News Scrapbook 1958-1961


-San OleQO Union ~fquencl" PhCIOI bY JOI Flynn Chapman Spots His Target

Toward Ref'd

Gathered In On 6-Yard Line , for the first USD touchdown at Bal• apman had time to wait and then JI intb the air past the outstretched arms um.

the last stripe into the end zon . D had driven 71 yards in seven plays, with halfback Bobby Keyes setting up the score with a brilliant 50-yard run.

of Lewis and Clark's Dennis Falk. Reed, who gath- ered in eight pas es, catches the ball on the six, straight-arms Gary Grill on the tliree and tears

J n Cl111p1m1n, 1tTow, Un1verslly or San Die o llllllrlt•rh 11·1<- who <·ompletcd nine o! 16 pa. s s yes• trrcl.1y, ru·c an el ht-yard aerial to end .Merle






Pionee........ Attitude Irks Boss "Complacency is worrying me nearly as much as the Universi1y o! Mexico," said University of San Diego coach Bob Mccutcheon this morn• ing, "These guys of mine can't seem to get it in their heads that they have a ball game to play to m o r r ow night." ll'rcCutcheon n a med Jan Chapman, a Kans a n who played at Nal'al Tr a I n l n g Center, as his choice for the quarterback role as the Pi- oneers prepped for their sea- son opener tomorrow night In Balboa Stadium against the Pumas, Jfn ExpPrienc·e Edge Cha!)man, little but mighty, is one of the more experi• enced lads on the squad, hav- ing played two y e a r s of football in the service. He was twice an all-state choice in high school. Duane O'Connor, up from Citrus JC, may ha,•c been named as the starting quar- terback had he not come up with a sore arm, However, McCutcheon said that O'Con- nor will sec plenty of action before the game is over. Chapman is 5-9, 170 pounds; O'Connor an inch taller and five pounds heavier. Keye-,; h ·tarter Shifty Bob Keyes and hard• driving Avalon Wright will probably be back at their old positions of halfback and full- back, respecti,·cly, with new- comer Tom Gates manning the other halfback spot. Keyes we gh~ in at 185, Wright a d Ga

Signs Protest USD Overwhelms D Ove whelms Pi neer Ouster Lewis-Clark 33-0 Lewis-CIark, 3 3-0 Of McCuf cheon which had been tied b/~::~:::~) aro:nd the left side for era! former Pioneers. seven yards with 36 seconds TARS l,D The score might ha\·e been left In the half a!tc>r a Chap- the team a n d higher if the San Dlegans had man to hallback Tom Gates been able to capitalize on four pass !or 29 yards set up the , plu. lac e q u a 1 s oppor unities in the second score. The margin was 19-0 w n period. with Larry Tessary's extra were a few of th e Mccutcheon played practi- point placement. I n • hadnglhnglkond stad1uthm cally every member ot his CHAP~IA."'i' IDTS c',11\'E an c a e on e d . th ! b . 1 l - k th U i . squa m e ree-su st1~t on A 38-yard dri\·e In 11 plays trac as e n game, played under at1onal • - · f San Diego student Association o! Intercollegiate was finished off In the ~~rd b o cl y demonstrated its sup- rules. He finished the ame period with Keyes striking port 1o head football coach with 3 freshmen bac~eld over lef~ tackle from the twi:,. B ob McCutcheon yest~rday and yearlings on either end. r:.~ry s plattment made 1t a! m n at Balboa Stadium. USD scored after 4:44 of the · ough there were no first period when a 71.yard The final counter was swift de on tration,; from th e drive was capped by quarter- as Gates picked off Lewis and st.,nds, the football squad car- back Jan Chapman's eight- Clark quarterback Bill Hall- rlc h co ch from the field yard touchdown pass to end er's pass and returned It 16 following the Pioneers' 33-0 Merle Reed, who grabbed it ?'ards ii:,r a touchdown early tn mph o v e r Lewis and on the three and went into m the fmal stanza. Clark. Mccutcheon also was the end zone. Reed incident- The victory was the San glven th g me ball. ally, equalled c. G'. Walker's Di~gans' t~ird in four starts This wa the students' an- reception record set last year while Lewis and Clark h as swer to reports that McCut- with eight pass catches. posted a 2-2-1 record on the chcon Is to be dismissed from season. his head coaching and athlet- WJNN~RS HIKE :llARGIN Besides Keyes, Gates picked L director jobs at the end Lewis-Clark made Its only up 43 yards in 13 carries, full- o! the season. threat of the a1ternoon after I back Avalon Wright gathered McCutcheon returned !or USD's first touchdown. Witb ,24 in five trips and tre hrnan a brief speech ln front ot the halfback Gary G:rill plckin~ h:lfback Ron_ Falvo. collected stands after leaving his quad up 34 yards on SIX of the 15 2a yards In six carries. "On hPhald of the coachin.g plays, the Portland, Ore. club USD also experienced its s taff an;· mysell we want went to USD's five before the best passing of the season to thank you fo~ your won- jSan D1eg_a~s held. ~th Chapman completing derful suppo ," he said. "We The \"LSitors went to _the nine of 16 for 60 yards and won this one for you _ this USD 4? in the. second period. Duane O'Connor completed . . ,. the 36 m the third quarter and three of four for yards. WM )OUrs. 134 in the fourth period f or jL1w11 ono Clark t , o 0- o other penetrations. u!~n Dlega ·scori"ng 0 7 1 i;;:! USD stretched 1he argin t.,f.,"· 11'."%,Z. Ir~ Ch~pm~n)~lusgr•• to 12-0 v.,ith seconds O in ~6;, l!/'" lntorception), Conver>ioM-Tes- the iirst period y s took Chapman's p and ran 89 yards down e t t sidelines for a to m.

