News Scrapbook 1958-1961

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..N DlaGO, CA1.111011111M Q Mon., Feb, 16, 1959





THE SAN DIEGO UNltN Fri.• Feb, 20, 1959 @ SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA bS ---- Pioneer Nine Faces 18 Foes The Unlverslly of San Diego announced a tough 18-game baseball schedule yesterday which includes a northern California trip ln March. In last year's inaugural sea- son, the Pioneers posted a 7-12 record. Top hitters re- turning .1rom last year's club inc lude Lavon Baker (.392) at first base, Bob Keyes (.364) ln ce>nterfleld, R on Crise (.324) in left field, Bob Duncan (.322) catcher, and Hal Mitrovich (.302) it1 right field. Schedule: Fl!!b. 28 - At Camp Pe.,d!cton, 1:30, Morch 7-A1 Los AnQehtt State (double- header), 1 p.m, March 11-At Nat'o1 li~J: /to~~\h 2l~At toi ~?~':tied~O~~g( A~r t.aT!On.~o~~::, . Zrar~~ 27-At University of San Francisco, l pm. Morch ~8- A.t Unlversltv of Collfor- nia Berqla~. 2 •·"1. April 1-At MCRD, 2:4~. A.prU- A-At it.a1 1ech, Pasod~no ~. 0 id~~Mo,iat1le1t.•;\ 1 • s 11 ~fl"1~ -At NTC, 2:"'5. April z.,_camp P.rtdle.- ~~st:cmforfifieg~~eldSai/:5· ~~ti"aro7Al ~;,'1'· p";;~~ W-;;tJn!!'C: 0 / Mil\~1d.'"i P.m.





Niagara 79. ':./oun Massochu!etfs 7 Wro~f:ti~~? 51 ~P

Col Poly_ (San Luis Otilsoo) 67, Son


Diego S1. 53..

e;e ~~~est 67.

60 :asadena 72, University of San Diego Long Beach 85, San Diego JC ss. Palomar JC 85, Stanford 6.t. Oreqon SJ. tfs 5 ~ii'i 1 fs 7 lo,~~groJ 10 te 59 • Wyoming 9(, New Mexico,_._ cororodo state 60, oenvu 52 Ufah Slate 7~ Brigham Youflg 1,1 lmp_erlal Valley '6. 68 ~damS (Colo) State 78, Colorado Mine~ ,/doho State 73, Colorado Sfa1e Co!le;e t~:-s).Force 79, Regis 76 Pepperdine 68, Son Jose Stole 52 Santo Claro 48 Loyola 45 Occidental 81, Re<:Uonds 16. Beua~~·sr~?e'jli. sonic Barbara 92, Long Chapman College, 104, Wl!'stmonf n ,s~CLA Frosh 92, East Los AnseleS JC (lhre,e over- • Cal!forn1a 6.t, UCLA 51. Wosh!ngton State n. use 75. Whittier 75, Callech 39. ~orno,,a 60, Claremont-Mudd 51. c!~fi1~~-l~: ~a 0 s 5o\:~a ~l~ni~fe 42 • iakerst1e1d 74, Senta Monico 61. clfig'f:ena Frosh 70, Los ~ngefes Po- NorthWe:!t Nazarene 66, WHtmlnster 56. s,;fJo~do Coflege 71, Western • CColoJ

Manhattan 76, Con SIIJS ~7. Penn State 7J., Rutgers 56. A.uburn 115, LSU_ 67. Georgia Tech (th~ee.overt•mesJ. V1rg1nfa 69, Clemson 61. R~\~~'c; ~J.v·fu1~ne 72 _ ~J~~~~PfJ, 5 Ji~-}~ 5 W~i:i~~~ rg~rt~?:1! 4 &e~Jl~~~~Jle 6 h ~~~f~~j~~r!it• i~"~fi~:,eo~~• NC Stole 53, Maryland 37. SOUTH

,1, Oklahoma City &S

0 ~·89 .

62 .

