News Scrapbook 1958-1961
EGO UNION'S 1958 IM!IJIIRIAL Yil'.LLliY JC 0 C1tn11 -0 12 Rtdlntlel From 3'l 14 onta 8rirb
CHICAGO CARDINALS ~~~hrn;t~n c·evel'lnd New York Clevetond Philndel"11ia Woshing~on Philodeli>hio 13- Phtstiuroh 30- Los Angele~ 7- -at C".hicr o Becr1 11-ot Pi1tsbvrPh
lo 35 6 38 21 . " ...
1' 1 10
I; rx:iwoter It Villa ,,_ Bly1h" 3 Browley r, ri::~i~~ 7 Browley m l3 Octa E~a~•l)IOO
D I 1
1 7 73
6 • 2l . ~, ·~ • 6
7 • 0 0 0
l! l~r~!3~ 20 Gro~smont J3 Helix l,. Sv.e-e!wot,r 1t
\' t~ 1 1~l~on 23 R'lctimond .S7 Bu1;knel 1 U Lehigh 31 Oe•aware 11 N 72-Colvmbio
20 Mon!on/TAH
(' Tut' .. Nov. 18. to.18 IAN 011!:GO. CALIFORNIA
6 " 2? 36 16 ,.
WASHINGTON REO5KINS 2-4 PhilodelPn10 " 10 Chicog-a Cord" 31 14 New York 21 37 Green Bay "21 10 B'lltimore '5 16- Pi1ts-bur;h 2, 45 Chica-aio Cord~ ,1 10 Gevl!-IO"d 10
8r"qham Young
: ~!i~/jg~ Stal N 22 ot Purdu1 u
l2 13 2g 13
16 u
21 California
2~~,A~~~Fc! Vltfo
f&n"'f~rce ~61:r~~~
25 20
169 D
'3 19 •] 6 32 32 2' 34 <3
n o Colorado
195 2,0
N 27-Utoh SI. D 6-At HCIWOtl
N 21-ct NPw York N 30--ot Cle~·ela!'ld D 7-PitfrJ>imih D l"-Phllodelohio
0 6 0
I USO Improvement Cited ·In Interview By HOWARD HAGEN University of San Diego Is College. which followed t h e vastly improved over t h e Montana Slate game. early-season Pioneer squad, "It would be different 11 the Monday Quarterback Club USD played the Montanans was told yesterday. now," said Caccia. Montana Babe Caccia, Idaho State State defeated Idaho State, coach, said In an amplltled 17-6. . telephone conversation from Caccia said his squad will Pocatello Idaho that t h e be in good shape physically Pioneers 'probably would give tor the game here. "We will Montana State a very close arrive In San Diego Friday battle i! they played now. afterno?n. The game with Montana State defeated USD, USD will be one 01 our tou?h· 31-6 In the Pioneers' th Ir d est ot the season, considering ga~e of the season. the long trip and everything," Caccia whose Idaho State he said. club me~ts the Pioneers In Gene Gregston, executive Balboa Stadium Saturday sports editor of the Evening night said he has seen ex- Tribune, was toastmaster at change films o! USD's 33.0 vlc- the weekly luncheon meeting tory over Lewis and Clark (Continued on a-20, Col. l) USD Improvement Cited In In (C'ontinuNI) at San Diego Club. Other 1 ~1arine Corps Recruit DC'pot coad,es' comments: The Depot had its best day Paul Governali, San Dieg-0 of the year in downing IIamil- State-Cal Poly had a ,·ery ton Air Foret> Bali<'. 