News Scrapbook 1958-1961
ho State Coa
Aztec T ams To Be Feted San Diego State College
I' ul t:u~e111 di or San 01.corp Recnnt Depot) are bet- cork out of th let half• tc1· " b u·k Dic·k n" . who I: lned ''The Marine liu i~ lough- tack. "We were ln •rel In ('ollcgr. ol Pa- ,, ·• he explained. that." said Tromette r ••i:o St,,tc ollcgc l' • I
ogs' a- crn said the Westerners are "thankful we don•t ha\'e l afta· more game his year, but we•re looking rorward to next
George Schutt said his Sa1 season."
Ill ' 68 17 win over- th,. A,
Bull Trometter said Jlmmy
In favor of reduced schedule and only 33 against.
'fhe tumult and shoutini:- about the proposed San Di- ego City Section o! Califor. nia Interscholastic Federa- tion has died down. The Board of Education and Su- perintendent Ralph Dailard acted wisely last week in de- ciding to continue study of the proposal. Proponems ot releaguing. of whic-h there are several Ill
•1 !: ~t:'~~;g::i d° Marv..:.::.: 1S 6 Locm,ona Slat• . . 2, 6 P,trt111ron .......... 27 l t;iew York ........ 31 1~ !~Wv.o1er ........ I! the city and county coach• ••• ·. J3i JO I •1 14 JOO Sptondlord ....... 2' 110 0111,no&. SI I ........... 1j 31 ashlngtdon ........... , io5 19 Chula Vl&la ........... 11 ing ranks, are encouraged C•r oon •• .•••.•.• 1 ,.,"•'•~!... ...•. D r~ o • ...•••. ••• 28 Clevelan ............. "' 1, Blvfhe •••·····••· Cl ...... 21 10• PTtunlan~•,,,onla ·...........•.· .. ·.• •' ;, - 1' Florida ........... 21 23 New York ............ 6 13 B I ............ I by the n>velation that 1he • 66 13 Sou1hern Mertnodist .. 7 20 Woshrlvton ... .••. .•• 0 24 Cleveland ............. 38 39 H~ft~lfiw- ··H ··· ··· 7 .... J: 18 fj,_~~/ 10 RJ3m• •····:::.: 1~ l~~: ,; .·:·::: 1 ! 19 Sta~~ - • •.. J! 21 PhltadelJ>hla • •.... 21 27 Calexlc~ .. ···· h••·· 7 city schools \\. 1 0uld con ider ·.::· •• 21 Geo. woshingron ··• • a 21 Ttxol A~"I " ..... 21 ij ~9,torni~on SI. :::::::: 20 n 'f/~,'i!;~~Y!r:la -·:·:::: :: 7 Browley .. .. ....... 7 possible relcaguing on a J2S N 29 -Arnw m ~o 29~r•,a~~~~ st ian ..... 21 1~ s~~lf.'rn Cal. ,! 2rS 3~(g,ui: •• 1e, 27 192 73 county-wide basis undC'r a INDIANA 204 NEBRASKA 156 121 ii. Tri g 1i~l ~w,~ii~.ieors 33 Oceo~~~2NOIOO -·-- • ' San Diego County Section ft~~,• ,/r;',,~~o ::•::::: a 1< Penn ~rott 7 IIUTGEU 27 El Coion ' Setup. A COU!lty e Ct i On 10.0 J • o Purdue ······ 28 .,. Pr1·nce1on ., ..•..•...... o 7 UTAH 212 261 26 Coronado ..... ::::::: O ••·•'··• • 1•w0 •role .•· .. ·.·•·...... 6 •• - M••l-a 6 20 Gronmont O uld p ·t l gu t b Cilia •ott ..........9 I • • 21 COlliOII ............... '7 -· ~· . ....... WASHINGTON REDSKINS ............. WO crm1 ea es O e ~1~;;--•,j,~hlol .... ' 1
