News Scrapbook 1958-1961

18 i,,, 0,,,~,,H,,,,c,,,,,,,,,,,,rrrrrrrrr,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i ~LP®m~~ i •• By JACK BUTLER D N "MOO "" MULLIN, a New ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• York r sonc way.way South Basketball Honor Roll w t to co h St. Michaels Col• le In N M xtco, wlll be in town ov r th CO.tCll-Of-TIIE· YEAR lt:J33-Hooer Ru11sell, Seton Hall ]:;1::~gfle"1:~g~:i, u~:nclsco


HAWKINS, SEIDEN ON ALL-AMERICAN Coaches Pick Ferry, i Brown, McNeil! A Notre Dame great, a "mile hlgh" jumper from the Mlle High City of Denver. a man who's helped make Milwaukee famous and a transplanted Brooklynite share the glory on THE TABLET's tenth annual Cathollc-col!ege All•American basketball team as selected by the Nation's Cathollc-collcge illustrious South Bend star, Tom Hawkins, ran away with the player-of.the-year ballot- 1ng in the major college dlvJl;lon while Dennis Boone of Regis Col• Jege 'in Denver won the identical nod in the small college ranks. Ed Hickey's bright ftrst year at the helm of Marquette's high- mentors. The major college coach-of-the-year --- and Ed Hickey By FRANK DeR'.OSA l b I h h

hurst, has averaced more tl'iall 24 point.a per game and is a. solid performer 1 for the Kansas City Jesuit School. Creighton's Harve Junior, moves like a and ls tough under the The Nebraskan can ho either hand. The tnp from Jersey St. Michael's In Winooski has been easy for Nlcodem senior. The 160.pound gu rd holds several scoring records ,:Ir the Vermonters an r d points In an NCAA Vi• sion tourney game 1 . At pushed all the way bye Johna Joe Lapchick !or the coach1tig award, Close behind was ckeY'a successor at St, Louis Joh~ Benlngton. . . . While H•1vkinll was a hands down choice for hl.w honor, the battle for secon pkl.ea gave Selden thf sl!ghtes~ of ill\, edge over Ferry••• • lltlc:Gulr& stan·ed for St. John's Pr p, C lege and the Knickerbockers. Many thanks to the fo coaches whose lnv.aluable ~t;. Mt~~~d::~~n~~~·n°n~~h~n~rd~:~ ~rn Cnzz•tt•. 8rattl,, Al NenatU, Port1-nd; Tommv Thom..n, orelohlon uan1' inll ance made possible. this dream tetm five-ten, the Oarde been a big man up STAR GAZING; haa

as t


J9S&-D1nnY Wnch. St. Francl1 Broolr:lyn• 1057-0on KennedJ'. St. Peter'• 1958-Johnnv Jord&n. Notre Dame : Hant Kuzma., Steu- benville t,ma11J 1050-Ed Ulckey, Marquette it,3-Walt Dctr,. Seton Hall. aod Tom Gola, LaSalle 10~4-Tom Gata, La8allii, 1955-Tom Qo!a LaSalle 1956-Blll Ruu, t. San Pran~Jsco 195'1-Ela:ln Baylor, Seattle l85~Elsln 'B•7tor, Seattle CmaJor)i Jim Amith. 8teubenvnte f1m1ll1 1959-Tom Hawkin,, Nohe t:1ame (maJ<,r J; Oennla Boone. Re1l1 htnal!J major). Al Jlbb Y Umali) c.Outre. Belmont

da s D n h h d a co I of N w York I ds 0".l hs SQUd th past few u and my b Inter tlng !om lac 1 boys to chtl e his 001 to fur• th r edu• down In :oa

