News Scrapbook 1958-1961



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THE SAN DIEGO UHIOH 66 I n. J n. IG, 1 ol AN OIEG~ c.e. 1ve Runs Victory Skein To 4 , tun° to four in Co\1n:i ·a urda, b\ outscormg Azu,-a , :1. .A 110-i0 \iC~0r Oh r 13.ola :FY da •• l' ·n now has \\ on .~. of its la t 10 starts. C: I \ cam, hi!e, hnd tr a Diego Diego ~tat<' dropp I a 5-1-53 California College A tlet c As- oriat1on d 1 10 1 at l"resno State. San Die o J mio College wa · idle. t:SO ,, n.· tied ",th Azu a at I, 36-36, but pullc-d wav on he shooting of guard J m · Flem ng. ,,ho 1i i. hcd ,, ith points. :-.reno· man-for man d • '<'I' <' I m1ted Cal Western to v6 poir t · through 35 minutes Tl1e \\a•·me, ;;Q,'l6 cu~hion \\'as J t enough a;rnin.t the fast-closin:? Westerner,. Rav \\'atc-rs led the :-.1arinc- \\ ith ·1-1 point: and Joi' ::\Jlllc-r added 12. B y u ningham '1it 1., fo1· Cal Western. , ·orri · Grcem,ood contributed 10 and rebounded trongly under both backboards a ain t the taller :llarine The Aztecs played \\ ithout their leading scorer, forward Cnrl Hunter, hurt in a 61-50 lo,s to Cal Pol) Friday. Jn losing, SOS may ha\'e 1111· C0\'Pred a valuable perform,:-r n forward Bill Lee. a form<-r HOO\ er s c t-shootcr \\' h o gged 12 points in his varsity debut. Dick Maurca 1 1 led San Diego \\ ith 16. Aztecs (Sl) Fresno (>4) GFPT GFPT "' , '2 l Chr trran 1 ., s 6 """ H'g;-lrs Ofner Cl '1 .4 2McF r~ 7 7 3 2T 5 2 4 11 Joi! ff 1 O 1 '1 11 l & t quilt r to )' P .necr I an their \ le-


THE SAN DIEGO UNION 30 I rl , ,I n. 1:1, 1961 a SAN 0• GO, CALIFORNIA 1 U o eek Third Straight ' Aaainst BIOLA .;,, SPN:101 ta Thi Son DlffO Union LA URADA Jan 12-The mver lly of San Diego ba ketball quad wil' b hooting fo lt third tralght victory h re tomorrow n,ght when It oppo e Bibi In t1tute of Lo Angele College. Tipoff i: set for 8 o'dock. ,1 he Pioneers w,11 complete the weekend ~aturday night when they engage Azu_a Col- lege on the latter floor . > Although t:SD ha ha~ its troubles thl year. a pair of \ ictories ould ea. ily be ob. tained. u D knocked over BIOLA. 102-61, and held o(f Azusa, 74-66, in games played at San Diego earlier this sea. son. •ow with the addition of 6- center Dave Hind·, h 0 will be ab! to help corunder- ably in the rebound depart- ment, l SD could get a new lea on lit USO ltil F ~.~~1~•-u.11) iG Baran (0-IJ

Cold., 1

r e k Sweep Of lwo eekend Foes 't'hc l nh, r lty of San Di- " o resu basketball actlo tomo"'row nl ht when it mee B1ola Col nt La 11rada. The Pioneers, hoping to lJ" kc a cl an s\\ ecp of v. eek A usa Collcg Saturday mght. l !';0 hold vlC'torlc-s O\ ~r both cl bs, having droppC'd niola , a d Azusa 74-66. quintet has been bol• e rter Da,·e Hind~, end activity, will travel 1







Sun,, Jan. 15, 1061 SAIi DI 00, CALIFORNIA t -,-----..;.:_:.:.:;.~--;:.:,::= (i,

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cored 10 p

had th r cold


of th a on. In oth r action, PhlbPac defeated Azu Coll ge, 59· Palomar JC t nta Barbara, 71-59, In a South C e n t r a I JC Con!erence game; Ram a Hi h edged al xlco, 53-51, and San Diego State fro h decisioned the Chapman frosh, 60-49. EVENING TRIBUNE $.AH DIEGO, CALIFORNIA ) · Ion.. Jan. 16, I I b-7 mps; an e

