News Scrapbook 1958-1961
~,&? t/A/ltJiJ Fteming Hits 19 As USD Wins, 98-77 Jim Fleming scored 19 poin ts last night to lead the Univeraily of San Diego to a 98-77 victory ovC'r Cal Baptis t Coll<'ge at Claremont High gym. Fl<'ming was a ided In the s,-oring department. by Ed Baran and Art Wica l, who cann<'d 13 and 12 points, re- spectlvC'ly. Hc;,wever, the Pi- Olll'l'l"S used plenty of their re- serves in chalk ing up t heir ninth vlet.ory in 20 starts, Bob Signs of Cal Baptist was high point man, however, with 22 points and teammate Virgil Dah l maldicd F lcm- ing'8 output. with 19. USO t1·avPl~ to Los A11geles1 tomorrow night t o oppose t he 1 tough Los All')l'C'lf's S ta t e <:«gers wl10 have averaged 9:! points per game. CAL IAPTIIJ ~1pT U5D (HJ Mc:ClumJ i O 2 o Crcsvens ~~~fr., 8 f g f~~1col t ovl 1 1 5 Herm,oh hm1 1 " ,, Kenn&dy oon " l5 Hon:,er McOonlol O < C,WI cal B ohl \ 2 19 O'Ntlll obn-,i 2 0 11 Flemfng Boron Coi,uto Molne1 G F P T 3 7 I I 2 0 I • 5 2 2 1l 0 l O 1 0 3 0 3 2 ii 0 1 6 9 1 L,A. 1~te,le lilwup scored, live of tlH•m in doubli• figm·es. Dail T•'erbc•r, Leo Hill and Bi!J lfc•ynen tO[)Jlcd the- lis( With 28, 19 and 18 points, re~pec- tivc>ly, Russ c,,avens, USD's 6- fool. rour freshman deadeye, scorer! 22 for the game's sec- ond-high point-making honors. The game was clo.~e for half of the th-st half, then the i>all • stealing, fast . breaking home club pulled away rap- idly to deal I he Pioneet·s t heir 12th def<>at in 2J games. USO 75 LA STATE !N Croven~ 21 Calabrese r , Reed Oo 2 o Ferber 9104 29 A. Wic:al '1 t ..c 9 Heynen 7 4 5 19 ~~rl,jfcot I 7 1 41 Logue , l 3 5 0. Nell g i g b~r~~am~ 1 f 1J Flerning 2 T 5 11 Barclov l (I 3 2 ~~~~wsky f? ,t i ~l Maines 2 2 • 1, HUI 7 5 o 19 Co-f0~~~s 21°3f ls 11 Totols 48 21 l& 124 Holftfme score: LA 52, USO 35. MCRD Cagers Collect 82-63 Nod Over USD , Marine Corps Recruit De• pot led all the way last night . in posting an 82-63 triumph over University of Sa iego on the Point Lorn High School floor. Bill 1~eterson cashe~ Ii& 19- points for the Marin°' a(l!f Russ Cravens paced the P!o- ne<'rs with 20. MCRD nQ\f~ a 21-12 record. USO lost lfil'. 15th game against l tl l tories. MCRD (82) USO rm GFPT Gibbs 7 1 2 15 CrC'IMS Adoms 2 0 3 4 Harpt!r Miller 7 4 2 lS Wical Cortwright 3 4 3 10 Fleming Pe1erson 9 I 1 19 Moins: Harvey o 2 o 2 O'Nei II Grace • o 2 8 Caputo Green 1 0 1 j i\lro~~dson 6 g 1 O Klholm 1 0 1 2 Totals 35 12 15 12 To!ol1 U U IJ. ~tim•acore: MCRO 3_8, USO 2,=6·~ - - ·I.INION o2~IJ
s3:ffi~hMlJ~it#¼l Gets Treatise By Dr. W asel • The British Interplanetary Society has honored Dr, Albert D. Wasel, chairman O{ the Di• vision ot Mathematica and N11t- ural ScleRl'e& a.t the U;n.ive1•sity of San Diego, by acctptuig for publlcatlon hi~ treatise, "Orbi- tal Elements, Traje,:tory Simu- lation, and Prediction for Earth Satellites," Dr. WIU!el's theo1-y nf the prediction of satelltte patha has been tested on large-~cale digi- tal computing machine~ In the Mi sslles and Space Dfri sion of LockhePd Aircraft, Palo Alto, 1 Callf., and ha8 bPP!l fonnct ef- fective for dry-run t"ting of satellites. The British Interplanetary So~lety, whose headquarters are in London, will publish the re- search In a forthcoming ls2ue of Its bl-monthly Journal. Dr. W1111el, of 8373 EI Paseo Grande, La Jolla, Is a Stanford graduate. He was a naval air navigator In World War TI ~ncl later & professor of astronomy at Stanford and at Santa C!:Ia,·a. He epent three y~ar11 ln i,pace mechanics re~earch with Lock- heed before accepllng his pres• ent post at the Unlver~ifv f San Diego.