18·14 .•. fine cluo. better than Backs Al Hall and Bob Gar. Fresno·.,, but our first hal1 ner won·t play against Camp was U,e W'l!rst half I've had PendlC'ton here Saturday aft• in coaching. We lost the ball ernoon because of injuries ... eight times on fumhles and Since this may bt> my last inter~eptions iluring the first year of coaching at the De• I half alone (final SC'0t'e Poly pot. i1's been nice to have 48. Allecs H 1 ••• Dick Mor• such a good bunch of boys ris and ph Hemp made playing for me -boys with de• two fine ral<'h<'s for our toud1- termination and courage. as I down~. on throw, from J o e they showed at Hamilton. Duk<' . .. WP ha,·e made no Some of our high school boys decision )'el how to defense 1 will make good material for Dick Bass of the College of college teams. Pacific when he comes to Ted Stawicki, Camp Pendle• to~n Saturday mght. He has ton Our top men are center gaml'd more than 1.000 yards this season. !Duke Karnoscak, end J o e Boh :ucGutl'lleon, Universi• Ilfarchewka and Bot, Mor- ty of San Diego-We had om· mon ... I hope the fans come bt'st effort of the year in beat. out to the Depot game Satur- ing Pepperdine. 45.13, Pro . scouts at the game were im• day,. and stt on o_ur side of pressed with the throwing by the fteld, tor we will need all our quarterback, Jan Chap- the help we. can get .•. We man, who completed 13 of 15. lost to Hamilton, 46-7 ..• Our Chapman may be too small boys are capable of a good for pro ball. however. Half· day. Stan Chapman of C a 1 back Tom Gates also had a Poly (Pomona). one o! t h e good night with 117 yards in country's top passers, com- 23 carries and 93 yards on pleted six against us in the passes . . . Our offense is first few minutes. but wound moving aJ,;mg now and we up only seven for 20. have two opportunities to re• George Schutte, San Diego deem ourselves for the Mon• Junior College - though we tana State game when we lost to Long Beach City Col- meet Idaho State and Mon- lege. ]8.13, on a long screen two op- pass play late in the game, ponents I believe Idaho State we feel we played a g o o d is about the caliber o[ Mon- game and wel'e not too dis- tana State ..• Our guarantees appointed. Long Beach had a Idaho State, $2.500: Lewis and haliback Cleveland Jones and Clark. $2,000 and New Mexi-lhis wide runs. and as a re- co Western, $1,000. We havelsult Art Bucha a good reached our guarantees play- night running • .. We ing at night, but not in the should ha daytime. jLos Angele Robert (Bull) Trometter, weekend. this season have tana U.. our last
