News Scrapbook 1956-1959

Lewis- Arrives



Pionee~o/jy Opens Card The Uni ersity of San Di- ego junior varsity open~ its first football eason today when it faces the tough Los Angeles City College C~bs at Marine C o r p a Recruit De- ot's Hall Field . Kickoff is eheduled for 3

oda 10/1-1/6


• P1.oneers Top End Lost For 4 Weeks C. G. Walker. Univer ·ity o! ready !';an Diego•~ outstanding end, for action in lour weeks but is expectE'd to mi ·s the Lew- there is a possibility he will i and Clark Colorado West- be out for the season If this em gam because o! injuries does not heal properly," the r ived in last Saturday's doctor added. 1 n tatc College game, Meanwhile, five 0U1er Pi- It wa ned ye. terday. oneers did not suit up f o r D R1 hard W. Luthe r,\yesterday·s olfens_ive d r i 11. t h i<'ian, said Walker They were tackles Rick No- h red lung ti. ~ue and vack and Lou Verrecchia end a i1amaged clavicle. "It might :vterle Reed and back~ ' Bob b described a · a foldlng:in Keyes and Vic Gausepohl. '?f th~ chest, an ur:usual m- The freshman squad p l u s Jury, Dr. Luther said . I "I belie,e he'll be

By ,JOIIN 'Y ,1,·DONALD Lewis and Cl rk College from Portland, Ore , will arrive In to, n by plane torlay for itfi game tomorrow 11ftcrnoo11 In Balboa Stadium with lhP. University of San DiPgo_ T\\en1y . Nim• Oregonh111s1- -- will dird{ in1o 1he Lafa}l'tlC' C:rill has av<'rag<'rl b<'t1e1 \ Hot<', then report out to Ma-\than elght yards per r,an> , rinl' Corp· R<'<'ru1l Drpot'i; Croza runs similarly o ewl ;[,N• on Field for a workout. MeXl('0 WestC'rn's ,Juan Vas• l ·o ,·oach Hoh !lfrCutcheon ;que1.. who gave .:1 I ts , 11aid yP.S\l'tday Le Wis and while Stodd is a qui<'k•n'lo g Clal',k has an offensr i;imilar back to Montana State but thal it Lewis and Clark op<'l tes may not be as lrong. mostly from the ~lnu ht 'I' H Vt: RIG LI E a!1d works the in ide d oul- . . sule belly serll's well. "'Ihey have a lll_g Jin" "". 1 th Against college ol Id-ah o, 12 ldd on the quarl over 200 the Oregonians opera1 rd with pou /I ," 1he Pioneer coach straight sturf on 42 plays and 11a1<1. "Thry ~"em to ha,e a went to flankers anil pass pat• l!ght, but swift ba,·khcld. terns in w other plays On 'Prlor to last wePk'~ gam<' sc,rral of thell' play , th · 11\ ~hw.h they wer<' tied by\'"conrl and third man through Colleg~ of Idaho, l'l-19, t h <' nrri s Ill<' hall which is hard 0 P o, 1ans h, d h<'cn l'Xl'lll• (Continu<'d on ,; 1, ( ol. I) 'Y rum ns duh ut , C'Pk, quarterb ck Ro)' ·e Mt·· -------------' Da ic compl<>t<'d 1x of 13 ,. a good big bn II alfback ,-11 y Gnll, u ack Lai cy ro;i:n and halfback Ken Stodd their top runners." Lewis-Clark Arrive day (Continued) to defend If wo1ked properly. The local club, how<' r, is

Pi neer Freshmen

several players who did not letter last year will suit up and play Los Angeles City CoHege in a ·chedulcd game at the 1arine Corps Recruit Depot Friday at 3 o"clock. Head coa<'h Bob • kCutch- eon : id that either he or one of hlS as! btanl co: he. will scout Le\\ 1 d ark when that club pl olleg<' of Idaho at Caldwell, ldaho, Sat- urday niJht.

See Action l n1 ersitv of San Diego'5 freshmen get their Urst ta te of college football competl• ion tomorrow aiternoon at 3\ whPn th~•y take on Los • geles City College on the Ma- rine Corps Recruit TXpo 's Hall Field. \ T e Pioneer "Pup " c-an:Y fi\e sophomores on the 24· man roster which face~ the invader~ with soph Billy Bour- que handling ~he quarterback tart Freshmen in the backfield l w th Bourque will be half-1 backs T o m Mathis, who prepped at Booker T. Wa h- ington High in :vtemphis. and \ St. Augustine's Joe Gray alon~ with Joe Baxter of Syn- l dei;, Tex., in•the fullback role . Coaches Les Harvey and Frank Murphy have )1lgh hope ior the "Pu ·' after their good showings in scrim- 'T!agcs against Lo~ Angeles \ Valley and Ocean Ide-Carls- bad. \ Halfback Vic Gau pohl con• • · u s to be the Pioneers'\. "\leading ground ga e , even t h o u g h he s ered a ,,Tenrhcd knee In e ccond qu rter against Mon a a State 1\1 t week and was taken from the gamc . I Chapman Air LeaMr i: usepohl has ramoled for 1 yard,; in 23 carries for an ge o! 6.4 yard s per car- rom Gates, another of ' om • fcCutcheon's I • jured halfbacks. Is the only other ball carrier with m r 20 times lugging the ball c age better than f o r ards per turn, co\·erir.g yards for a 4.23 mark. Jan Chapman has the top pass completion r e c or d \ among the quarterbacks, nine of 23 completed for U3 ards and a percentage o! 3 C. G. W a I k er, the quar rbacks' favo ite target, h caught sc en p'as,;es for 92 y d and \ chores. Gray to co

