News Scrapbook 1958-1961
. . . . . . . . . Sports Section
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Ted Williams
and I sure hope they can work out because it \\ould be a finr' spot for u to tra would be dose to four other Coast Le· gue te Yuma and in Imperial Vall,..y." Kiner, who heads East soon to at\e minor mc•c•tings in Washing1on, D.C., Chil•ago Cuhs would clrafl D:l\'P Po dre outfiPlder, from Toron1o during Cle,·eland rr'cently traded PopP to Tor . "John Holland (vice presid<'n1 and ager of the Cuhs) is high on Pope," eral
Ile hinted, though, games with the Cleveland B squad will be arranged for the Padres' spring train- ing camp at Indio or Palm Spring.;. Numerou. player off the Indians' B aggregation eventually will be farmed to the Padres. Kiner expects to learn Wednesday nigh1 whether Indio's city council will set aside $10,000 to build a field and put up about 500 seats in a new pat·k. He will speak before the coW1cil that e,·ening. "They really want us to come over there," he said. "They haven't got a lot of money to put into a park, but the~' intend to keep improving it each year. The Indio official. at·e an enthusiastic bunch
S als in S, n Francisco and attracted some 58,000. The Indians. who have a working agreemment with the Padres, again will condition at Tuc! 1 RI, KM,l,l.l~ R~ eas1m with the Padres. ner ''Every time he saw Pope plar "1th the dres, h did well." ;Steelers to Test New Yor Baltimo e Botti Chicog 8y UNITEO PAEH tNTl!ANATION-.L 'lllP l\1 W Ylllk Gia , wl,o hand Pr! tliP Cl vi>J nd "~ n, and naltlmor(! l'olt th f' 1 r !!rs! J 938 d••feats J 1 the la t two week~. face a ,•all~ nig• gPd National Foolh,.11 LPagl•e hurdle tomo,-i-ow in Pit(,. I bt•i·gh Steel,•rs. Don't snkkn. '1 he ainls (5-2) ha1 e a 11 ell-earned ri>p11- ltaiion lor 11hlpp111r, Ci1 I-place __ GENE GREGSTON " nln9 Tribune Executive Sports Editor- • Hawkcyes Hid Behi nd Log • Some Foresaw Big Season • Rose Bowl Foe Gets Advice ~. ' w Year': Day complete sur- 1 tram, and tlwn falling on their ,fa,·e~ ag-. dubs ,n1 h i;o- .,o rc>cords :--uch a, St rn '3-tl. Gia nh Slim ( llole T!J, Giants, lied Browns for firsl pl lhP the l,astn,i Di\ I l01 I P• 1,oint cl1ok<· clash with 11,,. , · N' ,'tadiurn. The Bi m 1 ha,e dropped two garnt>s a!t !'r ~wee first fiv<', are 5 1 2 pn1 to heat th,:, Redskin Washirgton. Thi> Sle Red~km.· are two g hmd the Giams aTJd and ran turn th!' 1:.,, vision rnto a fom ,IP by winning Bal1lmore a game tlw .second p l a c e Bear:< (3.21 in tlw race, Is a ', point µ against that club at in Sunday's other top C\ en helter 11ear as lhP h<-hi111l log," said "1 ht'. lu)in llf'n• .111~1 \\ ho. t· Tf• a Christian lw :\forti11, droll th I \ lo tlah• \Ill~ ud111i11islr-r1,tl In on • '"fht•y h•lt ihf',\ n11uld han a r1•al J!;O~I if' m, lid llr(•y didn't tali,. lrouf it 11ml thf' ,1 ril• rl1dn't jilc•k 1111'111." 11' uulJ, lu, I ame. :,.I. a 6-1 ie Baltirnore h, The Cougars League game at Helix. scored a 16-14 victory. Ram Fat·•• Pa,•~en Jim Gabbard after gain of five yards in first quarter of last night's Metropolitan II TIO,· HALTED-Mount Miguel's Lar- - ry Ilutton (30) is :,topped by Escondido's (Story, B-2.) s t4-3, -------------------' '------'-------------------------- arP 10-pomt cho ces down Th., Lo Angele Iii I opponl:'11(, and the Hawk• • 17-o, bt1l rouvu1terl :'lila1'tm ht Pioneers Triumph As Chapman Stars l Anthony Ends Ro Y Aztecs Try To Rope Mustangs ,,.. 