'11 Gl,~.,te 20 ?osode10 J.C 8 Sonic Monico IJ Eosl Los Ant,eie-s 2 Ba'<.er~f,e'd U L.A Harbor J:8 El Comino ij 1l-!~, L~1°(,7ol~;
13 6 1,
6 D
0 31 ' • 2ll JI llO
6 Aritono
4 Oern'er 20 K011501, Stote- 1'. Ntw Mexico 27 Mo-,tana 15 f"nlorodo St ,1 ~r;~~O Yount 7 Idaho N 27 A.t Utoh '16
1' 21 u 2, 12 21 12
-~~~r:an,o • lgly Crou ~:r:ard Solvmblo
25 • 12 0 22 25 •8
I •
20 Brt1wn
i:J IA 2~ 1•
12 Misitoorl 21 G"'Nl'lj"I Alabama r'lemcon 6 F!orict., io Vir~inia ?8 Miami t 165 ~crntll 158 118 0 12 6 N 2 ol PrlnettQn HELIX PHILADELPHIA EAGLES 1 4 •·011;hirC1fon 1, 21 1 -4 Hoove:r Chul!J V11to (0101\ 6- Ml. Mi!illf.ltl O Escondido o Misslou Bev 0 Sweetwote-r N 21 Grossmont ,a 7 El ?7 ~PW York Pitfsburoh 2, 2, 30 ~8 21 31 21 D ' l 0 12 2, San Franc;i1co JS Green Boy 21 Chic:aoo Cards Pill'S-burgh 49 Chlco~o Cord\ N ?3--ot Cleveland N 30-ot "'-',e,w York D 7-Cie,•eland 0 1- • • 10 .. 3~ 13 33 6 34 Tuklr,.,- "' 29-Te,l"IOf'S~~ '25 1, 14 13 61 VILLANOVA 21 W•1,t Ct'if!S!er SI. v,,, 21 ,.o.,,o., College 1 Detroit t lh,kll" Fore~t 13 R'IChmond 6 Wichita , Dovton O Armv N 22-Qamntico Marines. 10, 1' r. HOLTVILLE a Cale<,c.o 15 lmpertol 6 Brtiwlev 1-4 6 Colexlco I f ~o;fen:ro ~: ~b~f~ttia 119 13 Crowford o Helix ,0 B 0 81 2()'>- • 0 • 7 • 21 " • 26 SAN F R:ANCISCO 5T ATE U Long 8'!0ch ~ANSA$ $T..Tt! 0 ..... 1: 2() u . . . ' ·•· l] .• Yuma Jc.,-veu wes1un o;v,s,,or, GREEN BAY PACKERS " II Wton11n"1 l Colored? IJ Utoh Slot~ ll Humbok:11 2S OCcidenfol 18 Nevodo ;; ra1fo Av;f;:oro 20 Sacramento St l4 Chico St. N- ll-ot Fresno St. 33 39 21 iJ .......... ........... 32 J1 1~ I ?O t.hi~ooo Be-ors '.U 2A 11 N~t>ra1ko o a Mluovrl 1J De1rol1 Bolttmore 71 W<'shing1on H ........... U ........... 37 ,o 21 1, 6 11 l8 91 132 2lll V.M.1. 21 22 1 Oklohomo Slate Iowa Stall!' N 22 ot Ml.chigori Stole ~~/:?~~~hia • •:::::::~ HOOVEJt in 1• 20 10 ChiC.090 Rt-or-. 2, 20 • .. • • ,. ..... 12 1µ t J •..•.••• 21 2 ~ ~te SAN JOSS: STATE IGJ- 2!i'.!5sa~n~~~!c,sco N 27-ot Detroit 11 D 7-ot Son Francisco 6 wasninvron 6 Howoil 6 Cal Poty "is, •• , •• 14 ,-, 7 0 7 ••• Iii ' 14 I ?,i ............ 10 Ar'1:ooo St....•••..... 20 21 U 126 .. ~~::~:.::~~: I ..... 