~~a!nc1 1
aves had
split up
their first time sin_c~ Oct. 6. 19:,3.
ove: P1tt~oved from seventh land. Pope was a Padre prop. Th_at saved the Aussies. at Lo.vagetto of the Washington Navy, LoU1s1ana State andltr, fifth w1~h a brst-place vote erty but the Indians were able least the two strokes by which Senators, Joe Gordon of the to purchase him under their they won. _The ball seemed Cleveland lndi
are of the ~eries proc~eds.
In the fmes,!Texas moved into the select and 1&3 points. iarles Segar. baseball sec- group while Oklahoma, Pitts• ftary-treasu~er. wh~ s,uper- burgh and Purdue dropped service schools a perfect ay Diego. sed the _Series m Frie~ s ab- out. Every other team which lin the mldwest Saturday by n said that ,!)Uren s geR- remained in the top l0ldowning Michigan, 20-14, ad- Pope's re had been missed by the switched positions from last vanced from 13th to announcing
~r and when a. player gets oles with on<' each.
The Padres hope to offset mlo that. deep, prickly st~ff on lii.xth and O\"erall ability of some usally takes hlln a couple to nol loss with
The vote was taken before
the speed the seaside Old Course, 1t us- the World Series and thus did
umpire, Charley Ber- week.
include Stengel's
lwith 114 points. Texas also youngsters coming up in the get out..
• bUt !hat !'" 0 0th er umpires
finest accomplishment-rally• ing his Yankees from a 1-3 champion deficit to b<'at the Milwau -
The 35 leading coaches who made a ,rate the major college teams from 16th to seventh with a big
jump, moving Cleveland system.
,d otiC'l'd it.
_"l think Don Dillard will be
for UPI gave the Cadets 14 first•pla~e ".ote and 111 poiats with us unless ~; makes ~he Charlie Coe of Oklahoma City kee Brav~s in a seven-ga_me
The incident took place ln;first-p~ace _votes for a total ?f after wh1ppmg Oklahoma. e :Ulth inning of the sixthl308 pomts m the wake of their . First-oiace votK and won-lost recard,,said.. 1me ot the Series when Ber- 14-2 triumph over Notre Dame '" ooreniMem. · awarded a base on balls :it South Bend. Army, advanc. 1 ~~,';;,y • Cl~l~:1d, club, . Metkov1ch was low for the Americ-ans ~orld ~enes. It was the first Hes a ter~lfic runner, with 38-35-73. He was t h e tune smce 1925 that a team 1195 pounds and six feet tall, last to finish and until he be- rallied !rom a 1-3 game dell• ..............~~,~~; 1 a_nd he had _a good, year hit. gan hitting birdies on th e c~t 1 1 fa% 1 :::::::::::::.mlting at Mobile. Hes, a good back nine, it appeared th e pions. ,,;f/ Ni0\ 2 .o-ii"::::: l:j hu~tle~,' too, and thats what U.S. was in for a real drub•1------------ to become world cham- t: 2,_~~i,.~~ 1• 5 1d put his hand to his throat time smce Oct. 24, 1950. a traditional gesture to in- catathat Berry had "choked first • place votes and 27I 1"-yieldl'd to tension and points. Auburn had to work Auburn was second with 10 ~: ,. Navy HOCKEY 13-0> .................... 114 I like. i.,~~1~,f~~1 <~11": :: :: :·:::::::::::'M Other outfielders who could ganton, N.C., had 38-37 75, J~•t12.W _<~>.. ::::::: t make the ju":p from ,39; Southern Association to the Pomona, Calif., took 39-37-76 bing. Billy Joe Patton of Mor• 1t ~~;~10 "8 0 11, Oklanoma, ss, 12, c1emsc>'l, the Dr. Frank (Bud) Taylor of 1 __N_A_T_,o_N_A_L_L_E_A_G_u_E_s_TA_N_D_l_N_G_s_ ade a bad call. w L T Pts Gf GA to defeat Kentucky Saturday F,;,~~~~- .~~' Jj,d~;.••i'f•.;l~- 'f,. t~~l:IPCL are Lavern Grace and and Bill Hyndman of Phila- ~hd;fr':,, .. :::::::::J 1 : ; ! ,.,,•. of Pac,flc, 11, 18, Pltts~uroh, T: Jack Waters who spent the delphla 40 ~o ·78 I"yndman's Bo,fon ............. 1 , o- · 19 (t1e6• Northwestern and M1ch1ijon, , • Field Blamed ForMatador I niuries ' , 3 10 9 -,x,-- , :J. New York ¥i:~~\ 1 0 ..•.•.••.0 1 2 2. 