News Scrapbook 1958-1961
EVENING TRIBUNE b-7 EVENING TRIBUNE Pigskin Pick-It Line SAN DIIOO, C,.Ll~OIIN I,. } " Thu,,.., ;,iO\'. 13, 1958
USO b, 7
USO bv 7
USD, Pepperdine · ash Tomorrow g for the best .sell.Ion in ila three-year grid hlGlory, the U rsity of San Diefo began today'a. practlre prepared to meet iii, Pcpperdine Waves l<'rldA.y night at EI Camino JC stadiu111 In Los Angeles. Kickoff 1· set fot' 8 p.m. Tlie I'ionccrs won thPir fifth gamP of the Reaeon last Snlu,·• day afternoon, defraling Chino v-------------- :M.-n' · lttsl!lut.- at Chino 46•H quarterbaclt J an Chapman. after the rusty USD devcn had Against Chino, Clrnpman hit huffed •and putfM through e. end Merle Recd for touchdown sluggfah first quarter. passes of 19, l 7 and 57 yardR. USO added the Chino game The i)-10, 170-pound former All- to its schedule at lhe Jut Kansas prep slar pa~sed for 230 minute to prevent a two-week yards ag,unst Chino and com- layoff. A game previously I pleted eleven of 21 pas$Cll for scheduled for November 1 with two new school itame records. the University of Nevada. was Echols and Wrenn arP John- cancellfd. son'" favorite targets; Reed •nd Pcpperdlne CollP)::e, RIWRYS a. C. G. Walker are Chapmnn's. dangerous opponent wp n its Walker, injured for the past passing atla<:k is eµ?-oeaetul,, thrPe games, will 1·elnrn to stunnrd Long Beach Stal" actJon J<'l"iday night. La t veer 26-22 two weeks ag-o ancl ended age.Inst l"rrperdino, Wnlkcr its 1 USO bY f USO by 12 Col PolY Col Poly Cal Poly b'f 12 Col Poly __b,_7__ Cal P0h1 Cal Pol, __b,_1_2__ bv_l3__ -~by~1B~_. 1 ___ by l Tie Or'~~ bv J Ornon bv 6 Ore901'1 by 6 COP by 2 Ore. St, bY 12 Or"Of'I bv • UCL,. bv • COP bY It UCl.A by S Wa1h 51. by 7 Wall\ St. by 6 Or,_ St. l>Y • Co1Uornio b, I . Woso. $1. ' COP by 3 WO'tft 1l ___b,_1__ b_v_lO__ 'Nov, __ I. bY I Ore. St. Ore St. Ore. St. Or•. St. l>Y 7 tor,ford bv 2 trinfll'd s b_v_ll__ __ l>Y bi l bv J Colifofnic Collfornla Callfg-rnio Cat1fornte Calitarnla Collro 1 n1a bv_r__ b, 7 by 6 bv 6 bv 6 l>Y O__ __ _b'tY•-~ LIU by t TCU by I LSU bv U i;~ gf~2 LSU by 1 LSU LSU LSU bv 11__ b!,'.._20__ __ ID f)y ~.'P1 l;~ ;ft, Texa, br 8 tr:~ :""~ __I tr:1._ - 5MU by 10 SMU by 6 Auburn __ bv_,__ Auburn Auburn __bv_,__ __ bv_,____ bv_7__,___ bv_7__ AUDvrr, Auburn Auburn bv ,2 Auburn t,y' Tl• N'We.!lem N'Wts 1 trrt PJrdut 1--b::"'v-...:.•'-'-2____ by__l __ l•-~bY=6__ flurd..i• Purdue by 6 Iowa lowo -~b~Y~~~--1--b_,,____ bv_,__1-~b~v~l--1--~b~v~'--1 lowo Iowa Iowa Iowa Iowa bv 7 __b_v_l__ Geo. Tech bY 12 fl,jotre Oom• ~-'-- Clem50t1 by 7 Ort-. St. to 10,110 llJ-4.1 .714 .S.44-5 .6'>T G <;to Teen. by 10 Nolrt cam, by 10 Goo Tech bV 4 Gto. Tee~ GOO Tetll bv 6 by I Notre Dom. Notr• Oamt Notre Came Notre Dami Na1r• Dom• bY t ____ bt.!__ 1 __b,cVc_.=.t__ 1 l>Y 6 by_l__ __ C~f• ---=c:...;.--·1-- NC . tto1e C:•\:oly N.C. Stott Clffl!IOft by 6 Col Poly Cl•m'°" Stofo NC bv 1 bv 12_ __ bv_,____ ~u-- to llfoU ci.;'J'°" l