101 10 EVENING TRIBUNE' SAN LUIS OBISPO - Diego State Colle2e's tearless Aztecs will try to throw a rope here tonight, out someonp is over ('.ti Poly's wild Mustangs liable to get trampled in the. This Cal Poly club has to be one or the be.;t in the we~t I And Jong memoried Mustang coach Leroy Hughes has been waiting two years to get even with thr upstart Aztec.,,, who San .. proces . the schools here two years ago. HughP. wa~ so riled after that game that he stomped off the field without shaking hands with ::vlontezuma men- tor Paul Govrrnali. four weeks ago '.or only its second setback rn the last two spasons. De- spite that lo s. Aztec scout Charlie Smith rates the lfos- tangs over Fresno. Cal Poly supportns say the team was "rlown" against the Bulldogs after it had spiller! San Jose State. 1().6, thP Wf'ek bPforp 1 Ollf\"h in Rt-<·t-nt Tilts I spi led Cal Poly, 7-6, Cal Poly State, 14 0 lost the Pa<'kers 11- 1 B.ty. If the lams will be only a ga !irnt plncf' JH'O\ BPal s heat tbe Coli In tomurro\\ s otht>l the Lions 12,4-1) are 71 fa\ orite, to tame the S a n Franci~t·o 49ers (3-ll a D£'- in ·e move that football w n In •a on . He makes o. ThPy hl\\e a ht>autiful attack, tk• •d•'r, m n-in•motlon, rncl a lot of oe- nlan t1on of the ll1rn kevl's' 13-B tie Foree ndemy: "Iowa got real high • USt' it was their first gam£' and we Ohio Stat la t year. •n1en they let t \\1•1•k and made quite a few mis- v r, I •1 n Str1·ng 1di- ,5.J 1 the C'hi<'ai;o and Eagles. troit, wh nals <2-4-! are rare, at Phila ven 1or their iame lphla. • • Quarterback Chapman, operating witll cool and masterful eificienc), completed 13 of 15 passes for 217 yards and two hd ~s "'hen he w 00 n't sending hall backs Tom Gates, Bob Keyes and Ron I t ouc o..,;,, ,. = By BOB ORT.1.IA.."" EVENING TRIBUNE s,ort, Writ•r Cleveland whl<"h has Jo~t Ton~ NE~ YORK (UPI • only rrames stt'aight Anthony, the top light hi>avr- three · weight contender w h o._once A cold gale REDO);DO BEACH - ~- in its n-.vear hibtOl'", whipped through El Camino Stadium at halltime here last night, chilling 2,200 football heroes-hut heating up jaunty Jan Chapman and his University of San Pepperdine homecoming fans and their d s · · , R 0 string last_ night, will launch after sweeping it ay s wmnmgldropped i1s last his campaign for a shot at this sea~on. The Bt owns tack- first five :,tarts snappe onny t\\o d d th d h th F 1 tm anne e ou Pavo diroug 1 . an aroun epper ne me. tu, I l11tur mfr-. thl, Nlition sUJlt'rior to 11... lonn lrnrn or li!.ili, whi!'l1 thumpf'd Orl'i;on st 11t•, 8j...l!J, in thl' rn:;7 Rosi' lhm I. hat has ughoui njurie,. tPam in le a Redskin the heavyweight ::\fadison Square GardPn crown signal-caller, junior 21-year-old The t hampered in been playing his first year for the Pioneers, now has a t\\'o-game total of 23 comple- s fa~·onte target aS t nig twas e nd C. G. Walker, who was making his firS t appearance in tllree games after treatment of a chest injury, He advanced 113 yards with seven Chapman tosses. He and end Merle Reed took the touchdown tions in Hi scores. 