wice e ly At USD 1 D Roman Schmitt, 8 nu• He was one of the first sci-I clea~ chemist at the General enlists to Join General Atom- Atomic division ot General ic when it wa founded In D y n amics ;/8"'1!111~ 1936. Corp., Wlll he 1 -=-~-
a part - time r ulty m m- bi,r '-1t the i.; m• ver lty or San Diego's pring sem" ter. Schml will teach a twice• a week eours in qualitative anal} is hC'-
Sd,mltt inning Tu sdny, the V e r ? Rev. Russell Wilson, presi- dent o! the university's Col- lege for Men, announced. I St hmitt, 34, received a clo<:- tor's clf'gree In nucl~ar ch<:fi!· lstry at the University aI Chi- cago In 1953 and ~pent three years at thf' UmvPrsit, in Illinoi!! in re enrch on ura~1- um hs, ion and thor1um-m- duced high ener y X-ray~.
Pioneers Win, Face
usff't1fnqli€f( 40 Church Quintet Univer-stt)' ot Sa!l J)1ego cager la t night nipped United Breth1 en, 'i0-69, in .\1u- r.icipal Gym. Jim F!l'ming and John Ha. p er pac d the , ictors with 19 and 16 po nt<, re peUi\ e; C D olfk als 1cpo ted t a a i;ame s.:heduled, night \\ ,th Ohio ::itate L I' ln.st1 11ce I ad bl'er cancel d Y. e lJSD 11\e , 1 I m r LovoJ.i at Lo• Angel dav 1 i;:ht and Saturda; mo 0\ er to "an Fel nando a :;ame \\Ith Sa 1 Fe 1 ::;tat United lrtthrtn (OJ U5D (10) GFPT Slpmori 1 2 Cra e ~~~la'dor ff •J ~1)~! 0 ca G1Jcnr t 6 1 3 ,~ r MCMlen 10.002D~ mn • Werner 5 .i. 4 t• Ba
Dr Roman Schmitt, a nu- clear chemist at the General Atomic Dhision of General Dynamic• Corp., will be a part-time faculty member at the University of San Diego's College for Men, Very Rev. Russell Wilson, College for Men president, announced, Father Wilson expressed his gratitude to General Atomic officie.Ia for rele,qlng Dr. Schmitt on a part-time basis to teach a chemistry course In qualitative analysis twice a week. Dr. Schmitt, 34, was awe.rd• ed a doctor's degree In nu- clear chemistry e.t the Uni• veniity of Chicago in 1953. He spent three yMrs at the University of Illlnois ln ape• c1el research on uranium f1s- slon and thorium • Induced high energy X-rays. He was one of the first 1c!entlsts to join General Atomic when It was founded In 1958. Dr. Schmitt gave his first lecture at the college Tues- day, the day after the start of the sprang seme t<>r, He will work ,.ith Dr. RI -hard p Phllltps, chairman of the Department of Natural Sci• ces, a d Dr Albert D, Wasel chalnnan of the Divi- of Mathematics and Science.
Stl Pioneers Cop Close Win
L.A. State Routs • 1oneers, 124-75 $pedol to The 5an DIH0 Union LOS A.'\IGl~LES, 1-'<>h. 4 A hand of sharpshooLers repre- i,; 1 ting l,<.1s Angc>lt's Sta(,, riddlrd Univf'rsity of San Diego's bask<'Lba!l ll"am, 121-'i,i, hem• tonight
' A/ltJAI 0¼tJ 3 Dr rnafi Openings Scheduled
ro~S~np Diego
cagers no~ed out United Brethren, 70-69, in Municipal Gym last night as the Pio- neers warmed up for week- end games. They play Loyo- la Frldarnight and San Fer- nando State the following evening, both tilts to be away from home. Jim Fleming paced last nlght's win with 19 points, three more than John Harper bagged. The Pioneers' tilt wltll Ohio State Life Insur- ance tomorrow night ha s been called of!. Summary: Unlttd Brothii ~,.,. USO (ID) i1tr;;:7 l ,l SCNODOr 3 l O ' A. '-Nicol G lchrist (, 'J 3 ,, Harper McMJl1~ra 10 0 I) lG Fle,n,k,g; Werntr S , ' 1.( i°ri!~~s Podrwskl r.=nm. •'usJotii! s,t111 "" 32. GFPT J I 2 l -' J O 11 1 ¥ ! 1l I 3, 19 1 0 l l 2 ! 0 5 2 0 2 4 :,o 1a 1, 10 Un It ad FrN lllrows ,,,,...d, UB 1 Schnell, 1, Sctllcdor, 1,, 1, Wttner, 2. USO -Crove-ns, 1, Fleming; •~· --~-
al Western, 1.