26 . l1 • 1 ' 21 ·~ llO CHICAGO &EARS ,,. Cr_., Sl!ov 38 Ba111mort Son Fronclsc.0 Los Anoitles Froric!sco 35 Los Anaeles 2A GrM"!'I Rav O Baltimore N 23-o1 Ottro,t "' 30-ot Piffsb-ur~h D 7-ChlcO<'O Cordlli D IA-Detroit 217 , 'Ii fil'oltimore 13 Gre-en Bav 28 L01- -"'1n91lc5 • 8oltimore "' LOI Angel~! "21 30 Cle\leiond 35 Son Fronci{.Co N 23--Chicogo Bean N 27-Gree,,-, Bov O 7-New York ,91 Sao Fronc,sca 11 SM 28 11 10 Chicogo Beors "24 Detroit Chicauo 8C!'Ors .41 Son Francisco •• 2n Grttn Piny N 13-ct Baltimore N 30-nt r'\i1cr,oa ... crds D 7-Roltlmnr~ D .&.-Green Soy 2.13 • 11 Cleve lood ~i 1, 13 COP •.• 51 d Frtsno 1t. 6 6 ., 21 1! u .. u -,. N 21 16' Iowa Stafe 78 ,, ,, I< 11 10 1-4 J.1 10 17 VIRGINIA TECH 211 W•s'" T•va5 St .\ "l'ltl" F._,re11.1 "' WUJT.,-m & Marv , •.• , 91 ? Vlrl'lhln 'I Fli,rid.-. '5' "O \Mest VIM ,,.C"f 1 i "-' r:~r'11I'1o St. '>7 o-;.-i,mn"d II •-'i_!,• ~outher-n 27-VMI ... VIRGINIA SANTA 9-A~&AR.A. 25 -Son O•NO St 6 Whilll'er Freir,o 'Stott 20 L.A. Stole L01'19 Beach $• 2S 7 10, !f 2• ,, 11, OUl(I 0 Carolina I ? V t!W'tlQ 111na1, Bov10r 6 20 • 1' • 21 ,1 180 Son Francisco Sf ... '. ij t 2~fid.:;!?~, ........o N 21 -Cal Porv ..... J 117 • • ,, n ,2 ,0 ,. u 10 21 Notre Oom• • NC trafl Ga Teth L() slono $1 , ?'lwa:• Jo 0 'la'rotiria DETR:OIT \.IONS , • SOUTH CAROLINA OUl(ie I Armv 2, GeorlillG 0 North Corolina l6 Clemson , Morylond li er:9rrn~~ N 12-N. Carolina St. N 27-Woke Fores1 0 .t5 ,_. 14j 1 t nuk, f""lf""T\$Dn ,21- OCEANSIDE JC 6 11 6 ,o : ;~ v·,/~ol~~h Stole .••• ;~ 10 6 •rmv 1'i 0 iJ V"""'d~rbTlt ... , ..... w 1A n V!Y,I ........ 3i O \:.orffJ iornlina ,., ,, -tOll•Hi Crirollna 2t N '12-Morvlond Eastern .-rfiom:i ~.,ncoc.,i;. Cilrus ~OS Frosh Polo Verde lmPtrtell Vatl~y 5onla 13arboro • • 1 ' ' JJ 24 28 0 • 51 20 • 13 ..... •• •• lJ 7 . .• ... 0 •...• 11 •••••• 1A .... • 0 ··' • 2f 202 7 21 7 211 .. 3: LOS ANGELES RAMS • • •• • n .... .. 1n 21 Volte,,- 0 £>~7ro~rancisco ••: .. : .: . ~} +-.. .... t;trr+• WAKE FOREST 107 i; :,~~ma 41 Mlom K,:nt11tkV t.c Mi1slS!ii,i,1 "ril r.1-at TulC1ri• lJ ,0 Mord n.... ~lmmora rFIOrido) J'> 10 FJt,rld-:i 0111!;~ 7 IY.Js11,~1ooi SI . . • • LOUISIANA 5lAT • 31 - .,,, '>C 11 ,, v,,.... 1..10 1=1o..- ""' 1 Vllfn-.r,y~ "'-' C::11r ~-•"rvfnnd . , • • . • ••• 2' . ,•••.• 7 ••..• ,. . • , • •. 7 lino' St l •• 7 r ... rnlino 7 N 21,• 14: '19 I') l"lflo...,~I'\ l"')uk-e,, n 27-A.t S Corollna. 