10 lo USO Col Poly 11),4"1 .71• ......5 607 Gi!O. Tech, LSU USO Cal olY__ 13-2.C) .867 10-4"1 .71' ,,..,., ,591 Th" Wa,·es this .sea11tn have lost to Nevadn 12-7, San Diego Sta e 6-0, L.A St te 22·0, Whit rr 36-19, Redland• 12-6 ;,nd I Poly (Pomona) 35-22. Coach John ScoHnos' newly adopted tpread formation re- volves around quarterbacks Steve John~on and ·walt Crlner and halfback Ray Wrenn. Johnson ranks 18th in the nation in pa~smg, a('cording to the NATA statistics bureau, Hr has had 16 comr1r.•ions !n 104 1ltempts. fo1· 662 yarns and 81x touchclowns. Hard-running 5-9 205-round Pepperd, ne fullhack Do11 Car- jina will bring a 3.0 yards-pcr- utrry 11.\'erag-e into Friday night's game. Wrenn has a l.6 average running. End Bill Echnls has caught 16 pass~s for 317 yards and four touch- downs. "Pepperdlne will be da ger- ous In its new format ion, and with thls pa.•t wrek<'nd off and Friday night's Homecoming set to close their l'eason," USD coach Bob MrCutcheon ~aid, "we can't &!for to overlook this ~peC'dy clubs high scoring rotfnttal, desp1L~ their record." The game might winll Up a high-scoring -passing du I be- tween Johnson and Pioneer JONES NAMED I MONTH' TAR Cleveland .J mall but mighty l'k for San Diego Junior College, has heen namE:<) S~r at the l\Ionth for Oct,ifl~ by t h e Breitbard A hletic Foundation, managing di- rector Bill Whitney has announced. The 5-4 and 150-round ,Jones has been a standout for the Knights for the past two years. He leads the team in scoring this season and was especially cited for his defensive work !n being named for the award. During October he car- ried the ball 39 times for 163 yards for an average of 4.4 yards per carry. He scored one touchdown rushing and three more on passes and also scored five conversions. Other gridder~ con- sidered for t<1.e October award were Bob Keyes of University of San Diego, Ezell Singleton of San Di- ego High and Bobby Ball of San Diego State. 72-41-,4 .637 The San Diego Union's Gridiron Selections 11n¾.ard lf11g,•11 W 144 L.•11 .ll7 C~/rJ' U D -- bY I l :'llelson ,,ll'rry IRnlla \\'arrrn I Harry rJack !Da,·e I t'l her ~Tai{ e Willl!,m'! Wll,nn l\lonahnn lllnrphy 'Gallup Consensus W•141 L-M W·ll! ,•., W·1J4 L..fO w-m L·91 W-134 L-t'Z W-1J1 L-94 W-124 L•lOl W-141 L-15 C~~~olv C~~ 1 :oly -- C~~O~cly C~:';ofy C~;'~o-Jy___ c:i~Qly - C~~ioly-- C~~ 2 ;otv___ DY l9 by 10 bY 1J bV i, bY 7 by 7 by 2 by 10 USD --- 1 Pt1>0,rdlne-- USO --- USD USO USO VSD USO~--- bv 1 by 2 by 7 bv 3 bv 10 by to • by 1 by 5 Cqlifornla--jC011tcrnla-- c01rtor~ Callfor~ couornia Ca1tfOrri1_a__ Ca1ifor"niO-- California -- n • ~I h7 hl b,6 l>Y6 ns "' Oregon -- UCLA Oregon ----iOrffOII___ Orevo_ll ______ Oreion ____ Origon___ o,ei,on·~--- bY 7 bv , t,y 13 bl 10 bv 1 bv 6 by 6 by 5 ~.;:..:..;....,,.