:llar Vl~ia had two,. lo celebrate last Frida Mat'lners had topped VI , 7•6. in the varsity g tn. • They wrapped up the AY-0• eado Jayvee till ln 1hP (- ernoon with Harry T<1l'hi~ scoring the touchdown in • 7-0 win over Vista. The <'hamp. finished with a 4.0.2 sl'ason record. A ::ir ount l\J h Boosters' C l will be formed tonigh • ~he club•s announced ob t ni la "to promote the men and phyR.. ical wl.'!fare ot the i;chooll' Parent - will t with ath- letic dlrec-lor T Welbaum and principal I Grant to ouUlne their prog1 am. One of the boo ters· first big projecti:i \, ill b,. to gill liJ?:ht · and bleacher~ at the Matador field. 'an l)iego·s Liell ·111i;-Je- ton has many attributl!s as a quartC'rback. One of the greatest of the <' Is hts abil- ity lo throw on the run. His 24•yard fir . t touchdo"·11 paBs af!:ainst Hoover was a sight to behold. He rolled out to the right and fired to Sam Edwards, who helped out at his end with a !lne catch. A great T.formatlon quar- terback, Singleton won't b<> overlooked by single•wing coaches. either. -----
. J : ~.~~~:rl. :·:·: ::::·: !o ill ~\~gr;g~o ::::::::::::: 2~ 1 , 1} ~~r:mo state :·:::: U17 b 0 :ig sra, 1 ·:::::;::::~:~ ~o ,, lo•o 51ale • • 1J Wtsccn,,n ............. 11 IM ll ' Mchlva,, Stolt ... 26 .Ji rit,~~~: : ..:·:·::::::·~, 6 w:t/i~ni~~& s,:~i:~. 14 ij f. ~i~~gir~.~'.:.:::::::: 'Z m 28 o Fresno St, ........... 3S 2
151 ?J ~h~r;J~f~\'. ::::::::::: i~ ill
208 'p"1!1y·eO~ts. aA O[pi;p!seedpreas~~~ n duced schedule and 60 fa- i: \'Ored aboliliol\ of playoffs. U conducted. were supported o,·erwhelmingly. 113 for. 36 -..
HOOVER 1 i ~~W1" rd . :::::::: "1.J ~'.. ~~ou,1,ro .::::::::: 0 80 ~ .::::::::: . 1 i ~ 0"; 0 b1eao .. ·:::.::-- 10 tJ••~~?,
V,M,I. o B01tirnore 128 " Morelrtod sr.......... 20 1 ~ E~~c1g..~~r• .:::::::: .. ::::::: : Ii 2~~t~it~~lr ....... a 13 f.:!;;gg' & "; 0 r; .:::::: 1~ D l-<>1 son Francisco ......... M
12 Pt Loma ........... 13 Track playoffs. as presently
19l 199
1 8 6 4 6 Col Poly :::::::;:;;:. 10 <2 ?~~l;~n .. :·::::::: 6 138 s '·.::::::::::::
ll,1 SI I ~i-NTU,KY , IJ H~r,,~.Jc<:h: :::::: 2
C I w a T O 0
1 l~ l~'/,i,~~n Marnodst ·:· t l) t~~:.:'r 0 •'" 1 i 1; g13~o 1 2! 22 Purdue ·:··:··::::·:. 29 "' Fresr,o St. •• •.•..• 40 ,..,avy ·••. •.' ... 20 1 towa Stele O ~6 Pitt,:bur9h • 29 i ~~r: ~ '
'J '
Lehlor ........ 7 :u Gr;..~"/ 0 ~ :::::::::::: 2! ,$ 2f~:_/.j!~:rr:ra Tech.-··· l~ JI Baltimore
.Aubutn C1or ici
• ••••• I
.......... 51 ........ 10 28 San Francisco ........ 6 103 17 Son froneiSCO ....... 14 78 31 Los Angeles -
estern p I pen ay
7"- 8
1 1 Lau, ono St
202 25
6 1 9 ,.