5 l 8 i 3 i B sou the '" M• th o<1 15 l, 3 , (Continued on b-7, Col. 4) score did not count. :::::::::::::~ The Braves were fi'ned be night oo '" use an unidentified person Wisconsin, Impressive in 11 ~~gcu,:,hI:' - d revealed to a reporter ,w the S e r i e s pro- •eds were to be shared. The 1mmissioner's office was un- >le to determine who was • ponsible but Frick was de- rmined to a ct after having ,erlooked a similar "leak" the Braves last year. He held all 22 players who d attended the m e e t i n g here the splits were voted tally guilty and fined them ribe To Study :acts On Shift Welbaum Ci tes 'Minority Group' For Poor Facilities By HOWARD HAGEN Tom Welbaum, Mt. Miguel High football coach, yesterday blamed a "minority group" in the Grossmont School Dis- trict for the condition of the Matador practice field where several Mt. Miguel players have been injured this fall. Welbaum told the Monday Quarterback Club that five "About $20,000 (taken out Matador players, including hi,; of athletic event receipts) is son, Jim, have incurred bro- spent annually for Mt. Mi• CLB9ELAND Oct. 13 m- ken bones in practice this se'l• guel's sports program. Funds 'llliam R. D aley, board son because the field is hard for a proper field must come 1airman of the Cleveland and rough. from the district. We must 1diaD11 Baaeball Club, said Jim Welbaum, a reserve give these boys protection. .night he wl1l " lay the facts" quarterback, broke an arm "We have 453 boys out for ,out a franchise shift b efore when tackled during a work- sports and give them good ub directors when they out last week. The fracture protective gear. The injuries 1eet, probably next week. was so severe it required sur• caused by the hard-pan field The board will decide gery. have shattered our morale." to move the team to "I don't blame Lewis Smith Welbaum was one of seven! ,me other city or remain in the district superintendent, fo; coaches who made up the levelabd, where attendance the condition of the field," panel for the QB Club's week• is d1lfllldlad over the last ty,,o said the Matador coach. "His ly luncheon meeting at 3an ?SO"-- Pnsumably, Daley hands apparently are tied by.Diego Club. Jack Murphy, ill Olltllne otters for the a 'minority group within the sports editor of The San Di- ·anchlae believed . to ha~e district which refuses to spend ego Union, was toastmaster. ?en made by Minneapolis money to get the field in prop- Other panel comments: 1d Houston. er condition, though we have Paul Governall , San Diego "I feel that the directors been using it for two years. .State-After an open date the 1ould know all the facts as "We have 236 boys out for'past weekend we will be in ~av~ learned them," Saley football and have had fivejbest physical shape of the Lid. This 1s a serious prob- broken bones in three weeks. yeat· !or the Los Angeles State m and I want to iew the It seems the boys should have game here Saturday night. hole s1tuat1on." better protection. we·ve fi. Haliback Jim King and guard Daley stress~d t hat the pos- nally received permission tcJ Ray Glaze probably will re• b1hty of mov_ing the Indians practice on the Helix High tum to action that night. On 1 ano~her city has never field but it will be inconven- the basis of comparative ee~ discussed by the board ient since we must drill be-score i, against Pepperdine f directors. tween 7 and 9 at night. (C-0ntfnued on b-1, Col. 6) -San Dteoo Union Staff Photo versity of San Diego; Al Lewis, Cal Western, and Torn Welbaum of Mt. Miguel High . Welbaurn complained about poor practice fac ilities. Among football coaches making re- ports at weekly meeting of the Mon- day Quarterback Club y e s t e r d a y were, left t o r ight, Paul Platz, Uni-
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