Pioneers Find
USO Loses Two ore !&k~}°' asketbal! Pioneers are get-• ting ·popular ln the Los An- geles area - but the USD troops don't care tor the feeling. The Pioneers who haven't won in Los Angeles in over a year, suffered two more setbacks there over the week- en~, losing to Loyola, 63-57, Friday night and then to San ernando Slate Saturday 76- 6 - , ,. . And there seems little re- 1et ahead for the as they play tough Marine Corps Recruit Depot tomor. row night in Point Lf>mil High ym, USO plays Cal We tern Sat. rday night in JI< ion Bay gh gym. Summarl': USO UtTl San Fernando (76] GFPT GFPT 0 3 " Powers 8 3 .: 19 0 1 1 l Stringer 2 Cl 5 4 -' 7 -' 15 Harnack ,1 , J lo 2 6 2 10 McMullen J 3 7 1 O O 2 Ma! n's three-game v, Inning atreak 'nent by the hoard1 In Orange whPn Chap m n ('oil e protrctcd a two- year hnme win Ing itreak w th an 8.'i-54, I ory. Meanwhl the Pioneers av!! !..o~o,a'~ Ulm~ a terrlt le batllr. at PlaJ a Del Rry btlore dropp rg a 6~ 57 deri- B on, ThP. Pwn rs led at the hnlf 0-29 but the L ions roa "d In the !, st halt to t11ke t b tter y • fou ht el'g11ge- mf"lt. J m F'- r Ing I
r. Wasel Professor's Treatise Slated_ for Publication A treatise by Dr. Albert D, ford and at Santa Clara- He Wasel, 8375 El Paseo Grande, spent three years in space me- La Jolla, w-n be pur<:based by chanics research with Lock- the British Interplanetary So- heed before accepting his pres- ciety. Dr. Wasel is chairman ent post at tlle University of of the division of mathema- San Diego. Iles and natural S{;lences at the University of San Diego. o2ft o2../4 O {/ A// 0 }/ FACE LOYOLA TONIGHT Pioneers Hoping To End L.A. Hex The ·University or San Diego hopes to break Its Los Angeles jmx this weekend when coach Les Harvey's basketballers meet Loyola University and San Fernando State tonight and tomorrow night. The USD-Loyola game \vill be the seeond meeting beh,een the two schools. USO lost to Loyola, ,9-31, last season. The Lions' season mark ls 12-7. t:SD hasn't won a basketball game in Los Angeles sin~e Jan. 30, 1959 when the Pioneer defeated San Fernando This season the Pioneers have dropped four games in th~ L.A. area. ~[eanwhUe, guard Jim Fleming is leading l"SD In scoring with 328 point~ and an average o! l:i.6 !or 21 games, Guard Bob Maines and forwards Art Wical and RUss Cra- ' ens also are in doub figures with 10 point averages. Art Wlcal Is th!' top re,bo:under with 203 while Maines and Tony Caputo are leading In field goal and tree throw percentages, respecu, ely, !or the regulars, The Pioneers will "1art Flem'ng and Maines at guards, ohn Harper at center and Cra,•ens and Art Wical against yola. The Lions w'll open with Ed Be 1to and Charles Bar- ett at forwards Tom Ryan at center and Jerry Grote and Im Wlderkehr at guards. . Ut Gomu1 TEAM Won LOJr FGA FGL ?ct. FTA FT Pel. Pt>b-Avg. TP-Av1 9 12 1562 ™ J.1.4 -'!4 './91 e>2.4 89;!-4.l,O 136H6,0 IZ g ma m 111 ~M,oJlt . n, 58 e 724-J.I., 152,1.72_5 G FG4 FG Pct. FTA FT Pcf. Ret)..Av9. TP-.\vr,. ,jl' 1J .,&• II 'l'J5 66 51...4 11,- 3.6 328-15.6 111 u 4.9 69 so n.s 119• .s 1 :ns-10 2 209 H -'2.1 71 3"' c-:z 2 20J. 9.1 213-10.1 m ~t ~u ~J 1~,g u1 ~i ~;·~ t! n r1 tA · 1 it ti 79 11 22 8 15 I SJ,J 116- <.J u. 2! 