Loyola \Baltt 62, Washington (Md) S4. N.crshaf 8~. Toledo 76. r.;;! 1 ::~ ~:gt~~t~ ~8, ~~~~~~dck4.) 55. L W·lliam end Mory 109, WashJn;(on & ~e~·Phls State 82, Centenary (La) 62.

Grambling 96, Wiley ~9.



Kentucky 71, Noire Dome 52. Kanscs t.3, Nebrosica 55. ~tC)IJ~fou~\t•T~f~!'k~ 6" 0 ·lahoma f5, Iowa Stole 50. \~~fol~•/{, ~1~~~1!o,~· 57 _

DENA '5'

North Corollna 76,_ LOYOia (Chicago) 57. l(ars_os Stole 60, vklOl)0ma State ~9. 0 is;t~;rh!:!e~:~~l;6~n (~~erflme) 1



~arlmotJ\{6, Yale 72. ,,apv:,,r~ #· Princeton 10', Cornell ti F~)dham 79, St, John' c~f:~bla' 52

;r ~9. ~owl'

Green 67. •=~~f'ft:,f,2




(NY.)~ (over

av1on 65.' Pr.irtlnnd ~a.


Tas011e rvu


72 Duquesne 65

!t flf~ni~s

so, Armv u.



cs A&M 53 Te,caS Tedi 52

st. Bonovenrure 85, Detroit 64. s:ri,;uJg1r~J::=t1 rltfs7 9· fioly cross 82 St ·Fro er Connecticut 70, 'Rhode lsl;nl 6 ,.,






Ar zona Stale. 74, \'Jest Texas 70. • tl~~ 1 fona 66, Hordm-Simmons 6-4





Faltering Aztecs Still Eye Crown Although they are only a half-game out of the California Collegiate Athletic Conference lead, the Aztecs of San Diego State have their work cut out for thf'm i two \'itallv im- lortant conference tes s on their home {loor this weekend. A 67-53 de!eat at the hands! ---- oi Cal Poly at San Luis Obispo Saturda,· atter a 73-56 defeat Saturday night knocked t h e by L Angeles Valley Frida:> Aztecs into second place with night. San Diego is now in a 5-2 record. Fresno S t at e fourth place with a 6-5 mark. backed into the lead with a Bakersfield won two over the 5-1 iigure while engaged in weekend and is now leading non-conference activity. with a 11-0 record. Long Beach Now comes the big on h is second at 9-2 followed by Fresno State schedule fl ce Valley at 8-3. . . . . . l In other games rnvolvmg San Diego State Fr rught area teams Saturday night, in Aztec Gym. A Y 'would Pasadena defeated University put the Aztecs m the of San Diego, 72-60; ~1arine lead while a d~J~~.!"'·ould al- Corps Recruit Depot defeated most v.-iite "fi to their lSan Francisco Presidio, 80-75, title hopes. o won the bu_t then was elimina,::d ~y first meetin year. 73-59. :"v11rror of Pasadena., 1 r-60, m The Azt e Long Beach the Las Vegas tournament, here whi no stops off at and Palomar JC moved clos- Los An State enroute er to the South Central title home In more conference ac- with an 8.'i-46 victory over Im- tion Saturday night. perial Valley. San Diego Junior College, Other area games this week eliminated from title conten- include MCRD at Camp Pen- tion in the Metropolitan Con- dleton tomorrow night, Naval ference after losing t;,.vo week- Training Center at Barstow end games, returns home to l\1a1;ines Wedne day,_ Barstow face El Camino and Bakers- aga nst MCRD at Pomt Loma field Friday and Saturday l·High School Thursday, U 1:1 i- night, respectivelr. vers1ty of San Diego at Cluco The Knights dropped an s,,;.:State both Friday and Satur- 58 decision to Long B e a ch (Continued on b-5, Col. 2) USO Nine