0 S
an , ,e;o t~ tt t1~~?~ Boy • :::::::: ..... .. . •
Ml1i1 nlPftl $tare
~1 llS SANTA BAR&ARA JO& 2f West !-.:os ;~
I.C 2 ~~~?e:i:~:ohlo) 1] • T1nnc if!e
6 ;µ Z 21
~~~~n,il:s :•::: :::::
o O' . 1 '1 wv,1,1.1;lntHJl & Mory.•.-·. ·.·. 1,s, 10 Detroit . . . ,, o Baltimore \i"'n.. e Fore~t
..... 17 34 Hoover ....... 7 '17 Crawford 25 lo Jolla
2i so" Ole-go st • Whittler 60 25 Fresno Stat• 20 L.A. Slare- t:~ 9 F~~~~~c!t •
C !
, .. ••. 2S. ...... 0 . - .H. & ... _· 3}
-115 N ff-at South'!rn o iforn•a
J~ itt t_vgu-stine 6 YUma~ 0
N 30--ot Pittsburon . ........ 28 0 7-Chicaqc, Cores
22 21
LONG 8EACH 11~rt~~foSC 0 tCJt! 01 cu, O1~tJCI Stot, p~~.!',°J~,. .
e jt
I tv~', 1:; 0 .::.: : 2~
........ 6 0 FloridQ St St·:::::: i1 ~es~o~~ri~~iost. ·::::... ••• ..... ' 21 Rlchmol'\d
fl D U-Defre>lt
1t I~ )J 12
:::·· 21
l~ " l::~ro . . .! n F,ln,:,.omono ::::::: !l 1i c~I ~irJes ·:::... :.. r'i l~~~AJSoutllern ...... • 1 San Francisco St..... 25' ' 9cctclentol ....... 231237
176 l-49
' B
'S Bammore 1: t6:•'J,..,ll.~r•• :::.:::::: !t fg1' 1~~~1es ·:::::::::: . 0 Llncol~ JOL':-'........ 1 0 Son .0 1 .. 0 .......... si basketball season Saturday i} night against Camp Pendleton .. 2" 21 San Fronci1CO ........ 2, 6 Kearn~""'. ,no.::::·:::: is on the Mis.,ion Bay High court. Cal Western will open 1t:; ISO : ~ 1 J~?o"ra 8 t~y :::::::::: . 28
., ' Santo 90rbora 2 t ;; ~im!~~,'o
6 - ~g 1
18 if E~:~"i,o~~oft
~ 15
Tech :~:~~::~
S Anny . .. ... '5 15 Clemson. 145 2 ~ ~~r~' 0 corollna ::::::: 1: u ~u•torolina st • 1• ::.- ~l 3~ ~~~·•1?,':, 0 Now-MIi ·:::: 2 g A junior varsity game will get ·•-~ the t\vin bill under way al 6 0 Coach Bob Kloppenbu1·g has .::::::::: 11 decided on a starting lineup M of dfreshmen. Jito Takahashi Ol'ris G~ehWOoa 'A"ill be ·::::::·:· 21'an 204 6·30 . . ........ i: ~ 1 IJ~ 1U OCEANSIDE J, 1l9 22 • :~1~ .::..:::::::: ,g 1 1 2f~ia~:n ,~;$ ········ 20 7 Pt, Loma 2J L~D•Scr~m;-.,~.,iroo~•.s, STAT .. E ,• 11 HEoon''ceor.-'l AriZOl'lO ~LORID._ HAT • r,nne H Ttcn riurmcil'I i~._rico~t I Oeor lo Vlrg nla Tith rt1nentt letrnPO M m IFIOJ ,::1or oa Tech__ .::::::: • 7 vrrrr f o 6 Vn,,derb it 9 0 ... " 20 ..... 13 32 F . , ....... J9 D 7-New York on . •••••• 71 28 9 , " ····•······ U O VMI o! Pov eppe,dln & •antca aa,born O i?n Ole1_o Stott'. 00 :i! ,;.::rci p~9~• 6 Beach 2J • , •• SS 1:) Citrus 33 ,..,. 6 •I SOS Frosh "•::::::: 0 12 N.rgCnoorollno sr.