News Scrapbook 1958-1961
IPICial to Tho Ian o,,.. Union INGLbWOOD, Nov. 11 Pepperdine coach P<-nce Oa. , ,·us has shakl'n up his team's lineup for toreorrow night's; battle wHh the University of San Diego at Scntin1>I Field. Kiekof! ls s~ for 8 o'cio<'k. Da<'US, praising the play of his second unit in last w,:,ek- end's 27.:;n loss to San Diego Stale, announcl'd that this group would get the starting call whrn the piay their final home flltfflet oJ :wason. Thia means that none o( the <-luh's three seniors qu • rter- a,·k Ray Wrenn, balfbac Dwayne Despain and <"nil Denn, .Arla wlll b on th firld for th<> opening kickoff. Meanwhile, coach Mike Pe- carovlch hopes his Pioneers wlll be able to rebound from lheh :i:;-0 pasting at the Im ndij of tough San Fra!]clsco Stall' in the Bay City , a st W(•( 1 ke11d Quart<'rback J'ati aprnan, w h o " puainc, tpe,:cl'nt- age dlpp<>d below .500 lahl week, will be jolnrd by half- backs Jor Gray and Joe Laes- •Ju,ig and fullback Jim Desan- ls In the USO backfirld. USO ·,.x~gg~~~i:s l 198) PIDDtrdlne Wystrach 1971
b~~~~: 5 /ne> Gurrolg (185) EIIIOII (!17) Gobrlel (2'17) Chopn,on (180I ~~~·?rt~1'190) OoSontls 185)
Polston Je1n;,on 185 Pointon 1185 trio:~~ }g6) Hultz 193) Shl•ld1 164 Clark 160 klmbr1II 1,3 Jonu 185 l9Sj
Chapman Runs, Passes USD To 20-13 Nod Over Waves SHCIII "T.. Sae 0- un1Go I econd quart<"r on a 34-yard Jim Desantis had II goo d INGLEWOOD. • •ov. 12 scoring aerial to end Jim Ga- night for the Pioneers with 51 Quarterback Jan Chapman briel to gh·e the Pioneers a yards in 14 ('arries ile Ron scored two touchdo,\115 and 14./l halftime advantagt'. Pep• Wootton w the bes bl't for passed for the other to lead • • • tl1e \Va\ I' with 82 ya1 ds In l-1 l."n!versity o! San Diego to a ,.,,. 1 -• u usa io.. attempt • lTSD. now 4-4 for 20-13 \fdory over Pepperdlne ~~i,\': =: m 1:; th<> season, retul"l'\11 home ll<'Xt on a muddy field before some Pas,;,.. . 1-11 T-1, Saturda) night t& face C"JI 4 000 !ans here tonight. 1n1on:.,.i.c, •.- H1.: 'Polv ot Pomona at Westgate On the 11r t play of the ~::,~-;.=: 11" J J Paik in a homecoming pro.. game Chapman hit end Mike • • * gram • .McOevitt on a pass play that pl'rdine had_ scored _pre\·lou · ~!.?omin• _. : : : r-~ covered 78 yards for a new ly In the first period on a uso-cnapman, 1 rush (Loescnn1a school record to gl,e lSD four-yard dash by Gary Lash- ru~~·•-Lashl•v, 4 •u~h <•a,. lallodl. possession on the \'l&\'eS' two ley. <~:.°ioi~'f'tl, 3• 1>0u tram ChaPmG
Football Scoreboard
arne 21. Florida '.!1, Tulane 6 entucky 49, Xa\'ier 0 uke 34, Wake Forest ~labatna 16, Georgia Tech 15. Vl\H 20. The Citadel 6. Clemson 1'.!, South Carolina 2. Mississippi 24 Tennessee 3. Vanderbilt 22, William & Mary 8. Auburn 9, Georgia 6. WEST nlversity of San Diego 20 P pperdlne 13. Lo11isiana Sr. 7, !\II.SSissippi St. ::.
1oneers Out I To Break Into w·n Column
2-1 edge In the bowed, 19-6,
lConnl 22
SOUTHWEST Trinity ~T~:l,~MHardln-Simmcns 12. f;g;;~, d:~ 'It B~~re~~- {Colo.} N :!· ~e>etca St 35., West T11!-XOI St. s N:W~=4'-' Okkrhoma 21, Eutern NICMI SCHOOL Armv•HGWY 3, Romong O. t:i~s~?.,~~ ~lJl'/.'."!".,~-:1... 1 .l'l" ,_1, !Wln•i"• olf,,;;'l' 33 cl!r'aronto 21 First ol -· Vamt ! aoint .. ,1 •
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