News Scrapbook 1958-1961
eioneer Eteven Ii ces · ttier lnHom&Home The er 1t o! • an Di- a11110un ed yesterday It n~ a home- all pact with \\'hi ·er C Ii e g e starting S pt. 17, 1960 I San Diego. Th Ploneen are scheduled to :meet tae ~ts at Whittler Sept. 16, 1961, Rev, Wal he J i u r a USD athletic moderl\tor, Id. • ·egotia- tion , e mpleted wlth Aubrey R He,ma.m, athletic director o! 1i ttier College. Thi• bl"ir\g to Ix thf' um- r o! games signed :for the 1 campa g , Fr .I rray said. 0th~ i t:lUdP • e ' :l\lexico :\"1$tem here Sept. 24, Hum oldt tate there Oct. il, al Poly of Pomona here Oct. 8, PepperdlnP College there Oct. U and Azu.a Col- lege here, Oct. 29. The P i o n e e r s al o are scheduled to oppose Montana Stat.- College there Oct. 22 but the Bobcat are trymg to fill the date with another op- ponent. Fr. :\Iur ay aid he eek• Ing a nine-game ·chedule wi 1 !i\·e game at homP. O th e r game po ·slb!lltle. would be with uthern Cal • 1ornia Bib! t it II t e,
TCEyes • 1n Over USO • aval Trainl c•eking 1h<'ir Sl'cond ha kcfball v, in of th!' ·<'a•on o, <'t \hr! ollc<>ians. u::;o, whkh drol)ped a 66-62: d<'cisln to the .Tac t boast a
Lion Coach Gives Game Back to Boys
al2 ' Tu .. Jan. 5, 1000 THE SAN DIEGO UNIO SAN DIEGO. CALIFOR_ N_ I_A______________,
Pomona Colleite Cal Wet•,-...... =~.... -=--===~- _,, ern and !arin Corps Re- cruit Depot.
"selling Job" 11 be ore they can
Pioneers, NTC TangleTonight
ra s job.not
Id enjoy grid reunion with old shipmates Pete Rozelle, partners of his glory days at
(t) J ()Ill sr (5)
SADE EET OPENS USO, Pomonan5· Tou ament Fo s S~1al lo Thfl "on 01eqo Union I PASADl•:NA, .Jan. 7 Uniw1·.-it • of San Di<'go's hash:etball team m<'Pt.· Cal Poi of Pomona tomr-rrow night in the op<'ning gam,. Qf 1hf' Cal Poly-Pas;,,dpna lournpy on the Pasadena Collcg<' floor. Tipo[f is ,•i,Prlttlf'd for 8 o'clock. Pa,-adPna Colkg<' oppos 0 sl Wl'slmont CoilPgP in thP 10 o'clock contest. BASKETBAtL SCORES Saturday night thP acl ion will l'Wing- to th e J<..ellogg. Voor ~arnpus 1n Pomona --'-------~-----; where thf' of tomor- 67:"1llame11 (Ore.) ;7, Call•o• of,_ roµ s garn<'S pla) for 1he con- 6~" 11 '"~ c~,\~d.7~·, ,Ytj~~a"t~o~Wfp 11 sola1ion titll' at 8 o'<'io,·k a rl fie i re.1 J . . ld0h0 (late- 61, Rt>gis J.7. 'hr winnrors w11l lHng]p a iQ s1 Lou" 76, Houston •6. Crt-i!lhl~H1 91, SI. Ambros~ 69. Pion~Pr coach Le~ l;nT0y B~cir:vsl~P 'o~tnat1e;6;1itt1~ 13 will start .Jim Yl<'ming /l n d :t~r,~·•1f't'a1tci·s~klnhoma Cijy,l Roh .MainPs ~t guard$. Russ cir\, ))i''" • l['o.) 82, St ms C'rav,.ns l r·Pnter anrt Art c,nclnnoli ,6, w1 1,\10 69. Wic11! anrl Tony Caputo at ~~oi~o"n5~i.'H2mfol,''trory 71. forwnrcls . l· Irming, ;i form<'r Miami, Flo. 69, Iona 11. lTnivC'rs1ty of '(ln Frc1n(•isPo ~g~rg~e!1C:oGW~~;gr~ 0 ~,he~7. 75 idloe 1 freshmfln, h;is avPra 17 CN.M.l 66 Covertlmel. I Kentucky Wesleyan porn ts per game. A&I 101. _ ----
coaching a pro team v. ith title potential, free from the front office interference, penury and oratory of that mo t colorful of all NFL owner , George Preston :.larshall. (If t rshall were a fictlonal character instead of for real, he'd go rtngmg do\\ n the corndor of hterature with Huck Finn, Mr. Mica-.. b rand )fa Perk1M) (6) The undercover fight for more football scholarships \\0Uld b• °' er. Joe do~sn·t hav a f ncy pro record because he coached rln .y-dlnk dubs like the Cardmais and Redskins. But Mr. K can handle men admirably and run a happy ship. Intelhgent, lndu rious, ded1 ated, acid-tongued Sid Gillman, for all his pro!IClency m football theory and !i!nl-pro1ectin;z, clea,-1 • can't. * * * ALONG THE SPORTS FRONT
a\'enge a them b Decem of 10 games.