~-J-..,,,,on~ Oreoonsr-- Oregon St. f Stonfo,d___ Ore,go~ .Oregon St. I Orego.n sr.--- Cfreionsr--- bv 6 by 13 by 6 bv 1 bv JO by 7 by 3 by 6 WaSh. Slt1te- wa,h. State- COP --- COP --- Cop , COP Cop W0s-h.~S-t-01-,- 6 "' n1 ~2 nl · Wl W6 h2 W1tc;on,ln Witconsln-- Wisconsin Illinois-- WiscortSi~n- Wiscon~ w·sCons-in--Wisconsin-- bv 1 bv 7 __ by 6___ by J___ bY -•--- by 1-i_ by _7____ by •--- Iowa Iowa Iowa n• Iowa · Iowa Iowa Oho Srat• Iowa W8 by 1 hi by 1 h6 by 1 h3 by l bY '9 by l hA by 8 l>Y7 bv 6 ~1 )Y J Michisan Miciugon Micnigon Michigan Michigan M,crilton-- lnaiana Mtehltaan bv l Michlgon Sr.- Michi110n-sr.-- M:chi9tm-S-t.- Mlc:hfqon si:-- M'iChi;a~, Minnesota Michigan $t. Mlbcyl'\lgan St.- bY 6 by -I bv J by & by 3 b}' al 7 P1ttsburyh-- P1tts.burg~h-- -P,ttSbtir~ Pifhbv~ Pittsb~ PiU!bur;h Pirtsburgh-- P1ttsbur'-Jl1 by 16 by 1-t by 14 by II by 17 l]y d bv Nor1hwtsrerl1 Northweste~i Pu°rdu_e___ Purdue-- Puidue___ PUrdue___ Nortrwl!rtrfl- Purdue by 1 7 by 6 by l by 7 bv 4 by 1 by 2 by "i..tofieOolne- ·Nofi"e OOr,ie Noire Oomt Notra Came - NOrre~ Nolie Dame N. Carolina N0tr1 Oam• - bv 6 by 7 by 3 by 6 br 16 bv 1 bv 7 by 6 Ok.lohomo __ by _IJ___ -R-~;-:--- SMU OklCJhom Oklahoma----- OklQhom~ Qk1a,,QIT1Q SMU --- SMU___ SMU by 13 by a by 10 Oklohomq bY 20 _ bY 21 by 14 SMU R;; ::--- .Ri~-:--- Ri~; :J SMU RI~:::---,Rl~;~ Ri~ :: TCU --- TCU TCU SMU ·R-i~;: TCU - --- fcu- TCU 'TCU TCU br S by 2 by 6 ' bv 7 by JO by 6 by S by 6 bv 7 bY 7 Army___ Army Army___ Am,y Army --- A.rmv___ Armr by 11 -~fo'"v-,"--- by 10 by 1~ bv IA by 2_1___ Navv___ Navy-.Novv ·Geo:-wo!h-.- Novv Navv by 13 by ll by 21 by 12 by l by 7 bY ~O Georgia Tech Georgia Tech Georgia Tech Georgia Tech Ge<),..gia Tech GO?orgla T • ch Gtorgio Tec:h by B by 6 by 14 bY 7 bv S bv J by 18 GeorH10 Auburn Auburn I A•Jburn , Auburn by ;2 Auburn by 13 Auburn by 26 by_9___ by 10 bY10 . by'---!-, by I LSU --- LSU --- LSU ___ LSU LSU L.S~ L.SU byl.4 by5 byl1 bV'1 byJO by13 Ms.a sil'iFi'l Mls.slsslpp-,-Mu~MISlf"il~ M1SSiSS,PPi- Mississ·pp-i- M1n1n ppi by 13 by 7 b 20 by 3 l>Y 6 by 10 by 21 bY 3 by 20 Duke ---i Ou.,e --- Duke ___ Duke ___ Woke- Fornf Woke Forest·· Duke by 13 by 3 I by 1 bY 2 by 9 Rams -- Rom.s___ - Rom,--- Rem --- Ram$___ Roms___ Rams bv 10 by 7 bv l by 7 by 12 by 8 by I by U by "--- L ,--- L1on-:1___ Lions -- Lions Lions Lions by 2 by :IO___ by 10 bv 12 l>Yl l>YI l>Y S bv• Bear Bears l>YJ CoHs b,3 Cards B~rs___ Bears n l>YJ Wl by] by7 Eag~ Cords___jCords___ Cards byl l>YA byA I Brown-,-- 1 Brow"' --- . "' . l>Y~•--- Brown,--- Browns bv 10 : Clonts___ Giant, Browns bv 7 BrOWH~8fOWRI Browns Stteler'S by3 ~3 Reds~~rowns b~ 10___ l>Y7 !Giant$ bvJ n6 by3 Steele-rs !Giants bY3 onh DY 7 Giants I byl Giant,--- Steele,-,--~•onts by 10 I a-., WHk1-1 La-.t Wit~ La,, w•• W II L•IO W,12 L•6 W-JJ l•1l ,'-41 716 l:U by 14 bvJ Lost Week: Las1 week: w-~~ 3 w-10 ,w:l~,L-11 IWJ3'L-ll La~t Week: Lost Week· .~•L-1 w Lest weekz w:1~L-t3 Lo1t week: W·.l~,1.-11 w:ll Wffk: Last WHk: - w:l:-/•10 --~-- ~- 7 L~11 GRID FOES SATURDAY C I Poly es s SDS Defense 7 1 0 1 • 8 1'0 78 56 23 ?3 JSBr-ox Pinkins 1D Dick Mo a 2 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 32 1 0 0 0 I e • 6 3 ? ' 11 • 2 •g 0 0 0 0 0 ; r 1 72 2r 2 94 22· ' THE SAN DIEGO UNION Thurs., Xov. 13. 19-iS SAN DIEGO, CAL.IFORNI,. PIONEERS STARTED LOSSES USO Foe Seeks Reve to the National Associa tion a! Intercollegiate Athletics' statistics bureau . He has had 46 completions in 104 attempts for 662 yards a nd six touchdowns. . Hard-running Don Cardi- nal, a 5-9, 2()5-pound full- back will bring a 3-yards- per-darry average into Fri• day's game. •·Pepperdine will be dan-. gerous in its new forma- tion and with the p a st weekend of! and this home- com ing game set to close their season, it will be tough," USD coach Bob McCutcheon said. Mccut cheon said lt was going to be tough to r ush the passer when he stands about 12 yards behind the line of scrimm age. • The Pioneer coach also is worried a bout the eligi- bility of so~ of his play- ers. "Several of our play- ers are on the borderline, scholastically, this week and we should know Thurs• day how many will be able to play," he said. _ Halfbacks Bob Keyes, VIC By ,JOHNNY !UcDONALD Reports from Pepperdine College indicate tn:e Waves are high for their homecom· Ing contest with the Univer- sitv of San Diego tomorrow ni,;.ht at El Camino Junior C;llege stadium. . . After d r. a p p I n g six straight games, Pepper~ine found the winning combma• tion two weeks ago with a spread formation to topple strong Long Beach State, 2~- 22. Actually, it was the Pi- oneers who s t a r t e d the Waves on their longest los- ing string in school history when they blanked them, 27-0, last season. . The Waves this season have lost to Nevada 12-7, ~n Diego State 6-0, Los An• geles State 22·0, Whittier 36- 19, Redlands 12-6 and Cal· Po1Y<>f Pomona 35-22. coach John Scolinos' new- ly adopted spread formation revolves a r o u n d quarter- backs Steve Johnson and Walt Criner and halfback Ray Wrenn. Johnson ranks 18lh in the nation In passing, according
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