News Scrapbook 1958-1961
SPOR Pioneers' Coach'Not Dismissed' Renewal Of McCutcheon Poet Undecided, Says School Official By JOHNNY ;\fcDONALD "Bob McCutcheon has not been fired by the Athletic Board of Control," the Rev. William D. Spain, admin• istrative vice president of the University of San Diego, told the Quarterback Club yesterdav at a luncheon meeting in the San Diego Club. · This was Fr. Spain's reply~------------ to reports over the weekend e5 up to the expiration date that the USD head football of his contract. coach and athletic director This contradicted an earlier would be released at the end report that Mccutcheon had 1 01 the current season. HI s"alrcady been relie\'ed of his two - year contract expires duties as alhletic director and May 1, 1959. • that he would be released as Fr. Spain said in a pre- coach at the eonclusion of the pared statement: season. ''To clarify recent misund- Anather publis~ed report erstandings about the athletic that the Athletic Boa_rd _of pro"'ram at the University of Control would rnte to 01sm1ss San"Diego r wish to state· the coach this week proved • · to be Incorrect. "1-0ur athletic- polky Is Mccutcheon would not com- neither determined nor C'on- ment when asked how the trolled br a group ..of down- 1story concerning his possible town busmessmen. It is under firing was released. the jurisdiction of the univer- sity's Board of Regents.
b IJft EVENING TRIBUNE •a."'"'"~--...,.-~---~~-
SAN DIEGO, C.Ull•ORNIA Tl111r~d11y, Oct. 23, J958j
GLOBAL SCENE: Randall Lee, 12, a short wave radio enthusiast, wrote to Voice of America and Mos- <·ow Radio for program listings. Back from Russia C"ame a bright little 1hank-you not whkh began' ''Dear RatldalL" But 1he VoiC'c> of America pu1 Ran- dall's patriotism lo the add test. They addressrd him as "Miss Lee." SA, DIF,GO RE,\T: One of the naval offieers newly assigned to a top :N.:ret program of operational sys- tems development at the Navy Ele<'lronic Labora- tory is named LCdr. Ch a r l es Rock tt, and his dog's name is Vanguard. The alarm wenl 011 for a fire drill on Tuesday 11igl1t during adult education c I a i. e ,i at San l)iPgo High. Radio studl'11h; lingered in a hallway outside the artislc,' life class, au. ·iou"! to sPe what would emerge. But that night, the model was a !i.iou.· Indian-in cPrPmonial co~tume. Among the newlyweds is ~']etcher (Morrie) Mor- rison. La .rolla re. taurant man and patron of Indoor Sports and Hot Stove League affairs... , Photographer Paul Oxley is joining the march to 1hc> suhurhs with a series of po1'trait studios he will open in shopping <"enters. "Thal," murmurs Oxley, "is where the habies are." •.. There was a big ceremony out at an Diego State College, where r•ollege boys no longer feel it rhic to swalJow goldfish. A co<'d said she was so in love with money that she could eat it. Half a dozen boy friends volunteered dollar bills, and she ate up.... On Adams Avenue, the sight of the week is the blonde in a yellow convertible wearing red vel- vet ear muffs. i\ corrrction: '.\fy i(em (Ori. 14) about ,Judge John Hewicker fining a woman ,juror, who wa. tard~r because shr. bought a hat after lunch, wa: in error, ,Jud~e Hewicker did not fine a woman juror, The in ident occurrPd in another court. THL~ W S A,'I' DIEGO: Don't believe ever'.!tthing you read on restaurant menus. The Red Sails Iilri al Shelter Island insi l'i that "until 1877, the San Diego River flowed through (this site) and into San Diego Bay. Deposits oC rock, rubble, limestone and -sand were carried down the river and depo. ited into the bay, forming the base for Shelter Island." •ot so, sars Port Director Jolm Bate. The rlv- e>r flou ed past the futur€' site of Convair Plant 2 and into tho bay aro1md t.-Oday's Marine Recruit DP.pot. 'helter lsla11d was a shoal. After World War II, Bate took up seriously where aature had left off, and built u1> ShrltPr Island ii11o· one of the most glamorous pla3·lands in this or any city. DOTTED SHORTS: One thing Coach Bob Mc- Cutcheon has to be thankful for. In printing pm- grams for thlS weekend's football game between USD and Colorado We tern State, Printer Dick Yale changed the 'bed' to 'bid' in this headline copy: PIONEERS TAKE ON MOUNTAINEERS lN BED FOR WIN NO. 4. . . • Signs of the Town: The big neon sign in front of the Bahia motor hotel ha been Jacking the "ia." Just says Bah.... In the city pub- lic works yards at 1970 B St., Tom W. Joyce spotted this mental lapse: IF YOU'RE CARELESS ENOUGH, YOUR CAR WILL LAST A LIFETIME. - - - ----1
\ SH P TALK AT QUARTERBACK MEETING ltua ion nt y I rday'
vi e pre ·ident at USO. The Rev. Spain, comment- ing on reports that Mccutcheon would be released as coach and athletic director, told the club that no dedsion had been reached and that the USD Board or Regents will have the final voice on McCutcheon's contract, which e;,.-pires May 1, 1959.