35 passe~ for 447 ~1 Diego mates. b1 cam1,aign against the probably January, The Peps, who had made a thrilling fight out of it In the first hall ..,;ith their fancy aerial display, fell completely apart intermission as the Pioneers pulled out all stops in a 45-13 rout. That in the was the highest point total against the after the ·a rd s anhd fi,e Willie Pa st rano. Halfback Joe Scudero and of. That's what matchmaker fensi,e end John <'arson won: t er a quiC'k huddle with An- while tackle Jim Weatherall Jack Banett :.aid today aft- pla~· against the Brown . s rif J ·ta e d DJ d are guar d( thony and manager E r n i e an 1 - doubtful starters. Eddie L~Baron,, the Nalion- Braca. Tall, hst football meeting between Waves this year, who concluded their sea- slender Anthony of )?.asses. son with a 1-7 mark. It was the sixth vie• tory in se,·en games for the Pioneers. It was Pepperdine's second loss of the year to a border team. the \'Vaves drop• ping a 6-0 heartbreaker to San Diego New York, came from behind,al Leagues leading last night at the Garden to snapped back from a brief at• register his se\·enth straight tack of Ou toda1· and ~aid hP a \ictory on a unanimous dee!- was ready to plav against the p~sser, The Waves, outweighed almost 20 pounds keptht~he ~ioneers loosfef in pir mf'ant, eir passing O Wit irs t e h 1 __ to Fresno K (' I W. M. Carpenter of El Ca- , ""OP beat Brigham Young by 18, w Mc•xl ·o bv 17, mm beat Wvominu by on • Wyoming beat Or gon State by is. OSC hl'at CLA by 14, UCLA beat Ulino!,; b , 4. Illinoi b • t Mirhigan • tat by 16, ISC beat Pitt bv 14 I 11t b t Holy Cro b, 17, Holy Cro. bPat Svra: r·u f' by on •• YI'<1r11se beat Bo ton College b\; 10 b at COP hy l:l, . ' "So," arp nt r c·onl·lt1 Browns tomorrow. th_e_s_ea_s_o_n_._______ s_ta_t_e_c_o_ll_e_g_e_ea_r_l_ie_r_1n __ f I n ,g s Go lor Third /n Long . Beach Contest b h'f l' h k Special ,. EVENING TRIBUNE ig t 5 1 ty ac ·s. John McDonald. 140- a L?:-;G BEACH-:- San Diego. Junior. College tries to k~ep pound quarterback;. _1s the the \ ikm? at- third- sparkplug of for a 1t ha~ been "up" the last ahve its _hope~ thrt-e \~eeks, with zs. 2 48 _0 place il;11sh tough, tack that also features :vllckey the 111 over 'Long ;',,Ietropolltan Conference at 8 Byers (165), Bobby Andrews in a peas-in-the-pod (170! and Gary Griffin (180). 16-6 wins and Beach State, Pacilic Unit•er- toi:iight first-year Doug Minton, a sity and Montana State Col- grid battle ,\ith Long Beach lege, re peNively. The Mus. City Colle_ge.. . hand, :,vas named. to ?"!g?er tang performance have the Knights' offensive. Jommg wrcviously unbeaten • Iontana identical 3-1 loop marks and 1 scatbacks Cleveland (Smiley) !State ,ms labeled Cal Poly's carry the sameness theme Jones and Bobby Anderson "great!' t te11m effort ever" through in offensi\·e and de- 1 and fullback Art Buchanan by Hughes fE-nsive records and the mat- in the starting lineup. <=;al Pol} 's early-season vie- ter of personnel. Long Beach will have a dis. tones ,:V~l'e over Colo_rado Like the Knights, the Vi- tinct edge upfront, with line State, 2.)-6; Los Angeles State, kings have relied mainly on aces Doug Brown (225), Ray ~5-0, and CollegE- of Idaho, ground power while on the peters on (2001 and John 53-?. . attack. have shown flashes oflO'Dowd <190) bulwarking a I 1 he Mustang· boast five defensive toughness and have crew which will enjoy a 17. (Cont. on Pag<;> b-2, ol. .'il put their scoring reliance on!pound per-man advantage. op Routers Seek 'Cap Wins against The mght s nvals eir unanimous ded:,ion ot last ni~ht, ('a~g a figh1 lrephGto Willie Pastrano.-{JP)
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