News Scrapbook 1958-1961

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1960 /SCHOOL'S FIRST STAR 1 Leslie Named USO Basketball Coach ~r

chancellor· Re\·. J. \\'alshe Murray, U D moderator of ath- letic.,· Hi; Excellency, Lout" De Falco, Boo,ter~ Club official; Brue~ Hazard of the Hazard Contractln,:- Co., Very Rev. Ru - sell Wilson, president of the College for c\l en, and Lau-renre uUlvan of the Booster,, Cl ub. A bulldozer started fo make lite dirt fly immediately after thP ceremon~·.

"You might say I'm from 1h1• old school when it '-'OJn('S lo dC'll'llSC' hut r feel you <'Bl! fore'(' thf' olh<'J' learn into mis. lakPs and ,·api(afoC! on thPm, PPIP N<'W<'l! of Cal, Hank Il1a of Oklahoma .Stat<' and even Geot·ge Ziegenfuss at San Di- l'go Staf<' have made dl'fonse pay off." Leslie said he felt the ma- terial at USD was as good as most of the opponents the Pi- oneers will meet this year but said the potential depends upon the caliber or high school boys who rnroll. The job won't bP an easy one. HC''ll be spending most of 1he day with the insurance busine~s and drill his team at Municipal gym late in the aft. C'l"IIOOJ1, starting Oct, J5. Until the ll!'W gym is C0111- plctcd, 1hc PioncC'rs again will have to traV<'I to wJ1aI. ewr high school gumnasium is available in town for their home towns. Leslie has played for the ents span. of 17 ycai·~• .Maybe his ln- winmng touch vtllilellill:off on tght the Pioneers thi • LITTLE E soon enough winners during

en Leslie Appointe~ USD Basketball Coach

Former Star Plans Return In New Role

-son Diego Union Sloff Photo r ~en LDe~lie, new ~a~ketball ,coach at the ~Jniversity l~g?, studies the roster of returnmg letter- · men. Offw1al practice won't ·t 1 1·1 Q t 1~ s ar Un 1 c. :.>. O an

( Con1lnued)


t/; trip on the inside most of the o o 8 way and finally ended up fifth _For l_"appas all 1t was his ,- ii l~:()~~(tllt lip of Pfne ftr"'4i,'1Tt beforn Olden i,P('d it two wePks 1 0 0 gg o, . f fb~ ~~o.

Ken Ltl31ie of Univeulty of San Diego buketball fame ha• been named cage coach of the Pioneers, Rev. J. Wal•he J\tur- ray, athletic moderator, an- nounced. Leslie succeeds Les Harvey. He will be the unlnrsity's fourth baaketball coach since the cage sport was launched on the Alcala. Park campW! In l!IM,; , now a. 34-year-old life msurancl'! under- w'n , rred on the USO I cage teams from 1956 through 1959. But many of hi~ cage honors had been won before he entered college at the age of 28. 1 Honors Won He already had been named to the All-San Francisco AAU tournament team five times, playe4 on two Pan-American J teams for the United States, • and WB.11 named AAU tourna- ment All-American in Dem·er. Leshe starred at Lowell High In San Francisco. where he tY.1ce v.·as named to the all-city prep squad, He also gained Catholic All-American laurels "'hile performing with the Pioneers. In 8.11, he has com- peted In basketball 17 years, winning more than 50 trophies and medals during that time. I Leslie has had some coach- j ing experience, having served a.q an 2..'!sistant coach while playing at the Naval Training- Center and having helped out I"ith the University HI g h School cquad. I Seven Lettermen Leslie v.ill have seven return- ing lettermen to start to form the nucleu~ of the Pioneer squad. He says he will ha,•e to ·work on conditioning and develop team play in order to lead the Pioneers through a 1 winning season. L,,slie said he considers the USD material as good 8.J3 most ' of the opponents the Pioneers will meet this season. He said, however, the potential ,llepends upon the caliber of high school bovs who enroll. He'll have a busy time of It when October 15 t·olls around

Pioneers L Six From Footba I Squad Six University or San Diego Joe McNamara, for financial f o o t b n 11 players, includ- reasons, and Tom Zajec, first- Ing three !ir t-strlngers, were string end, through gradua- nmong the missing as spring tlon . rcgi tratlon continues Into lts Four other gridders a n d 1inal two weeks. a ba ketball player we r Dropped from sr.hool be- placed on probation by t h ea o[ scholastic reasons USD administration which r we ne Rudzin. ki. top quires athletes to malpta!n :t I r s I t1 ing Fullback; end 2.0 grade average. l:larve.l!' Vlcks and hack Wal- Meanwhile, seven athletes ter Cooper, who also was a were placed on the honor 11 ta rt,. r on the basketball roll. Having grade-point av- squad . erages above 3.0 were Merle Lost to the team for other Reed, Ken Leslie, Joe Di- rrason~ wen Vern Valdez, Thomaso, Charley Franklin.I first-~trlng quarterback who Al Kish, Greg Pearson and I in the 1oervlce; halfback C. G. Walker.

c~gl~tlri~~rtii1Penacho Sets

El Centro Wins

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and lie launches the Pioneers' basketball drills. He'll spend most of the day with the Insur- ance business before conducting practice late each afternoon. Until the new gym I! com- oleted. the U/:1D cage~ will ·1 l1ave to trav'I! lever high school gym le In the ~ity for theii-lic,iiie pmes.


Falco chairman of the board of the USD 'Booster Club at yesterday's ground breaking ceremony f~r the new facility. The 6,000-seat stadmm 1s expected to be completed in time for fall football season.

RC'v• .J. Walshe Murray, right, mod- erator or athletic·s at the University of San Diego outlines artists sketch of new tadium and athletic facilities to thP Mo t llPv. Charles Huddy, left; Bl hop of San Diego, amt Louis D

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