"2--Coach Mccutcheon has not been fired by the Athletic Board of Control. "3-The Athletic Board of Control has made no decision about renewal or cancellation o! McCutcheon's contract. "4-. 'o member of th e Western College Ass iation, or any of its committ s, has condemned the University of San Diego athletic program or cast aspersions on t h e qualifications of the Univer- sity of San Diego coach." :Meanwhile, the USD coach and athletic director has been given the green light by the university to continue his dut- Prep Players
z ecs o Stress Prep Recruiting th futu r Az tee r crultlng policy mny tr s gett ng hl h sr·hoo! players Into Stit ns!r ~hmrn. , halfback Ball tor his 53- yard put return that beat Lo ngeles S te, 7-0, here S turday ht he also
sports editor of the Evening Tribune, was toastmaster at the QB Club's weekly lunch- eon meeting, held at San Diego Club. Other coaches' comments: Our offense was the strongest In t w o ~easoos Saturday night. We were particularly pleased with the ball-carrying of Jim King, who has been slowed by lnjuries, and we received good defensil·e play from George Stephenson, Larry Schimpt, Jerry Oh- lin, Octavio Cano, Ray Glaze and Jim Hull, among others . .. We punted on third down twice., because we had long yardage to go in our own territory . . . Ends Braxton Pmkms and Bill Cotten, removed Jrom the squad for mis ing rac- tice, will be allowed turn this week .•. We n't use Dick Morris at ~I ck because we need him :for depth at hal!back •.• Our boys step up in class when they meet Fresno Stat a week from Saturday b u t this is a hard-nosed Az ec team and we just mlg Bob )lcCutcheon, Univ sity of San Diego-The showed In beating Le w and Clark that they play up to their poten and should be tough th~ o! the way • . . Our opponent, Colorado W State here .satu~ i , . . . , The (Continued on b-8, Col. I) Go\"ernali - ls a split-T t
' Don't m I II u n d r t nd will cont nue to try f r for college player who h v _ helped us In the past· nd are helping us this ye r. nut we like to have pl .Y rs Irom th tart. Pl yer with u3 Irom their I reshmnn years have a re I loyalty to the school." I Though Governall prals d m," ld ove '1,1,e
auded the Azte defense "The highlight o! that game was our defense, a J r M the coaches were conc~med." he salrl "It was the 1irst time Los An- JJeles was blanked this sea- son, and the defense hell.I big fullback John Adams to le. s than four yards a carry." Gene Gregston, execullve
Important To Aztecs (Continued)
top players for us here Sat- urday were halfback B o b Ke: ·es, 17 carries for '.!09 yards , plus :'1,!erle R e e d, John Mulligan, Joe Gray and George Coggins . . . It was the first time Lewis and Clark had been shut out (33· 9 l in six or seven years. Jpsse Thompson, back- field coach, San Diego Jun- ior College-It was a team victory over East Los Ange- les ll3-0, but especially good for us were Cleveland Jones, Pete Smolanovich. Bob Werts and Cll!ford Long. Our men were real- ly aggressiYe ... Next op- ponent is Bakersfield JC there Saturday k-
rHE sourtlERN CROSS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1958 33 -0 \ Tiefors
Pioneers to Ba Colorado Eleven
26 EVEN 'NG TR/BUN ~ r; liriday, O<"t. 2i, 19 8 l' Defense Has USD Puzzled SAN DIJiGO, CALIFORNIA
a •
Colorado Western College, runner-up to Idaho State last year for the Rocky Mountain Conference championship, might become the University of San Diego's fourth vi<;tim of the season next Saturday night at Balboa Stadium if the Pioneers equal weekend's performance. Coach Bob McCutcheon's Pio• Pioneers drove 66 yards in six neers completely smothered plays, before quarterback Jan Lewis and Clark's offense and Chapman hit left end Merle took an impressive 33-0 decision Reed with an eight-yard touch- from the Oregon team last Sat- down pass. Keyes circled left 1 urday. end for 46 yards on USD's sec- "If we get the right kind of ond play to highlight the drive. breaks in our remaining games Keyes then took a pitchout and play the kind of ball that from Chapman, circled left end we did age.inst Levvis and Clark, and ran 89 yards to score. The there's a good chance that we fleet halfback returned with 36 could win the rest of our seconds left in the second quar- games," Mccutcheon said. USO ter and circled ri°ght from eight has won three and lost one to yards out to score. Larry Tes- date. sary added his first of three Colorado Western, off to its conversions to give USD a 19-0 worst start ln year8, has lost halftime lead.