11,1, 6 6 1S2 113 SOUTHE~N METHODIST ?O Ohio State 2.3 6 Notrt Oamt ....... 1A l2 f>\i53,ouri 19 1 Rice,, . .. ... 13 ?2 f:~~:10 Tech •:::•: ,8 JJ Tell:OS A&M • • , • 0 6 Arkansas 13 r-, 22-Bavlor N 29-18401 Christion: 110 118 6 ,, ,. 27 . ,. " n " 12 ] SAN FRANCISCO HERS WA~f.llNGTON 2l Pittsb•1ron 3 Los Ang~l!S 6 ch·cooo Beors 1"' 33 '28 21 5~ 35 118 162 f.l , 1, ...., ' ,.1..""""'... rl"tin c-~,,fe l? ~•.. .,1,..rd n ttr::LA '1 -n~"',:,on St (\l't('Ofl 7 ... • • Ill"'" St. O~L,.HOMA STATE o~,iver 1,1 Noni, Texos srot1 .•• u M.l~QUETTE ~O!Jrh noKoto $t. .-nscon,rn f\o'llton Coll111qe Co1 1 eae o, Pocifie Tf'((lj Chrli.t1on Pe,"111 s,a,~ 11 13 ?~ "' •••• .. •• • O f~f~~~~lpi·~rs ,:::··· ~; t '2t 21 Wlchlto • 12 2 ~ 1• Oeh·oit 10 1 11 , Loo; Ange ies Oetrolt '17 • : .• "21 D 14 Of'•rolt l5 • Cine nnotl U Air Force Acoctem'f •• 33 Kansas State 7 C:" -ft-!'!rn Col r,ellfl'lMia N 23-ot Gr~n Soy N 30-ot Boltimore D 7-~rt-en Ro't' O 1-t-Sa ltimore 128 I. 7 ?~ ·..i O Clncinnali t, 1 att 'l '12-ot Woshinqton St 6 KarUCIJ N 29-0klohomo 92 1SO • 3 ~~i{onc; 0 l28 .. ,•• ,o 18 WASiHINGTON STA.TE 201 121 88 ;; t •• •• 3'1 ••••• •· 211: -·····•· 12 •... ··••· 16 •••. , • 19 .... 29 .. .... 1 ;:.~0:,~~~ern . : ·• J ••••• , •.• 3' ......... BALTIMORE" COLTS MARY'l AND Detroit '.>9 51 rJg,~~ : 1c;, 1~ HI Chicogo eeors • • • • 38 1, r .. u~or11ia :,'/~~ 2f ~~r~)\na St. !~ g;rF~t 15 Woshinqton Bav t'I Clemson 10 Te•O'S A.&M () North Corolir"ta 1 AUl:) 1 1rr, 10i ~o-,th Coroiino H Nnw 1~T 1 vf~~}o ·::::::::. • . 171 n 0 70 I' c.,, •"'ern Caf. u 24"1 • ··:•:.: . -• 11n A "2~ n---an St, rop • 7 fl o 17 Chicorao ~ears N 23-Los Angeles N JO-Son Fronci"-CO O 7--ot Los A11nele~ D 1-'-0t Son Frnncisco HlGfl SCHOOC UMY•NAVY ACADEMY 0 LA. Luttieran J6 33 Bloclo; Fo1t, Mil. A.cod. U 20 19 Pfllms 13 'f ~~re~~~Jr'webb •::·: 1~ ~~~we. i~~r- ...... o Romona • A'1 13 Leis Veqa.! Rancho ., 33 l Gordeno Serra . . . . :39 . • • •• O }'I 12 12 B~umont ILVTl-il! 161 28 Yumo Union .••• . ,,. ,& ,4 '-l 22-Wd!hTnciton SYRACUSE -,i 103 ~~)tc'cr~~~iet• : •.. ~: 181 WEST VIRGINIA ~i ~~b~~ 1 1ka '4 Peno Stole !1 =~7::~r(r A7 Colgot!' :.: : :... : :•:·::::::: 1 ~ ,, ,, 3' ,. ,. 12 ,. 6 OREGON 2"' 272 A4 Pkt-imond 14 C1tc"l-,t-.:>rno 1? 1-.dlona i,j ,.,..... •nn Pitt 2 ~ bcr:i~tomo . • • • •• •· : 2'S Sl)ufl'\~rn CafifOr'ftiO 0 Wo~t\lnglon State 6 Colifornlo ,~ ~;~~~~d 1 °" J J~~loregOf'I Stot• • ·.. D &-at Miami (Florida) 0 6- O D II ...... .. '1 Virqjnin Tech .