•· " ....... 7 0 North Caroling"""" <2 fo;i"" 1• •·uth c•rolina ......... "8 •:' 7 lf l,;:r;i~rio er V~lley ·:::: .. l4 N 27-Wake Foresl • i>V •· ,£ 20 1 , p I v d 12 LINCOLN 222 13 LPot LJoomllo0 w- l" Sonia ~orboro ..... 20 . .... 3j p Keorn, .. 3~ l.05 ANGELES RAMS 102 6 Morrlo nd • • , \~ ~~·•l?nd . 6 ! ~~(:~: Valley ·:..;·.. 21 1tz~m!:~1i.CALl~~.~.N'.\g 99 JOl ~i i1~~:•n:::.-<::::J~ 1! ~1•;i;,tt~~nt_.::::::·: WAKE FOREST ry 1"1~,andT.-.•..... ". ;! F'orrdo sro·;. ........ ,; 1l 6 11 ~mco,ollno st......... i 7 8 :::•: : I N ra~~7lria •.::: ::::: ~,_ N 30-nt Chico~o O:ord5 a :1A M,,.,a, 0 U o~troit H 20 G I ..•.••. , 41 e S~nwOiego 101 UJ 194 IQ h C . it at fon"·ards, huck Nelson aro ino ..••.•• OH to STATE swoau,t~",nr~ 10 An'\t1hodist .. • :·:::::: 3J lJ ~t~A~eustine LOUISIANA STATE 7 Nort 109 2,• J! u f!~ic!~1:,1i~{~') Fl d H irr~,~/ppl 1: 1~ Ml ~l•nlppl sr ~1o•c, 1 " b O 0 m 1< 10 6 g~7~g~n10 .. . ·n b 8 ~f,~::,.,~' _ . :u 111 7 d Ch 6 3 " wash SI e at center an el 143 \\·1 2'l 7 1~ •::·::::~ 12 : ••:.::: 1 j fi .......... 1 ,s UCLA ~; l~':~ 7 wscoa,1n MAR VISTA Lewis and Art Johnson ha'\:·e l! ,~u?;f'.;;,tullo ... :::::: 1; been picked for the guard 21 g~Fg;g~~e .:.::::::::::: 1~ spots. g 1!~~~,~~'1/'iy ..... 15 1 ~ \;J~so, ::::::: s s b 7 G ,~ ~!~~~~uterr, ..::.::::.. 1! N 29-Notre ocme 'f }'o Mlo"1'01000 . · .. · .... ·.·.·.".". N 27-At S. Carolina. 260 216 1, 13850UTHERN METHOOIST100 110 20 Ohio &,tote 23 3, Corlsbod .............. 7 20 43 Ft1Hbrook · •··•• . ..... 0 . .. .. ...... 6 7 Vista 111 SAN FRANCISCO OERS g ~~Jf.:'J.:\.~ 1 ~•rs .:.:::::. 23 Pittsb•Jr9h 6 3 Los Angeles ......•.. 33 . . ---- ---- avoge za 0 7 M"1x ·,n Mat Ma'tn / o ' 02 Tulcne Ch WASHINGTON , . ·• - H l~ S,,n JC!.e- St ...... 19 2• /M,oe•oln .'.: .... ::::: ,, 3 1J2 6- Notre Oome 7 l'lS 51 182 1 ,,,~ "' MUQUl!TT£ II Soutt, Oakoto St. 2 wp,t~o"s'lrnore 1:3 Bo~fon CMleqe ., ,,,. OKLAHOMA STATE :,2 Missouri 80 1'5 g r 3T oe-,vtr , lA 7 R:Jce .••... , ... 13 7 Ohio S1'lte ............ 12 1-4 Ch" 18 12 ~f.. riford ......•••... 22 24 oef~g~o ears__ :::::::: 21 26 Pf. Loma .. ........... io , 7 Las Anoele:s .••.......• 56 g Kearnv . ··•· lg "' re-i:ion st · ········ -• -' 21 Detroll 35 · · · .... 29 6 ~e:~rri Col :::::::::: 2~ 33 Grei!!il Bav 12 1 27 1 ~ gcLA MISSION IAY .•.•:.·.