Pas dena Hands USD


17th Licking,


Alt ho u g h bi


slipped to 15.6 points per game last wee,k, Ken Leslie still leads University of San Diego cagers as they get ready to wind up the season at Chico State tomorrow and Saturday nights. Leslie bas 327 total points and also leads with 59 free throws in 78 attempts ior a 75.6 average, Statistics: (TWtntyTi'1'M Games) --,..w,.._.,L,..... F~G"M.,:..;:FTA FIM P.,ct~ . ..,T~P,--A;--v-,-1, O u,s 0 0_.. 1 ~7 17 565728240 56.0 1J70:6s.:/ 4 611 <70 29< 62.6 1635-77.9 1.,,------~IN;,;OIVIDUAL Nam• G FGMFTAFiM-Pcr--TP-Avg Leslle,o .•. 21 lJ< 71 s, 75.6-JV;fs.,i Maines 1 g .. 21 114 68 46 07.6 274-13.0 Baron,r ...• J.C 70 37 2"41 6(.9 162-11.S Boker,c .... lB 6 • A6 27 58 7 155- u Rebel10,f 21 •o 2, 1a 6f1 ,a. • ·6 PadeJ_""wsk[,SJ 21 38 21 16 s,:, 92- 4'..t Moth1s111 ..• 10 l~ 16 7 43.7 '73-- 7.J 1JF~ln~c ·· 11 io 1, 1: n1 · 1}: R. Roth.I 10 ia 13 , SJIJ SJ ~••$~th, 1~ in t~ ~fe"'aessO~.; f 68·8 f 8 O'NeU,c .• , 1 1 .ll OOJJ 0- O ·o Jg~s~~rga:g l g i i zg;g ~= 8'.8

GFPT 1 0 0 2 2 I J S 8 0 2 16 • 0 5 I 6 2 0 14

0 13 I 2

Aztec Eyeing




(Continued) day and NTC against MCRD at Point Loma Saturday night. CAL POLY [67) SAN DIEGO [SJ) GFPT GFPT Rvcraw 3 2 3 8 Finlay 6 .i 2 16 McCormick O 5 2 5 Jacobs o o 2 o S'furd 1 0 1 ::! Revak 2 o 2 .t Thetford , 4 2 12 Mulder o o 2 o Campbell J O O 6 ROPPe 1 0 O 2 OiGiovianf 6 3 l 15 Neel 3 1 2 7 Clark -; 0 1 U Doherty 4 2 2 10 Ashbee 2 1 o .5 Brow.n 7 o 3 1.1 PhiU1ps O O 1 O Totals 2' H 10 r.7 Totals 21 7 16 SJ 31 ~alftime score: Col Poly 36, San Diego Free throws missed: Cal Polv (7) - McCormicJt. 1, Shocketfonll , ord 2 Clark 2. Ashbee 1; !ti ;mii::ii {3)~ Finlay I, Doherty"], PtlillrJ'S r.1 f,;"!,_T PASADENA T USD (6) Bailey 9 R!ed Morgon 3 D O 6 Bloomc;uist 4 0 l 8 Wical Davis • 3 2 n Moine!i Bouer J 2 2 e Bebelo Piles 1 0 0 2 Leslie Tester A 2 0 10 Pad'skf Cummins 2 1 1 5 Finkbiner o 1 l 1 Holl 2 0 0 4 McGuire' .f. D 2 8 G F PT 1 0 0 2 2 1 3 5 8 0 2 16 4 0 5 8 6 2 0 U 4 SO 13 I O 3 2 26 a U 60 Halftime score-Pasadena JS, USO 25. SAN DIEGO (58) LONG BEACH (IS) GFPT GFPT Gilbert 5 2 1 12 Anderson 3 O 0 6 W.Johnson O I 1 1 McFarland O 2 2 2 E.Johnson 6 1 3 13 Ho11omore & l 2 l Sheridon 0 o l DHiggins 3 0 3 6 Ior~g~mes r g 1~ij1)~owltz 1\6 j t~: Goshov 2 O 3 4 Berry 12 J l 27' Vinson o O 2 o Sigmon o 2 o 2 Totals tt 14 16 58 Totals 34 17 11 8S Score 01 holf: long .Beach 34, Diego 29• •Missed free throws-San Diego-W. Johnson, Sheridon 2, T. Holmes, Vinson; Long Beoch-Marko,witz 2, Berry 2, Ellis. Imperial Volle,- (46) Palomar (85) Totals 30 12 11 72 Totals

