News Scrapbook 1958-1961

lion, thousand was pkd •td hy the lcxal Kn1ghb of Colum- bus). ha, almo,l 20,000 rnlumc, on ,ts heh-c: and cxp<:

,1 bc:rnmc g<:n•

oi the campaign so that

trally rc.gankd as ,1 D,occ:san educational d ., <:lopmcnl program Th,, on the: b.1sis of assurance th.11 pl<.:d,g1.:s raised rn the parishu wou ld not necc ,sarily be used for lJniHrsit} fund,nµ, alone: the t!1urchcs v.crc ,g1v<:n to undustand that some: of the money would be diverted to the , upporl o( othc:r transd,cx-c:san cducl• l ,onal comm,tmrnts, sud1 as high sc hools. ( ot unn.1turally, this point g,ive more th.111 one p,1rishioncr some pause for puz - zkmc:nt. Most of th(; ekmcnlary and ,crnndary schoob of the D1cx·c:se .trc re spom1bd,11c·s that norm.illy fall outside thc pro, ,n,<. o( slmtly Diocesan dirc:c- t,on .ind, Ill ">me cases, arc the total re- ,ponsibility of an autonomous lead1ing o rdu Of the s<.:v<.:ntc:cn high s< hool, in the: D1mc:sc , for cx,1111plc, there Jrc on ly 3 condut t<:cl by Diocban priests, six wh,ch opcrate: 111 (Onnc

s.,ndy l.o.,l,,t, n.1t1on.dl) \l-eJeJ J un,or 1nglt pl,1ytr 1 \X 1>cntn ,tuJcnt

Gracefully Jesigned wrought iron gate leJJ, to inner patio of tht \X'omen·s Colleg~.

• G,llegi, for


I ,fr, 1ho1e, Jill !lwly, '61 of ld.,ho I all,. , lc.-J,k·r for the P11>nttr5, the l n"er ity f1M1tball team

Het" een cl• st:>. taking the sun in the formallr l.a.nd,1..aped pJtlo.

tht' 111 •h ,pmteJ on;:

I e, u:ha fountain. Senmr prt:,1


the dci:ant

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parush R entr College f r

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107 truth may ne, er e, en see 1t) the act of gi, mg must ha,·e a common and power• ful sigm(icancc. To furray Goodrich, for inst,mce, 1t rerresents an 1mestment JO Edu ation against Catastrophe. \X'ith most of the other,, 1t ran only be con- trued as an intrinsic act of fa,th. For them, as for t. Augustine, the famed Bishop of Hippo 15 centuries ago, his- tory 1s simply a titanic struAAle between good (the City of God) and e\'il (the City of Destruction), which will be re- soh ed in the Last Judgment by the u- preme \'

A m ,1 urc of fe Jin•

r side


bo!ites this period, 1s ,::one. An mvete• rate joiner, tirele peakcr, a man·clously polished , ml 111gratiating person, Msgr. . torm wa aJy,ay5 the IJnl\ersit}'°s be,t foot forn ard. his -alue to Bishop Buddy 111 the mt1lal stage, of the S


rnntr1h11tor, that ther ncrgct1 .illy pre, ur J

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11111> making pledges hut th r u,uall) ,01crd 111 gu rJcd tone th.1t impugn more the m thod that the rc.1,on of the ent rpris It is d1ffoult, app:ir- rntly, tu ,1rgue w 1th u cc A ( ,rc;it r .111 Diego Committee, "l11d1 11 cludc,I mo t < f th to n's prom, ncnt 1.ty I ad r , trr sp tl\e of denom1 11 l1n , und r the c 131rmanship of Murra} (,o"rporallons responded v. 1th uch unprc-cedrnte

Mr. Murray Goodrich Member and Past Pre ident Vniver ity of San Diego Boo ter' Clµ.b

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