News Scrapbook 1958-1961
Bobcat Cage
8-TRE TIDINGS-lts Angeles
Oelll!Jer 3, 1958
S AT QB LUNCHEO son, Mission Bay High SchOol tootball the coaches' panel for the weekly meet- ay Quarterback Club tomorrow noon 1n m of San Diego Club. e panel will be Paul Governall, San Dle10 utcheon, University of San Diego; ~Jea,t jl, substituting for coach Robert ( Marine Corps Recruit Dc,pot, and Geo Diego Junior College. ub luncheon, sponsored by the Aztec Club,
lly MEI, ZIKE:
A glanr.e at the Bob<'B.ts' record of two vlr- tortcs, 15-8 over North Dakota and a 23-6 deci- sir,n over south Dakol!L State, may not mean too much to 1hr avPrage fan. , But. the !act that South Dakota State beat Or kc 12 6 in its opencr makes the Bobcats lrmk real i;trong, !or Drnkc always Is tough to beat. Srlllth Dakota Stair. was Ix-Ing touted /or an und,..fe,1tC"d •ra on after breezing to the North cntral Co11!l!r1>nce championship last year and thrn knocking ol! Drake to start this season. USD coach Rot, Mccutcheon was shaking hi~ h~act over the 11co11ting report on the Bobcats
this morning, pointing out that his scout thought the invaders should b<> about 50 per cent better than last yea1·, when the !once~ lost 20-7. The Montana crew boasts good team speed with what the re;,ort calls "fine b~ f' runners." Good d , th, pc,rhaps better backfield t in the line, makes the o look even tougher, particularly since thry stitute by platoons on occaRion~. McCutchcon's rPp]y? "\V;,'JI hP toug-h t week. My lads are read:,•. They like being thP underdog tor a change.'' •
The Q
ls open to the public. ~.....,;.
SAN DIIEGO, CALIPOIINIA Friday, Oct. 3, 1968 1'
Pioneer Bid Gets Boost Added strength in the mid- needed strength. die of the line and the 1·eturn And to protect O'Connor or quarterback Duane O'Con- and Jan Chapman, the other nor to the backfield could lmost active signal caller. Mc- mean the difference between Cutcheon, has switched his victory and defeat for Uni- tackles to guards and vice versity of San Diego's Pio-1 versa . Tackles l:lill Clark (215\ and Coach Bob McCutcheon's 1 Dick Gardner 1238) will be in Pioneer· play host to the po-,the guard spots tomorrow tent Montana State Bobcats in night while former guards Balboa Stadium tomorrow John Mulligan r212J, the lPam night at 8, each team shoot-1captain, and Norm Magenot ing for its third straight ,·1c- (2111 will man the tackle po- tor, without defeat. sitions. The Bobcats, who rank Also switcl1ed to guard was ninth among the nation's 221-pound Lou Verrechia, a small colleges, defeated USD, standout at Compton JC last 21-7, last year in Bozeman year. and are considered e v e n Chapman has taken a beat- stronger this fall. ing at times from onrushing However, USD seems to be opposition linemen in the first a much improved team over two games so McCutcheon is last year so one of the top moving the heavier lads to upsets or the year among the the center of the line in order small college ranks could be to not only protect the quar- brewing for tomorrow night. terbacks but also to give The return of O'Connor to them more time to get off the quarterback chores gives passes. By :\IEL ZIKES lthe Pionper backfield muthl neers tomorrow night.
Publi,hed by the Associaled Students of San Diego Slate
VOL, 311, NO, 4
FRIDAY, OCTOllER 3, 1958
Jeff Fishel Sports Editor
mont I'ar J::iO p.m. t
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toi:ioi-ro\1:- tl. "a~hlngfon I ls 10 and 4 at ~n ,r t'
Apl)r<'<'iat.lihi c·t NJ
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:;;JO p.m. tomorrow. 11:irn<'ss raclnit, JfoJly. wood Park-Channel 11 at 4:~0 p.m. tomorrow. Monitor 81>eclal llarne11s Ra,•<>, Yonker~, N.Y. KFSD at7:20 p.m.
Hanging Draws Oue-stion-Why Not Sooner? Tho Aztec!! win r,•dor, i!I hanin.. -d in effigv lh,• next day. Wl!,Y? Terry, of "12 ye r,; and no change" fame, deserved to I • hung. Tn fact, I wonrl,·r why somebody didn't hang (in effi1ry) of course, our illu~triou. athletic director a long time 11go. Two week. aR"o I at in Terry's office and listened to him relate San DieR"o St11t •' football problem: "~ure I would like to s en big-time foot!, ,n power at SDS, but-" TctTY is ndmitte
of San Dl!'Jl'O
vs. Monta11a Stat-, - KGB at 7:55 p.m. tomorrow Southrrn California- North
Sport Jottin9.T Fathn Jame~ Sweeter•,
GE'.r THE GLUE-Backfield coach Paul Platz of the University of San Diego tapes a pad over Bob Keyes' in-
jured ribs as the Pion through their last paces before playing Mon- tana State tomorrow night.
Santa Clara linivPrsity Vic-e- President, ha11 been quoted by the Bronco st uclent newspa- per as saying: "I don't thlnk a rebirth or hig-tim• !ootball hNP i• !'\'en rPmot<>ly pos- sihlP." Thal l'<'rtainly tii;:i.irps, hut how itOOll( " rPhirth o! ,m11l!-timP ~mateur ball, you Bronros! * * * "4\11~- Jl<>mn~, nPwly ll!)- pnlnt"11_ plln4 or thP i;.t, r.O:,;~ Csnfln11lc, I~ 1' ('~f1lolif, ,.,_. """'1,..- to ~l"Jrt~ Jl'Alfor JMlk Butt.,,- of the Broold~'l\ Taltlet. * * *
F'ri.. Oct. S,
l';l.'i8 @
SA.N DIEGO, CA.~IFORNIA. r Grid Foe ere Today JOHNNY McDONALD football ance of his team last week plane at and feels "we're finally start- i;rr:iat~ Ing to rea~h our po_tential." sity of San Agocs 1s counting on the
CoNe9e Scores San D1"C~ I.I. ll. N•w l!-.W: ,.,, • W ~•tern · 10 l'~JI' rr-- t,,Jt.nd Nny a • T',ttabdt'lfh 11. l!oly C'l·OH 0 s~ faf'"\lMl 2"' 1\oetnn CoJ1.-g• 1• ,._ ~otn11 Demf' 18, I ndianft 0 De.yton ,a. Rlcllm~nd JJ Bt JohA'a (M;na.) 13, ~t. Th,1n11•,. 0. Quantioo MaO~.- :11. Xari•r 20
Jy met expPn'
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