News Scrapbook 1958-1961
D-Whittier Open Tourney
ing Lou Gibb pro\'e too tough • an Fernando State. although the collegians boa t a Little AU· America candidat in 6-3 forward Jim • lalkin '\\ho I averaging better than l9 points per game. Cal Poly gl\ e the tour, nament added fla, or be• cau e the Brcncos boa t n, o former San Diego Jun- ior College -tar Ed\\ ard Lee Juhn on and Art! t Gil- bert The Bronco me •t a TC team ble cd '\\1th height In the form of Henry Rapp 6-5), J mes Dorsey {6-6) and. like Dunbar (6-6 • •6-4 ma} for
Fugate coach Bob Kloppenburg's leading scorers. The tournament opener finds ~o bent on a\eng- ing an earl!cr lo to Whit- tier, the perennial l'hnmplon ot the outh rn California Conference. USD ha a Ilne scorer In ion\ ard R u s Cravens and a good floor leadn In Jim Fleming Whittier' ace are fo ard Bill John ton 6-4l and guard Paul Colller ('i-10 , returnee from the team that adrnnced to the • 'AIA s mlfinal la t ea on. MCRD, led y hlgh-scor- (15 3) are
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61 Gr; d Game Tiu• contra t .
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the !1r t maJor move by Olsen =I~ athletic ~ireetor Dcc.12.
D on ou: game, 01. en ·aid, "we're happv .next football schedule. Though
to ha\ e
Plicants for the head• f Y omm1tt .c la ·t month by Paul Go~;~~t eoa~fung Job vacated ning ap-
it' only a one-
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head football coach at , 'D
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-San Diego un1011 Stott Photo chool. \\'cstcrners are, Jcft to right, Harvey ITall, Joe Treaster and Art .Johnson. Gilbert, a former San Diego High and San Diego JC perfor er scored 12 points to help Pomona '
Three Cal \\'estC'tn pla~ el': sunound Cal Poly's Artist Gilbert as the,· battle' for a rebound in last night'i meet- ing in the fir t annual Holiday Dasket- ball Tournament at Point Loma High
MC G • I
D, Cal Poly Meet Finals
MCRD, Poly Gain Fin
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'iH: 64
EXPECTE TODAY Ca Wes en- Grid Pact L ms an Diego State ard Cal Redlan Marine Corps Re- We tern Un versity probably cru1t Depot and Pepperdlne. \\ill ign a one-)ear contract Thl're also are reports that today for a football game next Cal We tern and USO w 11 sea on clash In football next season It \\OUld be the ftr t grid ma k In g it a round-robin meeting of the two 'an Diego among the three San Diego schools although their track colleges. teams have competed again t Though • 'ov. 11 has been each other. men loned as the likely date Al Olsen, State' new ath- for th e Azte -We te n game 1 tic director, confirmed la t an earlier date hasn t b e en night that he ha b en con• ruled out suiting with Al Lewis, Cat-=-----------...... JJ " ern athletic director and head football coach, r gard• ing the game.
Ols n said a on<' ) ear cor.• tract probably will be s·gned th1 afternoon nd that the game would be played Satur- day night, 'ov. 11 of next
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