1 fc r from the Uni- of San Franc! co. be ame eligible

soecla1 lo Tho Son Diego Union COVINA, Jan. 14


Hi d Ia t vers1ty of San Diego's basket- at day mght a d scored on ball tram surged in the last eac of the fh e field goals halt to defeat Azusa, 88- 71, teMpted and contributrd herr tonight. \ h rebounds against Ne, It was the P1oreers' fourth vada ~outhern. straight victory and their The Pio11P<-rs will takr a sixth in 10 games. They dc-- 10-day break following th<- feated Bible Insitute of Los A l a contest a n d won't Angeles, lJ0-70, last night in re umr action until Jan. 24 Los Angeles. a 1a1rst PrlbTraPa<' USO (NI G F p TArusa (71) G F p T Ru · C"ra\C•ns, who reC"ent, H3 ,:iirn1ps nrn J; estab s ed a new school Mod en 1 o • 2 Nelson J a 5 1, sc ormg record of 35 points in l,!t',\'~~~ 1 : } ! fY ¥;~;::b i 1 ! a single amc, has taken O\'Cr ~?f~skl 8 t."i~Yter 1 ti 1~ as l'SD's top ·corer ,,ith 255 l,';~~ 1 I H Hi'~~ ! J J po n• a• d an a\'Prage of 18.2 Torols 3' 1uu1 Totals 22 27,511 (F t e'I Gr,me 5) Halftime Score-USO J6, Azus.a o. our e O FG FT TP Avg F,-ee throws ml~ed Mike O'Connor, USD Oppon ts 14 358 1·2 918 6S.5 Russ Cro-vers, Jim Fleming. r.l ::":',...~,._~..,.------"" ' 8 1008 72.0

TS ... General • I e inds


'.18S J" d ~~d~~ Pct. TP Avg. 1• 99 57 PS 1 25S 18.? U 92 50 76 9 2 • 6.7 13 39 1 61.l 89 6., 13 " ,. !H ij U nu ;1 '.lo.a 4.3 12 11 20 76.9 ~ 4• 3 •.o 11 12 10 m 1 H t I l oo.a 10 100 ifh~·8:U 3 3 0 000 6 2.0

Cravens Fleml g Mad Baran CoPUto R bb s o·~onnor Tr tz Schomme '


l'mla), ,Jan. 13, 1[)6J fl___

USO eeks 3rd in Row Special 1o EVENING TR IBUNE LA ill!HAOA of San Diego cagers \'ill at, trmpt to make Bible Institute of Lo.- Angele College their third straight \ ict.m lwrc to- nlgi't at~- The Pioneer "ill remain on the road tomorrow night agaio' t Aw,a College. Th<') bPat botl1 teams <'arli<'r ,n the> ·pa on, Da, e Hind , G-8 ncw- <'oml·r to l " Pion<' r . I e.x - pectl'cl 1 1 p l'SD 1,1 thC' nmc Tonirrht's Univ!'rsily

c11,1a~·.,su t-t~drlckscn 'Jourrc:,

8 f.

1 6 , 1 ,. 2

, 2 Jt)f'cCcrdy 0 1 3 1Murray 4 , 5 16 ~m,rh

i o 1 2 3 1 2 7 1 O 3 2 17 ,o 21 s,

Snrnr:tos Wallace

1117 20 51 10,,..'s


A meeting on the athletic field between University o( San Diego and ·otre Dame j became a reality toda.) · The Pioneer ' athlet mod- ra or, RP\. J. Wal ·h • lur- ray announced yes rday U ·o will play • ·otre Dam~ her In a ba rhall game A ril 6 at a ill' to he c-hosen lat :--otre Dame will 1l to San Diego Aprll 5 after playing Loyola al Long Beach. It also is scheduled to meet l."SC a nd Fr!'sno State on its western S\\ing. d Fr. :.lurra~· also announce that contracts \\1th three new football opponents have been signed. l'SD \\ill play a t\rn-gamc srtl with Long Beach State sta in" \\ith an Oct. 28 date In ng Beach. Loi Beach "iJt p y here ~e 962. C"ramento ollege a~c i\ ersity of will appea , the in 196:!-liJ.


Score ot ha,f· Sa:'I Olevo Stote

Frc5ro State 24. MCRD (52)

Cal Wes3trn {48)

GFPT J 6; ! i 18


! i

G~~$ }~~11 PO'i:1re I O·11crd Corrigan AClcms Bratton Totntc

t ! 1 ji~to~t!"


2 0 0 AC'unn l'\9hom 6 3 O lS

I o o 2

1 I o lTal<.anashl 0 0 2 DMo I 1 O O 2 Baumann ' 0 0 7 l• 1 , T11tals

'2 • I,

1 0 1 1 2 2 J O 7

'1 , IS ,0 • 13 O Ho'ftirr.e Score--MCRO 2:9, Co WHt ern 19. USO Ill)


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