FTM Pel. 240 .66.0 291 62.6

t.b-Avr. TP-Avr. 6>-36. lJ70-6S.2 950-46, 1636-77.9 lt~b-Avg-. 'l'P-Avg. i1U:l ~t~U 66-4.7 162-ll.5 96-5.3 155· 8.6 68-3.2 98- 4.6 47 .-2.2 92· U 49-4.9 73. 7.3 44-8.8 58-ll.5 54·4.l 56· 4.6 36-3.6 33. 3.3 17•3.i 17- 3.4 20-4 0 15- 3 0 6-J.O 8· 4.0 3-3.0 0- 0.0 0-0.0 O· o.o 4-4.0 0- 0 0 2-2.0 0- 0.0

Won L61t

Baseball Coach Mike Morrow g!:?c,nent• • 1; 1 i

Is sending 18 varsity prospects through stl!f workouts M


F(lA 29J




ir ___ 21

the Ken Leslle,



University of San Diego pre- , ~ob Moines, &' --- 21 263 IH 46.1 68 Ed Ba.ran, 1 ____ 14 164 70 42.1 37 pared to open its second sea- ,\'~~~·~~:i!~: j == ~f m ~u ;; aon February 28 against Camp ~~,,;~;i~%~k~ ,_ ;~ 3s~ 3st~ ~i USD's varsity faces a tough Ron Roth, 1 --- 10 ii 1; t~:~ opponents have been added to Jim O'Nell, e ___ 1 1 o oo o 1 o oo.o the 1959 schedule-Los Ange- jftl J.~;~:·; == i } g /18:g & 8 88:8 !es State, Alameda. Naval Air RUOLTS ~N 1~ ~\\ Pendleton a.t Ocea.nslde. Art Wical, e --- s I Bob Turpin. o ___ U f === ~~~.Kir::,o~.,== f 67 60 16 21 20 40.J 33.3 16 27 g + ~u 4 16 2s.o 59.2 18-g am e schedule, lncludlng ~1~ 1: ~:~; g 5 31.2 M:8 a 5 i 1 880 s2.s two double-headers. Four new r

ags Bi_rdie

Dec. 2-oso, 113: Ban Diego Na,vat st.atillTI, &9. t:if:g: lil :~:lru~:~e~~,,:f'Tralnin&' Dec. ](>-USO, 31; Loyola Onlvcnlty, 79. i~=~:& ~J/ iv!~f.;;;,~t°«'i~f1~~•. 6 to. sJ?'s::norer:~i~ 0 ;~::~·6~~- Dee. 3<>-USD, 13; S1.n me,o •:~, c:~r!. ~e:i~~!;n 7 ,1. 84 · Jan. 16-USD, 70; Pasaden4 College, 96. Jan. 17-USD, 67, 1'eppenline C•ll•J•, 77. Jan. 30-USD, 77: san Fernando state, 611., g:g~ Jtu~i~ 1 ~:g:

Station, the University of San Francisco, and the University In last year's l~ral sea- the Pioneers ~htd a 7..12 team bat t Ing average. gon, ~284 record despite art impressive Top hitters returru·n f I t Baker (.392) at first base, Bob Ron C"'•e (.32') ;~ left fi·etd, Bob Duncan (.322) at catcher (.364) I,. J.o3 '2: .u.1. The schedule: to:e:t;~:ru!~de~amp Pe nd1 e- March 7, Los Angeles St. 1(!~uble-header) at Los Ange- March 11, Naval Training Center at San Diego NTC. of Cali!o g rom as year's Keyes club include Lavon in center tleld, and Hal right field. :M:itrovich (.302)

Center, 68.