USD finally scored on the next to last play of the first halt after being stopped on the Oregonians' 31, 27, 10 and 9 in the second period. Keyes took a pitchout and

five pounds heavier, giving! the Pioneers bo h weight and speed in the backfield.

Page B-3 nde~s USD Coach Status Cloud Remains • 1n By M"EL ZIKES Bob Mccutcheon, University of San Diego football coach, has his Pioneers back on the practice field today, getting them ready for Saturday night's game against Colorado Western State, still not knowing whetlwr he'll have a job next year or not. One source very close to the scene, who chose to remain unidentified, said, USD ROMPS "It's cut and dried. He wrn1't be back." Such may be the case. If 1------- that big end to be upcoming, but if t11ere (Gc>orge Coggins) were the is one for today, tomorrow boys who klJlrd us," said or a week from Thursday it roach Joe Huston of Lewi! isn't known. . . . and Clark a(t<>r his lads from. One thing 1s certain h 1 s . team Is in back of McCutch- Oregon suffered a 33-0 white• eon all the way. wash job from the University The Pion<>er,s were "fired- of San Diego. up" Saturday ;,.s a result ot j "How about that Coggins the annoll!l<'ement that Mc- d (B b) K ?" 1 h d Cutcheon was on his way out, Ian ° eyes· aug c taking apart Lewis and Clark, USD coach Bob Mccutcheon 3..1-0, in il gamP whic>h had when the Saturday gamP in been called "11ven" before the Balboa Stadium was finished, initial kickoff . K<'yes, the formrr junior Player Sign LeUPr collcr;;t' All-American, ran for Every I1'l of the team 209 yards in l 7 carrl/. ·, scor- signed a l!Kft!r to M<:Cutch- Ing three touchdowns in the eon, whit-ff> li!d in part, "We process, one on ah 89-yard are bchirl8 100 per cent jaunt. and are 'p lid to say that we Coggins recoverl"d two are pati the University of Lewis and Clark fumbles, .vat San o· team coached by the fifth man in the Oregon- Bob. eon." ians' backfic>ld all afternoon McCtt heon had a 6·3 rec- and made at least four key ord at USD last year. This tackl<'s. ~eason his mark is 3-1. The Keye,; set a ~chool rC'cord Pion<'erS have lost only lo o! three touchdowns in one Mon1ana Stall' Coll<'ge, 1ht> game when h<' plunged two seventh-ranked small coll<'ge yards for the third-quarter t<'am in the country. TD. M. Z. so, he'll be one o! the few winning <'Oaches ever let go. No one will say officially, at this point, for it seems that a premature announce- ment may have upset the ap- plecart. Team Backs Coach Meetings of the USO Board of Athletic Control are said Cog_pins, Keyes 'Kill' Lewis-Clark " . Keyes and


u cheon


G TRIBUNE u~ 011eo. CAL1,ro•N1.a Thur

QB LUNCH SET, TODAY Football coache~ fans and report on eek. end games at the weekly luncheon meeting of the Monday Qqarterback Club at noon today at San Di- ego Club. Gene Gregston, execu- tive spoits editor of the Evening Tribune, will be toastmaster of the meet. ing, whi<-h is sponsored b,v the Aztec club: On the coaches' panPl will be Roy F.ngle, Hoo,'e.{ High; Paul Go\·er- nali San Diego late; Bob McCuteheon, UnivPrsity of San Diego; George Schutte, San Diego Junior College, and Jean

Pione Has

GRID MENU • Le Jolla V!. (7·30), Friday PR Ktarnv vs. Crawtntl8'~!'" OJ. Lincoln vs, MIU at La Jolla 11 ~t. Loma al Hoover (II. So11eetwo'ter \ti,. El toion at Ctlula V-~ta, Mt. Mivt;.el ot H!"liX. Grossmont at Escondido. Carlsbad at Quon.side (ii Mar Vista at Coroncdo Cl). r~rulto (8). Remona at Snn Mi'ilufl'I, Saturday PREP Son Diego at Chula Vista. ArmY•N~vy at Wl"bb. COLLEGE CoJorodo Western vs. USO at Balboa {8). • Cal Wes•ern vs. La Vtrnt at Pt, LomQ H ~o~t., Bakers!. d ll Storifocd at UCLA (2 use a, wasn nvton Stoft. ~-~ 1 r~ 0 Jif:· ~edlond.s at Pomona. oc.c:identa at CalTech at Rivers de. Long Beocll Stat.. at Cal Poly (SLO) '"!·.F. State ot Santa Borboro (") Col Po'/ (Pomona at P1PNrd1ne. Fresno at . Sa Dtnver at

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