wll, be In con•

c th u during his home ay Ml ht bring us a b g hat- • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• don't w nr a bonnet but that a good tip tor public relations th de I. ••• Want to see a men to note how the major od pre representative 1n ac· league clubs i ue the player re- Th U of San Diego had lB season, yet Blll Thomas leases. 'Ibey are timed.... Lake mrt d out copy all season Placid is asking for the bobsled- k pt the lower California ding championships next year. Ile 11Chool In th sports Reminds us that we hold a brak- lt can be done a nd Ing license 1935 vintag f th 1 n s d ath up Whiteface Mountaln Thom s Pla man, 0 S.M , for• on skLs. We entered the dog mer pre!ident of St. Bonav nture races up there one year and lost u, and provinclal of Holy Name l'rovince, meant ~he loss o! a the sled and the dogs. The fr! nd of th d partment. When owner of the outfit ls still look• the c gers of Siena College. Ing for us. Wonder if the dogs which he h Jped found, first returned? the O rden. Father Tom was a gu t of ours at a dinner before nery feted 5 0 boys from St. Vin• the II me. We had turned our cent' Home Washln~n•s birth• twcx:ent., worth In tttng the day with a roller skating party Albany Franc c ns a pme and In Henry Abram.i's ltollerdrome. iome competition In New York Jay· Ehret Mahoney was ap- and p th r TO'lll was most en• pointed chllirman o! athletics e.t couraglng. although he pres!- the N.Y.A.C. l\!ahoney is former d nt of st. Bonaventure. Please President o! the Met A.A.U. and r memb r him 1n your prayers. Is a former U. S. Attorney.•.. o! Very Rev. Ing visited New York play in Dave Soden and John Flan· father and son sports rilght had a. flock at St. Francis Prep coach l\ gr. B cken pa tor, g;v1ng Tom Booras' former students ach or the b t athletes their on the varlotlll teams. Booras Guests were Brother has been se nd ing his swim &tars • Into v:ater polo, swtm•meets and Timothy, O.S.F., prlnclpal of St athletic events for more than 25 rand! Pr p and director of the years. awards I3 I Thomas proved It by treat- • e, or e 1 his t nm 1 t on , B !l s news Congratu• Mount Van Hovenberg run. Also hold some sort o! record !or !all• Th John Budzako, former long dis· tance swimming champion, Is the new prexy ot the Winged me oc e Y Fodl; swimmers club which ha$ • S 1 t 11,1> • OT rt Id , , 1 1 N 11 • OY St B 8

k . -• 'SWEET' CUARLU; BROWN ~er•on, Gon••••· Ra, M•YBr, D•l'auJ; _____ raps on11ar11or, Nl•••ra: Honey RulSJll. eeton Hall; Dob C.:ahban. DatroH·~ilo• award and bis small-college coun• St Louis the six-eight Ferry hns Curran, cnn1,1usic Tom Blackburn.• - ran mg cage c u g ves Im t e

~1~~/ 0~.;';fg;1tt;ui1; 61

TABLET ALL-AMERICANS: Al Seidt>n, Tom Hawkins and Bob McNelU.

teMrpOarlt ls hBelfmont Abbey's Al ra~ely m;ssed the boat th!. year C u re. t e ormer St. John's . Cros,; Phil WooJp,rl, S•n Fran , ............................. .,............, University ace, who did nothing He's been the scoring, rebound• ~W/~.fl~:,ut.;~; ~?{ 0 b~,J~~k 0 ,? ! more than guide his team to 20 Ing and defensive terror of the ca;:; 1 Ytsimon. oannon: Geor•e Irel& d. ' id~bnr"!~nlft 1 _L •