Na.val Ai• Station, n.




s~~atie~~• J1 1 :r1nH, ss.


Feb. 7-USD, 96; Le. Verne, 76. Feb. 12-USD, 71; Wes1mont Collete, 85, Feb. 13-USD, 4-2; Fresno State, 101. Feb. 14-USD, 60; Pasadena Coue,e, 72. ..;;,;;;;;,,,~,,;;~=================j pi Oneer Ca Q erS 5 et F Or F i na I 2 Games Rough Season

inl 1 ___

GFPT a o J 16 2 2 O 6 5 6 3 16 321 8 l 3 2 5 So o 10 6 2 0 l A 2 2 3 6 o o 2 o 0030 '1 O 3 J 34 17 20 85 imperial

GFPT 2 1 2 .f. Wombolt o l J 1 Sgringer 2 2 o 6 Bosch 4ll13Benac

Gardner Corhart Cuota Busc'1 White Welk~ \\'illiOITI-$ C'statt Gone Hertweek:

5 C'ham (I Jenkins 9 Reber 3 Moratt! , Ruggles

l 3 ,6 o D 1 J 3 4 o J 1 l 2 3

The University of San Diego's long and weary basketball March 14, Camp Pendleton season will grind to a halt this weekend when the Pioneers at Oceanside. I travel to Chico State for two games. March 21, Cal Poly (Pamo- The Pioneers have had only five home games in their 23- na) at Pomona. game schedule and their record at least partly substantiates March 26 Alameda Nava.I the claim that "there's no place-------------- Air Station ~t Alameda. • [ like home." , /noteworthy win last season wa.s March 27, University of San Coa<'h L. _c. Harvey's cagers aJ 65-64 overtlrq.e victory over Francisco at San Francisco. have lost five games by less Chapman College, the current March 28, University o! Call- than. six points and at one point eighth nationally ranked small fornia at Berkeley' lo~t to San Fernando State college team. .' . . ' Chico Coach Gene Maxey has April 2! San Diego Marines 70-73, San Diego Air Force, 68- coached his alma mater to a at San Diego MCRD. 69, and San Diego Naval Air record of 167 wins and 147 April 4, Cal Tech (double- Station, 73-74, within an 11. losses in 11 seasons. Maxey has header) at Pa.sadena. day period, an all-veteran club this seasor~ April 11, Camp Pendleton at The Pioneers trail their with seven lettermen, includ- Morrow Field, here. op- ing four first-stringers, back, ponents in every statistical f I t • h ' April H, Naval Tralnlng rom as seasons c arnp1on- Center at SIU\ D,lego NTC. category and trail noticeably ship team. April 24, Pendleton at in rebounds 765 to 950, a. big The Pioneers lost three Morrow Field, here. , 11-ctor In the outcome of any games last week: 71-85 to Westmont, 42-101 to Fr e s no, May 2, Wei;tmont qollege at basketball game, State, and 60-7Z to Pasadena Santa Barbara. In ·co State USD wm be College, Senior Ken Les 11 e May 13, San Dlego Marines the defending co- picked up 35 points in the three at San Diego MCRD. ch ns of the Far Western games but saw his a.verage sllp May 16, Cal Poly (Pomona) Conference. The Northern Cal- from 16.2 to 15.6 points a game. at Morrow Field, here. lfornia Wildcats finished the Leslie tops th~ team with 59 1957 ·158 season with a 7-3 in free throws in 78 attempts for j league play and a tie for first a sparkling 75.6 percentage. place with the University of Junior Bobby Maines from Big Nevada. Chlco State's mo$t Spring, Tex., has made 145 "big springs" to lead the team in total rebounde.



Totals U 16 "22 46 Tofals Halftime scare-Palomar 37,


GI' PT 1 0 0 2 2 1 3 S 8 0 2 16 < 0 5 8 b 2 0 111 ,I 5 0 13 1 0 J 2

H cl I r,oti

ltH·k 1,,,. d,1y

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