erslield is the o college team in the Th~ir two starting
weigh 271 and 232. so our small backs may have some trouble getting through the line.
Alter . grids (3-1) had crusheit,. .L,e.wis and Clark ,33-0 Sat.way, Coach Bob McCutelreon said: 'There's a good chance we could win the rest of our game~." 8'-!leve It or not, San DleJl'O'!I !!tarllna' line l!I big• ger than ·otni Dame's. The Pion~ forwards &J'f' E.- Merlfl Reed, 1110. and .John Mulligan, 215; T. - Riek • ·ovak. 218, and John Mul· ler, 223; G.-.Joe Steuben, 2211, and Dick GardnPr, 235; C.-Blll Clarke, 2311. Bob Keyes scorl'd uchdovms and gal- yards (12 average) and Clark, The , outdowned their als 26-11 and their ottenae rfllled for 448 net yards to the visitors' 192. * * * But San Dle&o, despite artis- tic s u c e e • es, hasn't been drawing. ';I'he Pioneers have p u 11 e d only 19,300 folks through the gates for four home games. An estimated 1000 watehed the Lewis and Clark battle. Crowds like that can get lonesome In Balboa Stadium w h I ch boasts a. capacity o1 23.000.-C.G.J.
1-4 e ori rn rk. Th !oun• talneers opei:ied v. Ith a vk- tory and Ince have dropped !our straight game . [cCutche n reported that ta ·kle harll J,"'rankUn, the only two,year"letterman on the Pioneer uad. will not treat- End C. G. W;dlter ls re- ported ready all lfmlted night and j in , who' nor• mally thr. tll er at the other Jlank, Is out With an injury. Hnnd!Ing the end chore with Walker v.1lt 'be M!'r!P.- Reed, 1,1,ho turned in an e. ptlonal per!ormance ag In t Le\.1.1 and Clark, and Wa)n Bourque, v.hose in- jured loot "on't allow him to go full ~peed.
four straight games. The Moun- taineers won their season open- er against Eastern New Mexico University, 16-6, and have since lost to Colorado State, 25-6; I Idaho State, 7•0; New Mexico A&M, 27-24, and Adams' State last week, 21-12. Qilorado Coach Pete Peder- son has an experienced team, with good strength and depth in the line, bUt With a rep9rted shortage of matrpoweI' ID the backfield. On past pedorm- ances, the two exceptions to any backfield trouble that Coach Pederson may be having are senior quarterback Renault Desalle, 205-pound Pennsylva- nian, and left halfback Don Miller, another key to Colora- do's split-T attack. Junior halfb Keyes scored three a and gained nearly half of the Pio- neers' total yardage last Satur- day in the Home-Coming vic- tory. Keye! scored on runs of 89, eight, and two yards and set four new school records de- spite a painful rib injury. The 5-10, 185-pound former two- time Antelope Valley J1rnior College All•American gained 209 yards for 12 yard-per- carry average. San Diego opened the scoring early in the first quarter as the
Keyes 38-yard J drive in the third quarter, fol• 1 lowing a fumt>Je by the Ol'egon I tean.1, driving through right 1 guard to score from two yards out. Tom Gates, 6-2, 1915-pound freshman halfback, .added San Diego's final tally in the rth quarter, returning a lftyard Lewis and Clark pass lnt~tcep- tlon to score. San Dieg. out- first downed Lewis and Clark 26-11, and had 448 total net yards to 192 by the visitors. End C. G. Walker remains on the Injured list, and although he didn't see action against Lewis and Clari<, might be ready for limited action against Colorado Western. Halfback Vic Gausepohl, hurt again in the second quarter last week• end, will probably be out until the Pepperd!ne game, Novem- ber H. climaxed a
olorado w~stern comes
Into tomorrow nl11:ht'1
In B lboa
\Ith a
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