News Scrapbook 1958-1961
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Surprise Citation Wifely Help
Brings Her An Award By G RTRUD , GTI,PIN fr . Richard Nixon, who has watched her husband r • cei\'e honorary degr P. on a ~umber o1 occa Ion , mil"d with pride again ye tPrdnJ when h received another from the University of San Diego. But he found the potllght moment rlly on he1 elf when, to her urpr e, she received a dioce an citation In rcrog- nition of her wil ly loyalty and help to her hu band, the Vice Pre !dent of the United Stat • The citation w . made by Bl ·hop Charles F. Buddy. • ·o I)Pgrt-e A<'CPpted Pr ntatlon or the honor- ary doctor .of Jaw d('gree to the Vice President and the citation to 1 . 'I on wcrP h hbgh of th" um i.rsity comm nccment exerci e Alcala Th at r , which iol- lo~ ed a reception and dcdica- ever had Te- lved an h o n o r a :r y degree , on her own, lrs. "ixon aid , she had not. I "I ha,e b lnvitP.d to ac, cept honorary egree a num- tlo of th Hall of clenc bulldmg, h r tbP V I c e P.r !dent k d 1f
In ~pjf~~ti~
~IRS. RICHARD NIXO Accompanie. bu. band on tour
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trong voice as Mr , Nixon aaid she 'I\Ould be accompanying the V I " e here my, elf month. "We u1way m a k e beautiful~~:} rh~p :id togelbei' you nt to President to Ru I e
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Time alloted for the
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the College 1or Wo~en ,,a building
all too brief. 1r . he find San Diego's With her customary gra• nt dd wllh ga~Jy wrapped v.eather wonderful after the ciousness, Mr • Nixon auto- an taken on a curtailed heat o{ Washington? graphed doze1 · of commeiice-- '"'"'"'"''on tour b~ ome of the They Will Remain ment programs !or the col• ,.,,-,.,·, •A·;~ she reJomed the Vice "Yes, indeed," replled Mrs. lege students contlnuing un- t and proreeded to Nixon. "In fact e"erythlng t!J she tepp~d Into the car e wal Ing car, he quipped about California seems won- that whl k d her and the Vice at wa over In a derful an Buddy, bi. hop of the San Diego Catholic Diocese after University of San Di ~o graduation rite,;. P .,\Kt~Vice Pre id nt ixon t with the Mo t Rev. Charle. F. ow • S10 ees Ch anee to im in Visit to R foreign mini. ter, are endan- working In a • 1xon p ace orld In which 'Ry RTULR ltlBBf.L •vaNJ o TRIIUN E ,01,1,cal wr,tor I gering rhances !or a summit all the people a e working for a fuller, a er world ri in ·aid conference." ' lxon Vice Pre d nt 1 thelr po itlon which y;e Jive.... • Un I e here ye t rd y hi 1orthcom• ..People who believe freedom and who are not sat- lsfled with keeping things as I n l will afford changes a summit conference how th.- cannot be held ," he said. trip to Ru In an opportun ty to Pro re s ·eed Told are vi t people Am ric n "The Pre:ident has made It they are ... people who de- Soviet not th \ i rog fend themselves and constant• t b lenders ay they are. th t th . . · e p ere mus a C' ear It will al o at the foreign ministers ly work for freedom, Justice , Ian people that this country lconference at Geneva before and peace for ourselves and w n P ace Nixon said In an the summit could be reached.l th e world " Inter ew at the University of And the President has taken With that spirit. said 'ixon, an Di go, where he received1the right position that we can- Amerlc~ and. other free an honorary doctor of laws not be blackmailed into II sum• tlons will urv1ve and the na• degree. \mit meeting on terms dictat- tl~ns wh?, try to dominate us ll!''ll Open E hlbltlon ed by the Soviets. mil lose. Nixon I due In, loscow July "If the conference fail and Bl hop Greets Him n to op n 1he American Na• we do not reach the summit, "There is no question about tional £xhib1tlon in the Soviet\the whole responsibility will the outcome oi this struggle capital. rest squarely on :Mr. Krush- provided men and girls have He aid the visit i not a chev a nd Mr. Gromyko." the spirit of the pioneers," he "negotiating on " but that he \ J,"rt'edom Belief Cited said. pl 1111 to confere Informally In his addre~s to.32 gradu- On _.a telec~st, :t:'ixon said with Soviet leader:. ates ot the uruver. 1ly, N1Xon ~hat wllh Russia trymg to dom- 1 urged thnt they carry on the mate the world, there can be Refcrrln& t~ the dendlockPd splrit of the pioneers "to no promise to the graduates me ting of prime ministers at avoid going d0"-"11 before ag- ot 1959 of a future with perfect Geneva Nixon aid "the in- gre ive dictator ." peace. tran !gent and tubborn po 1- He described the "pio- 'ixon was gr~eted_ o_n the ton being d. played by Nikita neers" as people who •·are sl:P~ of _the umvers1ty s ad- Khru hchev, Soviet premier,\never saLfied, never smug 1 m1mstratJon bu1ldmg by the, and Andrei Gromyko, Soviet and complacent, but always (Cont. on Page A-3, Col. 4) • how the Ru . re
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