! ..,. ., • «

Wqe Wnhlrt J

lt wins in 21 games. Missouri Valley Ferry Is a rai·lty LOY<>!• for a big man In that he can lo!redo, 81 • Joseoh'a • Hawkins and Boone added an• handle the ball and has lots of uuohe•. s1. Franc,, : other feather by being the only agility desplte his .size. Bob's a 3'~~r~". f~~r~:'.·~t B : plouers to repeat fr m 1 t drew LOoka, Ao•um as Year .S sen Or. Belmont Abbey; Cha "'" team • Hawkins' maJor college Selden a throwback to the era donn•; Eddie Donov are Bob when a little man didn't have to Bl11 Donovan. Loyol "Sweet" take a back geat to the Mooe 1n•ton, st. uou!sj· • Charlie Brown of Seattle, St. Goliath!!, has created a niche Ol•nd canterna, Bti John's Al Selden and Bob Mc- for himself among the cage elite J.I7~~ 1~~~ 1 ';i 8 8 k twisting Jump shot C•rlv, 8t •ub•n•lu, Ga ng berths on the small and quick.starting, hard driving Roch,lle. Merrlm~ k ,. college dream team with Boone layups A stiff competitor Al ls or the Plain• 4- lt • • • (N. Y.); Oud•J M Mount St. M•ry··· Add Feather ' [ .., 0 ...- l A •American mates 11 ' - Jamts Goa, QuJner • ' '1,/,UI), lltDh'a {N. M. I; Im • Neill o! St. Joseph's. through a lt lni mine: Lt• llarvcy, : son of a Methodist mlnU;ter, has Junior, Bob has be~n Coach jack ;:~~t"c'k. 00 e'.nlf!n°/;f,;,., 11t ·F~~~er•~..~7eb * averaged close to 23 points per Ramsay's mainstay and will be e«enton: Don Cunha. i,i,n.. Al sever: •nee, Vil! nova; Jim McCaffert.y, Xa.v!er ,. game during his three.year career back agaln next year. ro.>: a111 o,;,orn,. st. John'• H<,H"ff-##,H;J#l.t tr~c_t from his all•around court bombarder from way out offer a THE FRIE'MOLY RINK lll s th B d t l3ob McOrane, Klnu ; Tom Niland, L•- Quick as a cat, a flashy, pin- Mo,nr: Art Acoff .. 61. Martin',; oeorn OU en • Ll tie less than : The Northwest fans who are play. Dennis has hit In double o c PP ngs o s ow why. Regis and the six•two junior ha.~ to the exalted another year to go. last two years, Brown, a senior, !ans say he's really something, ti came through for Seattle 1n a big ha.5 been the bre=:,d and butter way. Charlie has been dubbed man for St. Peters. The six•five • ~bwteeht onf Clihar!lie B;t owhn have a figures In 68 of hi~ 70 games for Old countrv Rd. t The six-five Hawk!nS grand• operative !or St Joseph's A st. Amhro,e; l!.oml• ,Co•nar, l!t. Nor-




b II T

: 1 59 Al -American asket a


., ., ., • •



Small Coll







., Tom Ha,,·lr.iru, 6•5, Notre Dune.•.... Bob Cutaneda, 6-2, Rockhursl • Ferry or St Louis





., Otarlie Brown, 6-2, Seattle.............. Bill Smith, 6-5, St. Peter'• i

., • • « ., ., t l « i -ti t


• Bob F


St Lo

D k H


ws....... . ... . .. ic


arvey, 6-7, Creighton •


• Alan Seiden, 5-11, 5t. John·•·........••..•Denni.I Boone, 6-2, Regil ,. are Bob Castaneda. ot Rockhurst, a fine shot and the main reason Procoolus: Robnt




• Bob )fc:-,;'eill, 6-1, St. Jo,eph's, Tony

icodemo, 5-10, St. ~1ich.acl' • (Vt.)



« Ed H .ck

Al \1 G

B 1

1 ey, " arquette. .• .. •.. . . . . . . .• .

. c uirc,

e mont Abbey •



Tony Jackson, 6-4, St. John'•· .••......••.•.Jack Fra..:o, 6-5, Loru ,. • Al Butler, 6.2, • ·;agara....•......... John Blanda, 6-3, Steubenville -II T. Stith, 6-5, St. Bonaventure... H. Dartez, 6-7, St. Michael' • (~.l\U Forward Forward


!tr=======-====.,,,,==================== t c y o RouNDup :; 1 · :::: an tein, 6-2, • a,-ier (0.) ............. Bob Fulton, 5.11, King'• ! Frank Case, 6-2, Dayton ........ Bill Temaab, 6-2, St. ~lary'e (Kan~.) :; DOSORABLE MENTION: Bur • cSI and Jordan, Clonzara; Mealy and Ille• it :lorlr, Manhattan: Eun. Prov1dence: s Stith. N•wbool< and Fairlleld, st. * Paul Richmond Al ne-- and -. Bonaventure; Bra nd t, Whelan a nd Sh••· Ho!, cro15; Vlvlaoo all

c. . o. Indoor track meets; Brother ...,_ank Sprlnamnn coach of eporta nt St. John's Home in •·• ,

Roe fwthay; 11,LolJke

5Pdo,:Prts ed!:

tor o


ng ....,an


and t Oa 8 t ma 8 t er . Tomm"' Holmt , one o! the be t public re• • '

]atlo s m n

for the National BACK In 1937 a few priests sat arty O'Donnell of mlngham and •on•ed the seeds !or Jim McHugh, Chick