· ~no ~JI yN,o,~•h~,laTekO$ State ••· 1,•, 2~ TGe•~org,10 Tl!Ch •• ·•·....... •• ·•• .... j! ~ 1 ,~c~:;,i~~ Academy · · J N 29-Texas Chrlstton .. .. .. "',.. .. ••• 21 16 l'ulsa •• .. , 2 • J~ ze:a-s A&.M 33 s6v~;;os ,l Hou7ton ..... 1 0 1!9 ,, 1,s,,~0 s, r ATB .• . .•. .. 6 10 1 0 0 Lo Jolla · ·..... ·•·••• O f San Diego ............. 3' 13 R~':~i ·.:::::~;::::: 1~ Crusher Savage and Sandor : ~t""~uouslint ·::·::::: 1~ Szabo will go t\\O of three y 1 j o~toMe'o~~•ro .• .. 2111 Colle~e ot Pocltic ..... 18 ! ~g~q J.s:• 1 CaHfornin u 1: •. .•....• 12- N 30--at Bcltimcre 8 1t:~~m;;.!~' r. • • • " 13 n st ate . 121 1' Woshington s '· ..... 113 24 Crcwford i Wos~. 5 $fN FORO• ..... 40 l02 WASHINGTON STATE l'6 J W N 29-0klahomo 256 · ...... falls to a finish in 111e main 99 event of the wrestling card .... 1~ tonight at the Coliseum and ru 186 113 m ~~~hweslern ..::::::::: '" storford .......... 6 28 o~t,~i1MORE cot.Ts " MT. EMPIRE 1 MARYLAND 1~ 2, }1~;\~ ~C:r~ilno St. ·:: 3 1 •: ~ie"~o:lrglnlo .... ::::~: 1 ~ 0 Air Force ··•••·•... - 16 14 Californio ......... ,. 3 ' 24 Green Boy .......... 17 1 i i~~c~igdue) 1 Compo:::: 2{ the semifinal will be N 1 ature 'U"MAN o Cl~m,on .... I l • Texas ........... 15 21 ~ 0~\-t@m Col.·:::::~::::~ 8 ............ g '° DetroJt ............ 1"' I o A N t:'dioJi 0~\,o,, ·::.:.11 ,o Nho~f~ cA.~Mollno .·.:::::.11 ~g~;g: Store .......... : t Oregon .......... 12 SC'l·•thern co,:·.:::::::: 14 l5 ~ashinwon ............ 1 8 0 R~~~~oavy .:·... :::·~Boy Buddy Rogers vs. Billy •.•• 2? 7 o 23 c I d 7 16 oc 0 re11 1 0ornn 1 s 0 t. : .. ·.·•·•·••.• ... 2 16• 39 U~LA ... .......... 20 if N~~nYo~: ·"::::::::: 24 12 - 188 Darnell. """" J9 tO t;~/ti"Corollna ::•:::· 2g oaro o .......... lS If . J 2o'p'on Sf•• :::::::::::: g 17 Chicago Bears ....... , 0 MT M O i JI . bouts ·::::::: :Jt " NM•l~m' I (Flo> •·•... ·.·.·.·-'11 ~it~u:J:'e .. ...... 93 226 18 Washington . . 1, lt J~'so1n~;~•,;c;sc,, ....... l 6 Oxnard IGUEL .... o • ne- a . supporting , 3'l 26 • N 29 0 la St t SYRACUSE O J.....m Los Anoelu 7 Swee1woter .......... amnll be Nick Kozak YS. Frank ·:•. : 20 ,u Virginia 17: in' -at II: homo a• 1l ~:1~otr~~!1~e .:::::::: it 199 WEST VIA.GIN1A 117 D 14- 141 I 6 Sen Oieeuifa MIAMI IFLO~IDAI B ER I f" ld J · O Scranton 6 Buffalo o Bucknell D"EGON STATE a o Southern California 'l l! f,~ri· ......... :..: £ 1 ~g1;11~uro 28 0 W•nming ............. 28 21 2n . . ... ••..... 6 ............ s, " ~owl,•• Green ....... 