•••.•• ,~ r-o. \Uf'.Jffl. 11 p ...,., '\t II"', "ril"!'lm & Mory "'I 22-Syracuse ., •.• •· 21 N 22-at west Virginia ·:·:··: t 2411 7 TEMPLE 14 DelQworr: -1 18 M11hfel"berg •.•. 35 79 ........ 11 I Q Scranton • •······•····· 6 ••....... •• ·•· :' 9 ··::::::;::::: 22 O Lofo,,-ette ... ... .• .. . . 33 6 Fh•ffalo • S 156 18< MIAMI ( "LOR IDA) 73 11 1: '~ 12 WICHITA 2; OREGON "!iTATIE -;outhern CaJ1torn10 r I~ ~o~g~Sfr, •• .. • 11 •. , 21 .•. g : g~~~~&~, l .C 11i 12 Bowlinq Green r'intlnnati . • •. . . 20 ....... 11• ........ u •....• 1~ 11 .( I01Jf,1or1a ~tn1e·::::::: .tl i2 Konsos 216, ... ",.J~JJege l"'ll(lnhl':lmO Stote ••..• 1.1 1 ~ ~$~~int _- .:.::·,:·.:::· 28 N 22-Hofstro '1120 w'd2~.?lna!on •... •• .. ••·. ••·•••·• 1~ so ::;:::; 2: I,. .... •• • : . :: :::::. ,i U Viorvlor-d N ?l --Hc,r,cto" ,i Flflrldn t::tate o Houo:ton H.,irdin-S1mmons v111..,.,a"" 1i;: Nortt, Te.~os St. . ...... " .• , ..... • 26 U '- l'tl I 217 .,l ""'2 •· " KEITil BERRY N 'SE~ e~ _- T U ColT, o W • chi,iotcn 7,t stal"lford •••... •• •• •.•••. 16 I 7 ?l ll 0 t 16 0 EN ...... '7 4 .•.• 3.t .•••••• o El Centro 6 Phoenoc BroPhV o Browlfl!'t' f.l -rit ~tMida 13 .Auburn MiJ~. 51ote f~bJ~o 0 Florida S1. store r)rolre- o 6-0reqon -. - 13 . . . • . •• 8 . OutS t au(ling llluho State fullback will oppo~e Uni· versity of San Diego at Balboa Stadium Saturday N ??-Genrcie Washington N 27-ot Tu!so 1 111 7 _I 1c ij -\:I I~ N 22-0regon 20 Los Vt'QOI Bos1c . ... . 27 TN:h. ~::;::: m ?~ ~il:~1g~ . . :::::·: ;; GEORGIA TECH 98 ,. I? H 20 14 ss •• 19 14 37 ! 21 ., ·-· $ 19 6 11 ~~~ 1 1d~kv!tat• ,.. TulaM 1J T~t1n~~\~t '1 Auburn IJ c1e,,.,1on • A.lobom., N ,.,--et GftOrq,a "' ,, rol'ln 1 e1vtnr d Lo•rl1inna 41true 1 • ArW·mn Sta1t tJ Mt111,l111slppJ '3 Wlchfla -t T"",.. West@!rn ,~ Aflc'nn'ln'I N 214- Mt11lcn A~M. 10 nu~• t 91 11, .. ..... 10 7 North Carolina •...•. 21 6 Chottonooaa .•.•.... 14 18 Mis.siso;lpoi ....... 16 N '1-Ker,t1Jc' PALOMAR JC ""iii WLLLIAM & MARY llf Pi~rce . .• '7 0 P.. 1 /JVV ••• 1'i ...... 27 •••••.• 6 Son Be,nardino Lor'ICI SeGCr'I Frosh • , , ,,- i:f Kflands Fr0'sh .•• ?9 t,,n~r~oi,t'1r~li~y ,:::::: 3~ 65 P'llO Verd.. ••••·. 2, • • H IS Vlrllinlo Tech night. 6 Vt\AI 1.t ]i ~0•1tl'!ern Metnod st 1 J ~eo Co$.,~~i?ng,~n ·:·::: 7 Ro~tQl"I U. • , •,. ,. 33 2~\ ~i1~~~~°nd ."." 0 56 7 Oovid~,, . . . 