Hane~ expects 1o open with Bob laine and Tony Caputo at 1ornard , Art Wi- ical at center Jim Fleming and Ill" Wical at guards. ITC w.1 aded by Do f Padow . harlP Henry and Oliver Williams, all o! whom it in double figures against t e collegfan~ in the first m etmg.
j THE SAN DIEGO UNION Sun., Jan. 10, 1960 (j) SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA BASKETBALL SCORES San Diego St~~L~GL~ng Beoch State 6\oJC n, san1a Monica cc~ u. Southern California 69, Washington 68. Pasadena College 69, USD 58. ~g!~m~~r~t 1 j~e ?f,• JC 16
• 1oneer
b. cuy a· liair e~n-llutter tioys o
Dr p To
od ilors
G.on~. and another mus from otre Dame The S ,a;A,....., 1111:l Scholtz for ·so-s ar ne thousand agam n f>ody reca w'hen huge Harry Ohvar was an All-C.L. -,.0 tarred as Othello, the oor of ice. m a h fling at Sh~e~I'II~ Well, the Z3 lb. son of All-East f:le; e.n A l,atin and Greu clfalar at Lo) ola, Harry was on the Dean·• n tbil at Yale ;IJ'd n plans to pursue law • tu at-h '15Y'-H!l'.rnrd. (Could this cost Jordan, jg Job?) With a 10,so 5- record, Notre Da wont place anybody on the All America team But the. pn, who sh know, d George lzo (Chi Cards) and Monte Stickle!!- '49-ers) fir t nd of the. player draft. fbac Tom Gate1, afted 18th by the Rams;: as San D1eio s star galloper in 8. l fan re rnvtted to tn Fuotball Writers' final weekly luncheon at the Sheraton- e l fonday noon. 7. 'l'he college and .iro "players of the ,, eu- wlll take bows. The tariff I S5 fhOlle UP 0.~484 tor reaervations. S ra se which fliUre.s to wat}op UCLA by two or three TDs, on 1 add :n Dame to 1t gnd slate. Army and Oklahoma mg up tno The school apparently b sensiti\'e to tho~e r, eated slaps at its ~ort schedule. It sh d be quite a football battle royal whe the Orangemen a eensh1rted Irish et together In the early 60's. , ·orthwestern Coach Ara Parseghian and Stap Iusial, 'II.hose son ls an lri5h sophomore, spoke at rsotre Dame's fabt• ball banql!et Wednesday night. * * * * B d Furillo, \\ho co,ered Loyola U. football until the blowup m '50, and who now conducts the Herald's controversial ' team Room" column, tried to steam up the TroJan offense for otr Dame He quoted Irish backf~ld coach Joe (Scooter) 5~udero as blowing off lll-adv11edly (1f not illogicatly) after I 0Utln SC n I 5 lo to UCLA. o r Dame '-' II lick outheru Cal1forn1a at South Bend. r Datne whtppfd. the best college team m the coun- try ln fowa. Dcsp1t i ?~¢Ord, IO'fli has the best mate I in the nation The Haw re th Rams of college f Iowa hird 1trinc baeu lllllla~1an sc·s first set." If that a ftlbt talk or e powerful 'l'roja rote and l:d (Km• -Tell) McKeever n " quoth Funilo. .an. hand I.oyo a Hie CO, h Jordan 011\ar hu It made t.h!,,eff
Pasadena 76, SQ/1 Oi~o Sto1" 67. St. Marys 61, Son Francisco 62. ~Zb~~po&~Lo lege of Poc~1c 57. f3~~ira~! 0 Jt 'i°a1.egler 8 ~~~z~~e7~,. Western Montono 09r Ricks 77. Westmlnlster (Utohl 72, Carroll (Moot) 64. Whittler 14, Pomona 63. San Jose State 81, Son Slate 57
Santa C!oro 51, Lovo1a -46. Col Wes1ern 68, Laverne 57. Air Fore• 63, ~oyola 1111) 50. E~1'grc;;J~ 0 {Jr1eJ~"lrd~l •crn State 59. SOS Frosh- 51, Chula V a. H1;h School ~6. Oregon 68, Woshlng1on SI. 6A. Idaho 56, Montana Slate AS. Fresno State 65, UC Santa Barbara A9, Nevada 72, Humboldt E.tote A7. Sacramento Stat,- lJ'i, Cal Aggies JI. Michigan State 89, Michigan 58. The Citadel 7A, Virginia Military 53, North Corollno 62, Wai mary: USO (6') A.Wlccl Cravens Cocuto C. Wical Rttd O'Ne I Maines Potrlck Au5herman O I' p T NTC (7') 1 2 3 4Meodow1 It 1 3 13 Jones 2 1 4 5 Williams 2 0 0 4 Font 1 1 1 3 Moore 2 0 1 H-loorf'heod 0 -2 15 Cravln O l 1. Henrv 1 GFPT 12 3 2 27 0 0 2 0 5 2 11 0 2 2 5 '" 1' 5 2 3 12 I I 1 3 2 ' 1 2 1 Phlldelphia 126, Minneooolis 111. New York 121, Detroit 110. Svracuse 145, Boston 143. ~~~;~!sk' t f 1 { Toial, 1t 1' 2 24 21 2l O Tolals Halftime score: USO lJ, NTC: 30. ..
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