News Scrapbook 1958-1961
PRIEST'S APARTMENT: T of the Cotholrc clergy who ore College for Men faculty members also occupy apartments on tudents, they must choo e own furniture. This 1s home of Father William Spain, school executive. ampu , but unl1k USD Mixes Luxury With Education h I
Each of the apartments, \\ith the exception o! the right along the lower tier, has direct access to a pri• , ate, walJcd patio deck. Each patio, equipped with tables and benches, is as large as the interior of the apartment Itself. In fact, each patio Is the roof of the apartment on the ter- race below. There is access to the out- door room through a. glass door. Both from the patios and through ,,indowed walls trom the living room, the occupants .cave a spectacu- lar panoramic ,ie1, of Mis- sion Bay and '.\fission \"a\. ler. For instance. stu- dents and priests witlt bi• noculars we r e able to watch from their apart• m nt homes the recent ac- tion during the San Diego OpPn golf tournament on the ?>fission Valley course. y y y The hillside site o! the apartments also takes ad- \ antage of the cenic sweep helow. At night, when lights are sparkling around the bay, occupant!! agree the , lewis "fantastic." There are not many re• sll ictior.s imposed upon the student populatio m the apartments. e i no "lights out • curfe A ~tu- dent ma, st d' or read u long as ·he wishes TI1e1e is one curfew ho, ever- students must be at home by 10 p.m. on "eekdayl! and by 1 a.m. on \\ eekend . Relatives may visit at specified hours. , ·o girl friends , 1sit the apart- ments, o! course, but the men often s a e with the g1 ls the beautifully-land- d Rose Patio. the cen- lr j'a~·~:;,illohf the main build• e ~::::~.•!or I \ o pan·" cial j ven and ed pa tie are he! \ ·om n stud o Ji,~ ont"m1e
SPANISH RENAISSANCE: Another comero angle, caught front of lower tier of Un1vers1 ty of San Diego apartments emphasizes orch1tectural styling of buildings. It follows pattern of rest of campus, AT USD from street
New Dorms Add Luxury To Campus ( ontlnuf>d from f-2) on campus are hou ·ed in dormitories in upper stories of the main building. 'fh<>ir room.· a " at ground level. ThP men's apartment . completPd la t July, arP. all oecupied, except for three urut . Thrre are 110 male students now living on cam- pus, and 10 p 1'>Sts who are faculty memher also oc- cupy apa, tment there Father Wilham D. Spain, administrati\ e vice presi- dent of 1he College for Men, said c-onstruction of more apartment. Is planned along a similar hillside site on campus, across Linda Vista 1 oad from the, pre, nt building!'. y • .. No date for the !iou;mg expansion ha been fixed, however and it will be geared to umver,1ty needs. There are now more than 300 enrolled in the College for Men and enrollment il' expected to double by next year Father Spam aid it was possible, as he university expands, the present apart- ment \\ ould be reserved prim.,,ril. for graduate stu- dents afld faculty mem- ber~. So far no apart- ments are lea d tij mar- ried student couple but that practice e o d be changed if the de- manded, "ith section :-et aside tor married 4WJenls. Right now, the Ulll\ ersity is planning to expand and hopes to prn.idP , more housing as the need arises.
STUDENT BEDROOM: Each opw: two uch bedrooms I t e,gh apartment, the two bedrooms ore equ,pped w,th bunks. Units accommodating eight hove two bathrooms. are q pprd with a 1 • gl bath Thr one-b th t nits accommodate !ot r tudc t w:i ii the tw O• bathroom apartments ha\" lot.r to cig. t student 11 th latter ca•e bunk h tis arP u cd tn the two bed ro ms tic fac1llties charged by I o univ ty re rema1 k- ably l . Four tud nts In a two-bath1oom unit ,,ill p ) a s me ter each 1, hllc four I a Ingle• bath1 om apartment are charged 200 each. In the c, ent there are eight In a two-bathroom apartment, the charge for each student I providing rndi, idual desk! for each tudent in the li,•- lng room, and even pro- , ides part of the bedding. All utility co~t , including watc1, electricitv and heat. mg are paid b)• the school. The apartment~ are de- igned for ease of main- le am·e-students ha,e the re pon 1bility or keeping the i r own apartments dear The floors are sur- faced with asphalt tile.
Furniture is upholstered in durable eagy-to-clean plas- t c finishes The student .are a large joint rec cation oom \'here there a1 e card ta• hies ping.pong table a!'d other facilities There Ill a o a common laundry room with auto atlc ,,ash- ing equipment, a la1ge age room ant Int 1e don their 01, n cafeteria I on ca
150 a eme ter. Ea .1 apartme t
a 1 00
q nre p re
'Kitchen u equipped with range oven refrigerator a<1d garba,!;e d1 po er. The university furnishes all apartments e
n on 19M,
ia -a Unl- vers(ty W. Calltbi1Ma: Ud clld his gradUue work, &t UCLA, M o n tr e & l Uniffl'Slty, and Bylbos University In Lebanon. The appointment was an- nounced by Prof. James W. Glemi4lt 'W North Dakota Untventt,: Rf'AN HUDDLES WITH USD BOOSTE1d' • ncr last ni rht. Sullivan is ".'ice preside~t ~f t?d Boosters and DeF'alco, chairman of t e oar · Gillman, fo:mer coach of the Lo~ Ange)es Rams, was the mam speaker at the club s meeting. . id Clllman, •oa h of the Los Angeles new American Football League, with John ullivan, left, and Louis DeFalco, right, at Unlver lty of San Diego Boosters Club din- hat rs of th hu tdl nt r, K ~GINEERS lg!:TE-Honored guests at a dinner o~g Engineers Week at University of San Diego last night were, from left, Frank W. Fink, vice presid t of Ryan Aeronautical Co.; the Very Rev. Russell Wilson, presi- dent of the university's College for Men, and :tvloi-litner Rosenbaum, Con- vair-Astronautics chief engineer who delivered the principal address. co/' fa f R..113 ll/J~ .u, c:1
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