1& includedfdouble and triple defense for 1--- 25 7 OCenn-.ide lm~r"iol Vollev •. 22 6 lA 191 118 '15 ~4R DII..SIMMOHS 34 ' 204 165" SA 0 " " • " ' 6 60 •• 11 11 1.t 1: ,,. 3, I PENNSYLVANIA. WISCONSIN p St I L1 l" ...... g ·• • ·· • 35 n~rtrri,,u~he prf,,c"!ton 0 ••••• :;:· •··.. - •-·• 2 fl ·--•······· 20 Miami tt '"Aortwe • Ji r~:;gue- 7 O"i!n Stefl!' 17 N'"'r-•h '-estern J~J\~neso1o 'iO CALEXICO ......... ,3 20 H It · ·11 0 £1.rown 8 F'~l~ 1 /Prims •• ,;::::: 20 i~wi~teguito_.:·::::::: ;~ ··:::::·:;:;:: 6[ 130 ~~~tord r.:ol11mbicr Ycii,. .•..•.• 7 2~ 152 6 '9 Mlchigon Stofe ••• , .. .. 7 o 2.\ IA/ed T~'(C! llit.,1e H Jtvlll ,2 33 • ' O rt 12 TEXAS A&Ai\ 6 1: 1~\ll o e •·· ·····• 16 i; 1' I 11) 116 N 27-Cornelf ~i~~fonTech.......... : ~\stg,m1ro :::-:::::::::~ 109 :f$ 1 J1 h~ev ·······• f~ •••...•• • 1-"6 158 12 Missouri .............. 0 - 1"4 Ml'.lrvlaod ............. 10 17A MINNESOTA HARVARD PENN STATE 21 '4 ~/f'l,,thrno;IM 7 Fl itt~hurciti 65 • • • 3 A11ffOIO I • Cornell 'M l e"'.!11h M Coti,mf>,o 1.\ nttttmi,un, I. 1,t PrlM:f'tOl'I ,., Ar!J"'n N 22-Val• 121 n PltlsborCJh !\vrncu<1e O(1rll"f"!Ot•th Plo111tt'Jn U 10 Onvton .-.11 r-... 1.,~,e I) P,.,..., 1-4 I. 16 7 Nehrosko '1 p,.ri,..•vl"an;c 6 1.1: 2'- 10 I TCU "I J'\ Baylor . .... ........... 24 · · ·····•·.. ·· 2 J 14 K ..........,. 21 ···:·:::::.: ~\ IJ6 ........ 11 •• • •• • 21 ...... " • • • ... 0 ..:.:::·. 1: -~ 1""st;° WYOMING 1'111rtt,western 1111,.ois 1 11 7 St 17 l: 11 · tg .. 6 0 .. ,g 1-4 j{ "l1 " B Ari<'ansas , 12 g 29 2n 21' l2 51 on"-Os • · · •• •• CAR:LSBAO 2/ ~~?;;~~n~i (Manh 13ch. t J Son 01eguito .:••••.• 28 o, Oceansid~ ••... , . •. . 6 Vista . . 13 19 Mfr'°liaon n Jrid!noa 26 f"~r::':uettt ao,ton U. i:;F~•'r"m'a"'n• ••::::::::.: a ···:::.:~:~.-. 188 0 "'"""'"lv01'110 -,,a . ...... ,. .. • 0 N 29 A' Texa 5 2S Or~on St. IC\wn 5Al'I llJEGO . ,. .... ,. ,. 0 . , I, r::,~ . ·.·.•• •· •• •· ..... : tS Keoroy S:9 La Jolla Pt. Lomo Jii Mission Bav s, Chula Vista Lincoln 6l Crowford N 21-ot Hoover -4-0 51 21 1-2, - -iq- Mlc:~ii;I',,, Stat"" 12-ot wr,cn-isfn . solorodo _St........... New Mexico ...... ... , - 12' 0 0 0 • 0 • 6 7 c¥~~~inlo ··:••• :. 1 ~ O ,!!aXA5 CHRISTIAN 17 St • .....•.... 13 Corono(!o : 21 1 7 Mor VtSfo N 14-FOllbrook: ....... ..... 19 · ·· · • ·· ·· J.C '\J ?7-at Pltt'lbvrgh 103 no 42 Kon!o 5 12 Askonsas Tech. 99 • . • • . .. .,, •• ..... ·••· i m o 6 AJr Force · ·· ·· •,. ....., Ml 7 N 22-a.t Brighom Y0Ung HOLY CROSS St. Au;ustine ........ .. 712 76 123 ]l 17 " • • 0 : ITT PEPF'ERDINE ~i~:,e~ 10 Jfut • ;~ . 12 12 Bavlo 5 r ' ~I ii ~~o°suette .•. 34 N ?2-At Rice. fl '1 Nl!'voda •. :.:;_:::::;: C f YALE i J Bra£'i'e.~LA VISTA 12 19 H I Connecticut • 26 •i 6 18 1: ..... " .. ·······"···· 35 :::::::::::·· g 22 t~ ' 19 El Centro 12 Hell)( "J.C5 SAN DIEGUtTO 1'2 19 1 ~1 hrttie,. • n .02 '29 Brown 12 Cofe> :::::::::::: 11 1; -,~ ~:ittop~~y Pomona .... j? N ?9-At SMU Stat,.. ~~~ria ~,-,o,an,.tte 1'.' n:~ taa(isb~~sto fo ;} ~7:f%f:: :::::::::::: ~! 1! X~~:i:~ Hi N 21-Escor:dldo J, Ocennside: r.> "' ll ~; b 0 "so~"li 1 ~•£lole d-ot Bc,ton C':o 1 1t91 •. ;; 1 1 Te,:,E~_i~TECH ~~~1¥J,~~hni~.. :::::::::: 7 1~ J~~fe~6~vord ..... •· • 50 71 19.t (Monhottn) 65 ot J 190 3'1• W Te:tos St. • •• .... :.::::::::: U ., .•...• , ..... 1'1i •···•·.......... 27 M1sc;1SSIPPI STA.TE 7 ,,, 7 PITTSBURGH {!~as I Savior 0 Tukln~ t N 21-ot Coronado 1 11 1A ,I l:~n~~;;-J~eStot~ ·:::::·.: 4 13 M1nvoe~~~s Florid" 13 ]7 ~CILAC s ...... 92 ... 170 ...... 0 ........ 7 NFL 113 -2 ST. AUGUSTtNE 0 0 A M1c:hl9a,., St'O'• ··:::::: n- 1j ~r~zono lS Wffl Virginia • ,..... , 8 N 12 ul°ko 5 ••. :::::... U1 N 29=Ar H~ 0 s+on. ~;~~U!1! • 2 • 5 3 78 ~,'o'.."a""'moi. Slate . ro u ~~;;::~ky I.Dulslo-na State N '29-ot Ml111ininol u 6 ...... •• •• • • • • • •· ~, •••,. ; 6 'v't. 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Lomo Son Diego . •••• ... 1t 66 0 "I 22-0ortrnouth NSW YORK GIA.N"rS Ji it ~~\!~J;~§~'d' :::::;:. tl :i 6 Chicago Cordi .•..... 23 Pfltsburgh _ .. ::::::::: 1 1 TUt.M 205 143 6- 61 R:r,~o1do PURDUE i1i!~~mmon, -:':·: Ok,lohomo St.......... 16 ~ro~:"a~ St.·::•:·:::·: 3 l~ • , .,., ... , 20 24 Houston 121 21)....Mlssioo Sov. Lo Jollo153 8,1: VISU '20 19 NRecoerosk.a .• ~• . •.• •• . EL CA.JON 20 Hemel . .. ...... , O 1z Ii 21 I, :\~~;~~n Stat, :::::.:. 3 1 ii 2.t I~ ••••• ·:·:::· :~ r. N~::;,,. ! a ~:~~~?do i~lff~o;r~ 19 2 ; U ~iH~~:k 40 ~olexlco it c!~~~t!=u j~ tg ............ 2 Palm Sorinin .• ,.... o 3 'ii t 1 ; 1 21 31 1f Helix Come ..... b~~,~~/a lj ~tJ.,~~h1~~tcn ··.... , ... r ••••••. ,. 25 i 2 ~-=!t'cB~'t~oit ,2_,l'-Cle\lelond :g 30,~~ 11 :·:::.: ~: S~!Yh.2!~::rn ~~~~~si~! st gamono ~21 Ml. Mlgue!, Gill. to·::::::·:: .. ,~l-lndignQ ii.' _ ~-4---Ctevelond N 21-al Mor- Vista 273 119 17 191 94 160 1,a 37 127 209 51
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