Keegan and

., b.-oer. Rcgb: M••terson, A ..umpt!on; Arm,tr 0O •, P&nel and Jollo, Port- « land· Oloret. and Saunden. Beattle; Matthew •, and SlobodIJlk oui:iuerme· ave -t< B•rrr, cretrhton: aoboraro, santa c1ara; Alb••· Det.roit; Moran: Manabam'. ,. the ., KoJ11 and McCo7. ).brouette; s,nchoz and Pitts, Bl. Jos,Jlh'o (N M) -te Carney, Spr-tna: Hill; Lat.h'am and Thanr, tewi,. Lamers, st. Norbt.rti1: C h J • Camabdl g,,1:ic7 Rolek an-! Mac1':lnno;i, can!,,... L•• ,. san D!eiw :: oac . 1m the -t< Lem•Y. Merrimack: nober , Bene,ucuoa Hel•ht• ,Okla : Mont.aomery: • of Ohio. , -tc Bellarmtne; Lowrey Cbrl•t n Brothers; Clark and ll! • h«. eteub,nvlll•; ,. . « RUSAo, Gannon: Lynch, LeMo,µe; Cavalier, Bo•ton 0011•••: C&rt,r, Iona; * t cue and Sh•ln•. Mount st Ma y•,. Kennerly, st. P•tor' •; Dorlte and * Von Barren, Belmont Abbu. Vdten, Villa. Madonna; Gallo and S"1r&tt. Jt, it s,. Jo,eoh • CPa.,: V•ith, N1uara; Browne, st. Micha•!'• (Vt.)· Jo,eph • (I.a.), Peteraon, st. Vincent·•; Carl and' cau,en, *' ePaul, ~ .d and Sheedy, Loyola cill.1; J<,-ao, Kenny, Gravelinr and • h "th

o St Francis Pr p and trackmen the c. Y. o. when the trom st John's Fordham and !!shed the c~•holic B·~k tb ll been wonderful hosts to N Y U. Brot.h r Frank brought L ague. One of those ploneer 1 C. Y. o. track league. ts tamed "P anuts of St John•s pri-ts was a uoung Fa"·er Sheri- With t O meets to go ,~ J w, Broth r Alfred, O.S.F., 1s the years later t·he rleante Arsc.hblshroepe speedsters n Infantry Ar estab• mory u1i = e a m to entert in. dan from St B dan' Th 106th



M C ,,,



) 8 t

11 15'

t M

c auer Y of Xavier metropolitan ar~a and the Middle

vc •• xc:ep I HOME OF DANCl SKATING l'Jon••• ~- 9 on. 0 :


Eastern Conference in scoring.

Known as th "B g Fl!


" I









as ane a, a JUn 01"

.. Roe .


from Holy Family

seem "ell Oll

their Vt·ay to a ...-





athletic d1rec or


t. Molloy established the c

y O


I..eonard'g High School replacing In th Dioc s

f B


• · championship. After six meets., •0n1 A:tbur. Xav!.,.




e e o

roo yn.


Brother Conra . O.S.F•.. , Arc · b hop Molloy High School hoop h" If Holy Family Is In first place by « Huuard. Villanova; Veale and Rupp, St. B•nedlct·, Denault Stonehill· ,. to the 48½ points over second place ., and sioaty. st. Mary's ccal!!.): r.cour. sao Francl,co: Kreb•.' John * l • Carroll; Herd•llo, LaSalle; McLauohlln and Doll, 1.o 70 1a (La •· Aoullar • ood Counse . it and Armlax>., St. M!chaer, IN. M.); ~ll!lam•, St. Jo,eph'a lllld.i; Cahtll. ,. ~ourt Mor •'-an 80 at this writ• enthuslast\c support of the pro- Meanwhile St. Francis Xavierl"f st. Ambro.., Drefer. et. f'ranct• otal 512: SI. Thomas Aou!na•. Ble5'ed Sacrament, Banlde, 'st. 'Mary freestyle relay Holy Family Jim Platla.nds Sr. 20. Jr. 27, Ban. 25. total -. iardalene. and St. Thomu. 28· junior R ' • r:;:.==-========================='!1 72, season total 4471• Holy Innocents four-1,nrth: St. Andrew•• and St. l\lary obertson, Steve McCormack, Sr. 21. Jr. 17. Bao. 3 . total 69, ••uon Maoda!ene. 34, and et Thom •, JO· John Beary and Mi' h 1 0 t total 347: Our Lady Help of Christians mlxtd: Our Lad,- o! Lourdes. 34. Bie.u.eci C ae ran ; Sr. 32. Jr. 32. Ban. 15, total 'i9. geason sacrament, Baysld~. 32. st. Andrew· 15 . medley .relay, Peter Hampel total 293; Holy Name Sr. 8, Jr. 22. Ban. Sacred Heart, cambrl• Heh:ht1 and st • ha ' 41. total 11. season total 208; St. Mar,••· Thoma.. 2B; bantam rour-leri~th· st· RIC rd Bohan and Hugh MC· Church, Institution and Home Building Service and Buyers' Guide lilauJer St. sr. I, Jr. 6, B&D. 2. tot&! 9, A!ndrew•g and Bl••••d Bacratneot, ·Bay: Eneaney Notre Dame .5e&50n total 193; Bol1 Cron Sr. a. Jr. 12. s de, 34, &nd St. Thomas J2 • · Ban. s. total 26, season total 179: Goo.aton. et. Francia, {P&. •; Mei