7" .... u u C"i"lci,it'KJtl •..•.•. 1i. 2l& •" ll 1? O 19 SF ELD (UP I) AK ...._ 0 V>lj5f'Or"IS(n 14. 8oYlor o I c11l11ona Stat• 2 ao~fnn C"nllege 1S Vondl!'rbltt 1, Mnrvlond lo\ t-to•J•ton N. '211 nt ~lorldo o 6-0re9on • F orldo tote 113 B k C 11 66 161 PT. LOMA 33 r e- 1 ss 1 ?" Bay ....... ~8' terday was selected to play in a ers 1e umor O ege yes- BLYT~E J! 0 's, ........ g ~ 00 13 las V•9as Rancho 251 ., vf1~ on• mmons ...... , 28 Yuma un;.,, 1~ Norl~oT~xas St •.•.•• 1:1 6 Gardena Serra •••••. 39 .. ::: u 11 20 Idaho "26 ,,. Wn•tiinetori 37 1• Collfo,nlo 0 Wl'J,htn°ton 24 ~lonlord ll Orl!gon ............. • .s& ,. ...... 17, Stal• ..... a o Auburn o s~~cor!;,••o 6 St AugusUne a Sonta Barbaro 0 C wf d 7 K~~rn~r ..· .. ::::: AO the annual Shrine Potato Bowl VODKA 20 ::::::::: 12 football game Dec. 6. 38 Th k ..... 13 e Ba ersfield Renegades •·•·•·•· 20 , 1 ' 7 rated as the nations No. 1 -....... 9 jaysee team, has a Season rec- l & ord of 8-1. ....•••. U O --------------- s D El Centro ·o Brawley 121 TENNESSEE 13 ,2 n,ok• ........ l< 13 Hoo•er · · ·. .•• • 7 13 Mi State ..... ,~I 7 G~~·.,. Tech. : ·.·.:::· .. 21 N 27-ot Tulso •· ·• I 7Ai. r.!OrQ'P Woshiogfon 06 F'hoenix Brophy · ••·• · 3 '- ....... "6 Los Vegas Basic: ...... 27 m ?1 Holtville ............ 19126 Lo Jollo ...........;_:'. TI " Colex;co • :20 U Alabomo 118 0 Florido St. ·- 27 1l ~~of!o~ . 1, 2 k'."e~)~t;~~ • 1? N 29-ot Vanderbilt 7 . . . ..... 7 .. ...... 10 142 183 QI- 111 77 MICHIGAN Norlh Co,ollno ....... 21 WILLIAM & MARY PALOMAR JC ... 13 . J . ? 2n I n 17 I: 0 l'foYV {~ tl~,:~"n cs:d,~nla .. : H l • .Pierce ,, 119 llAMON,4 · ··•·· ..•••• J23 , 4 Ntt l1J 14 Son E11:rnordlno :.:::::: S~ .49 LonC1 Beach •• , _., •.• , 19 16 ~edlrind,: Frn"lh ••••• , ••••• 37 4 Aotefape Valley ••.... 3"1 67 ii:..,,,t., A..,rboto •••.... n · ......... a 10 Polo V•"de ....... 2t. 13 G • . 2(1 2, "1 6 1'i Virr,fnio Tech . .. 27 BRAWLEY 1, Elsipar!' l4 Capistrano 7 43 Fotlbrook. 3-i Desert H1. (l j 58 Rancho_ def Campo ,, & n ~l~re~"6~:rewebb t _., Armv-Novy 6 6 0 . . . . 6 O 6 V'AI ...... D U Cooche:llo 1l N. Corollno St. •. . . .• 4 12 Chula Vista ° r..eo Wn!h:ngton . , • -- 7 32 Holtville 7 Rosto., U ••····· 33 25 Calexico ,,. f".Jn;,;wr.-.1ern ,n, Mlnre~oto SPORTF/SHING 1.f, Jrr-•,r.i a 111-01, 4 ,... .;ran" 116 a I ::· ll 7 et Cen1ro ·::::::::~::. 13 73 San Mrgl!el TEXAS '° BIVfh!! ll ~ 0 nh, j,~;~. ........ 