15 16 2LJ 19 9 ,r • 6;!- B 41. 2,4 61 17 21-t ! 0 0 0 11-(),61 J.1- U 16 ' 56.3 1S 12 80.0 2i- 2.3 30- 3.3 '8 11 229 14 a 51,I 30-21 ».2, n i lri,: 1 ; 1 ¥ !H ff:'U it U g g t 3 ,1i8,& t t: t. ~:g .,,_;,~.;,;;,...;'""----"--=-~-=---=~-!:..~ Marines Rout The treatise is entitled Orbi· ta! Elements, Trajectory Sim- ulation, and Prediction for Earth Satellites." Dr- Wasel's theory of the prediction of satellitl! paths has been tested on large-scale digital computing machine in tq.e Missiles and Space Divi- sion of Lockheed Aircraft, Palo Alto, and has been found etfective for dry-run testing of satellites. The British Interplanet1111y Society, whose headquarte s are in London, will publish tile esearch in a forthcoming issue ~fits b1-mo11thly "Journal'' r Dr. WaseJ, a Stanford grad- iilate, was a naval air navigator tin World Wa: II, and later a professc,r nf astrcmomy at Stan- USD Reports 1 Honor List tfifvi ~'f!ctentf /a( fi.'8ni- 1 ,•er~ity ot San Plea~ s College for Men made the 4ellJl'S hon- or list announ ect. o4a y the Very Rev. Uson, president Three of llf. Bak!'r, Willi The otl1 1· l1011or students are Jam R. Hanley, Na- ' Ilana! Q ; Ralph J. Fear, ~e; Frank Ponce, San ! 41no, and San Diegans S. Richardson, Robert ohnson, Leonard J, Dal- lon, Kenneth E. Bales, and Karl J. Mazzeo. Curlis A. H · straight As , semester. t~;d~n "fff/tu Slated Tuesday B. F. Coggan, vlce presl• dent and manager of San Diego Convair, will address a senior seminar on "Manage- ment" at the University of San Diego Tuesday, Febru- ary 23, Coggan, who le 11,!80 v,ce pr'll!ident of the Board of .:dqcation of the San Diego City Schools, wDI be the guest of Dr. Stephen J. Barres, chairman of USD's Division of Business Adminis- tration and Economics. The lecture wlll be deliv- ered at noon in Roolll • of the new Ara and' ee Building. M o r ti m e r Rosenbaum chic! Pngineer o! Convai:. \stronautics, will address a pre-National Engineers' Week dinner tonight on "Men, Ma- chines and ::iucc('ss." Rosenbaum will speak at a d~nner honoring outstanding San Diego area mathematics and science students and their instruc::lors. The dinner will be at 6:30 p.m. at the University o! San Diego. The dinner was described as a kickoff for local ob- scrvancP of National Engi. n('<'ts' WPek, Monday through Feb, 29, Prctt'ding the di1111d· will be a guided tour or the uni- VPr~il;· campus at ,J ;'lO pm. Don Wilson, assistant vice presfd<'nt of Stromberg Carl- son, will introduce guests at thP. dinner. THI IAN DIEGO- UNION '!\Jon, Ji('h, 1· l~Ul lAN DI GO, CALIFORNIA USO 82-63 ~i ~v t//.J./tJA/ · ?ifarn';,( 6 Corps Rec r u I I Depot romped to an 82-63 basketball victory over Uni- ve·rsitv of San Diego last night at Point Loma High. Player-coach Bill Peter- o •• 19 points "led the ha!. an ed Devildog attack. Jerry Cr veM had 2(1 points :for the ' lo ers. Summary: 11:RD (12) USD cm G T al9 Member G FPT a o 2 2~ ' 3 3 11 2 3 0 , '} 0 4 .ti ~ii 1 2 S 1 I 11 7 l 2 15 Cra\'tn1 ,~ 3 1H~,1m' '.l -4 j HJ Flemirg- f 1 J ]91,)a n5 : a~ i r~:~i~ l D ' 2 R,c~rdso1 1 0 0 2 0 l1ord O O 1 O 101 l K Olm TH• 1•1•1• JJ 1J Ia U U 12 II 12 Tolalo qH ,1,,.. -•• MCJlD JI, USD JL
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