also Trust Funds. Welfare Funds, Credif Unions, Labar Unions, Churches, Colleges, Frofernaf Orders, Etc.

In 1958 COUNTY FEDERAL paid over $4,100,000 in divi- dends to the 68,000 people who have savings accounts with us. Open a County Fed- eral Savi1tgs Account of your own-and let 19;;9 be a Happy New Yeal' for YOU. If not convenient to come in, you can open an account with us BY MAIL-make withdrawals BY MAII.,..:..etc. Simply send us your name and address (a postal card will do). You will recejye BY MAIL all necessary forms. **** *

Savlnrs received by the 10th of any month

earn dMdend1 fram 1ha flrsl af that month.

Safetr of your savings ls lnsared up to $10,1100

by a • lnstrumenlallty of t~• u. S, Government.

"COUNTY FEDERAL has furnished the mortgage money for more than EIGHTEEN THOUSAND HOM.ES on Long Island. If YOU are planning to build a home of yow: own ••• or an apartment house ••• or a new home development ••• get the benefit of COUNTY FEDERAL's low interest rates and courte- ous, quick $ervice to BUILDERS, CONTRACTORS, and individual OWNERS.




ONLY EADH When paying bills, or sending funds for any purpose, get PERSONAL MONEY ORDE S at County federal w~ether you have in account here or not. Out fee is onl 15c per order for any amount up lo $2 You sign them yourself, ar,d get a r to keep for your records.

You can cooverc your 1-family house into a 2•family with a Coumy Pederttl Home Improvement Loan. Or, use the loan to pay for Painting, Plwnbing, New Roof, Play Room, Modernize Kitchen, etc. Bring us your con- tractor's estimate. We abo invite Dealer Applications.


The bantams had rougher op- Skylights, Leaders, Gutten position when Sacred Heart, Repair Wark A S · It Cambria Heights, pusI;ed them pec,a Y right down to the closing meet. 161 Clifton Place, B'ktyn 38, N. Y. Ken Stapf, Jerry Desmond and Ttlephone MAin 2-7730 the relav team piled up the



~t..\. H_OA,...

And Fridav Evenincrs: 6 fo 8 P.M.

t. Patril'k' Day, pages •~, 10, 11, 13 Sk)roeketing l'hool co t . page 10 Our .P.• prerlictions •pa"e 12

For lukewarm Catboli<-s. -Basketball All-American B"oystown too Catholic? Back A.B.A. on court.

. page 17 , page 18 . page 19 . page .20

ulhority in the home .

. parrc 13


Puhlfa.hied every Saturday bY THE TABLET P'Ubllshlnr Comi,an:,, one B'anaon Plac,, Brr,oklm t'T. N. Y.. BROO 'LYN 17, N. Y., SATURDAY, MARCH 14, 1959



8ecQad Clus Po1ta1• i,ald at Broo\l7D.. :N. T. and at 1.ddltlonal mailizll' omce~

VOi,. Lil,

o. !5

Acceptant:A 'for m1tl!n1' 1.t 1:t,edal ra.te or DO&t&KI Drovtded [or fn section lt-03. Act or october 3, 1917, authoztze-d Auruat 22, uua.

IO Cenlo Per Cop,- 84,00 Per \' ear

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