20 10 San D!e9o S1>ortsfishing Fleet-(25 POS• o sengers)-1.58 vellowtail, 1 barracuda, so ·-·~ 3Si1f~~lac~us, 1,a rock. cod, 2 cow cod, 20 J~ ?,;,~~~ib1evalle,,, ••.. 27-at Ri<:l\mor,d " Oh O State 21 .•• ... .. ••. . . () jtv 1 1 11 e ···•·•••· .. -·.. 12 Te'tois Tech. ::·:~:·:: 7 132 2 , 1 165 7 eietei1ro ::::::::::::· 7 4' Frona •. ::::::·::::: 1 : 5-4 ·;·::::::.:.::. it 20 MICHIGAN STATE 2~J 16S H~P.OIN SIM~ONS r,1 n 1Y!or Ln 11:itlnna Stole Arlrono Stotll' 1; 1~ g O p.~.,e~~..,s,:LvAr-l~A .. a 1 '2 r,.-.,-tmo1Jth ... , •· ... l 1 ,66. : ilri~~it : :· : ::.:: 11 ;1 ;;~~~ton ............. r ,.. 11 ,n I~ 21'l 11 Pltt•"'lurgh .......... 7t f~or ••• '' b~~;6~ 5 J~~~i~gcafi~e: 1 b-a~~~ 2~ JS Ja9RANCHO DEL CAMPO 32 Jpo~;:~~:rs)~~~ U ,f WISCONSIN O 150 bonlto, 6 Yellowtoil, 51 rock cod. J ----'--'------'-----..:.:=----------------- •.. CII.LEXICO 32 Universl'fv High ..... a 2l ~~m~~Pire 20 12 - U · · A&}\. ffl Holtvil'e ' 1 Spo 0 -. 0 Browley ,. 9 7 1"'o~,.. prui'?, 0 io 5 ::#• • .... 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IJ. ,t paes ,ou,. fJ/JJ, ° AffLE ORRO[[; I II ~'IIAl n1verSJtv Hi9t1aJ. •• .............. .,. 0 6 :tft)ffl ~~i;a rd .:::::::::::·: ,~ ............ 25 ,£7 3 q 12: :l 2f~~~~11 Armv-Ncwy J fit// 11 ~8·'':~, !1 ir:i~;,o :::::;;:;:;;: ·l; I,! ;~:h <: 1 ~t~~-:'.:~":':] i ~::~~::•rn "i , Rrjg~om Young U 32 FollbrOOk 7 Sl fru~ug~iJ\~e t l~iA~... ~~\yQ\~~~•\Y: 1 l t~~r~i~i~n 1' Kanso~~~MtNG :: :~ Bly! h • 1;: 1,4 CAR.LSBAD ·- i rts::: ·:::::::::;;;n 6 ::, Kan,o Stole . . ! ff:':i~f:OTA :; 2 1 :~ ~~;~i~:n:TATE . 1 o :f t~1~;~c:~:•'.'":::·; ro Arm• •• -~•· . 2~ 1 r- f\uffOIO Corn• I ~=~~b/0 0('1ftn,nuth P ""' Yhff'lnlCI Prf,.,r-,o•ao p,,w.,n Vole "\~ '\ • n I 111 nolt O ~MU •..• 33 '21 Montona ~e '\\ -~. 19 ,; ~\l~§;:srot• ..:·::::. 11 ~(~;,:ATSe::·RISTIA~· ij !~":~;,_ 157 Ml~St5SlePt i 184 f:~~! l\c,Ci· f~ ~~~':J~rd 40 Hoover 2 O O 11 ~ HOLV c~oss 0 Patt "'I lC!h t rnru e 14 rhrtmo 1th a\ "°'tn U '" r,n-.ito" 1 r,i1,,, e 0 p,._"1 Ul".l'Fl U M·~rc11 ,m,. 0 6 01 l\4'1t"'" (r,lleqe 104 HOiiCT ON fnn• AI.M C"l"rl.,natf WJ hllG n1c lfthOmo s~atc TPI (f ,.~ r•• '"" A ~ll"l'f"I T,._ #II !f 1J ,;"'T~~a,''"r 1 ::~ 0 , 1a1 7 ' ~: 1 , ,~Mmnh, Stott J,•;~k~Tel(os) ; ;J f,Jf'ts;mmon, 3~ ~2 L~:.~~ 1~; 0 Srate H ;~ 137 103 120 n 22 Bovk>r o lg 4 ~~~~;_!'lieut .... :::. 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