,,1 ,., I"'

USO Freshmen Suffer 18-0 Loss Los Angeles City College defeated University of San Diego's frosh, 1-0. yesterday on Marine Corps Recru t De- 1 pot's Hall Field. The game opened the ea- son for the Pioneer frosh and marked the Los Angeles eleven's second victory in three starts. The Cubs drove 55 yards for the first of two second- quarler touchdowns, halfback Jim Brown driving over from the four. .. .. :·..... : ,; : t:,t Los Angeles scorlng-Brown " run (poss failed) Conerly 'l.7 pas~ 1rom Arm· strong (pass felled) Womack 2S run (poss failed). USD Frosh'"'" Drop Opener Umver•it~ of San Diego's freshman gridders absorbed :rn 18-0 loss at the hands of the Los Angrles City -College Cubs esterday afternoon on the M~rme Corps Recruit pot's Iall Field It was the first freshman game In CSD's short history. Jim '3rown, Ralph ConE'l'lJ and Jim Womack notclied touchdov,ns for the Cubs, who were <'!aiming their second \JC· tory in three games. u · mary: USD L.A lco'n~~ly,A9.;q:~ocK. orlna

StrPak SnappPd 1 '/c/ f~-Y Pioneers Gird"ng For Win Comeback The niversity of San Diego's Pioneers were, taking ·it com• para~t,·ely easy on the football practice field this week as they enjoy a rest !rom the gnd wars this weekend. The idle weekend came at an opportune time !or Coach Bob McCUtcheon all he attempts to •teer the Pioneers back Into their victory momentum. They were • slo ·c to a walk last Ssturday Bobcat~ on fairly even terms :~ t i,.~on~:~:pe~t~t;l·~!el~~:~.: ln the second hal!, the visitor~ Bobcat . scoring to make It 31-0 in the The setbatk marked the end third. The ~.000 fans ~aw USD I or a slx-game wlnmng ~treak battle all the way, with Tom four last year and the first Gate:. scoring from the hree two games this season. !or th~ P1oneers' lone touch- De Ile the defeat, McCutch- 1down with 28 seconds left in eon felt the Pioneers showed th e game. improvem t over their first 1!SD, however,_ threatened two victory e!!ortll. twice . ore gain mg I ts score. "I m proud of our kids " Mc• The Pioneers drove to the Mon- Cutcheon said. we were ~aught 'ltana 16 at the end of the first o!! balance by that first quick hal!, and they carried the ball . . to tl, It ' 10-yard line touchdown of the1t'8 but I thmk earl in the fourth period. they tlghJcned up In the C • Co M Ct t h d ond hlllf." . a , c I c eon an The Montannn.11 hit for a h1:5 aid~ ape !!lo~ly bnngmg the to chdown in three minute~ of P1o~eera to their top form for the firet qt.:arter, then added th eir clash ••:'Ith Lewis and threP more in the econd per- Clark in Balboa Stad um Oc- lod for a 24-0 halftime lead . tober lB. The Pioneers battled the

near !ull strength again and If it can live up to Its potenHal stands a good chance against the Invaders Also, weather co\lld be a deciding factor. Lewis a n d Clark has been accustomed to weather In the high 60s at Porlland while, it the heat continues here, the Balboa Stadium floor may be rather warm in comparison tomor- row afternoon.

Pion ersl}t;rtain





with College of Idaho.

University of San Diego's


local "homesteaders"

Pioneers play Lewis an d knocked

oH University



Clarks Pioneers in Balboa Mexico, 20-6, and New Me--i• Stadium at 1:30 pm. with- C'0 Western, 13-10, before out an Indian in sight. dropping a 6-31 decision to The Pion!'ers from Oregon Montana State in their last · outing_ don t appear to have the edge USD f" t t . R' k . . 1rs s ringers 1c m the record department with Novack (tackle), Vic Gause- a 2-1·1 mark for the year. pohl (halfback) and C. G. The local Pioneers are 2.1. Walker (end), all of However, the invadrrs haveltook their lumps aa 1 hccn much mo ·e imp es Ive 1ana State still b in ti l' games thr;; ·ve won list o! skk 'and al ii\ beating Portland Slate 12-7, iii;: to coach Bob j and assaulting ·outhem Orl'• who said that nor gon. 60-1:l Their lone los wa tl')~ce probably will see ac-

o e touchdown. Gau pohl is the leadmg scorer with 14 poi \ U 'D's qnsit>· is rile thl \\ Cl'kend. Va(sity Slil s- \IC (Three GomH) OPP Yards ;a ned runnu,g 61J Yards. los.t running •_ ,•. • 1o, Nef yard~ running . •. •• 509 Passes ottempftd . • . . . . . .,ti) Posse~ c.om01eted . •. •• \9 Ycrds passing • • 229 Pones had inrercep:ed . • 6 if:~: ~g!vlsorrdusnning ::::.: ~f~:i ~:n~ ~~~fti:,·:::·: lj Total 1 nt downs •. , • 5 Total scrimmage piays .•. 193 Punts •• •• 12 Total van:to;e punis _ •.•• . . no Average length gun fl ••. ,. 35 0 Punts blocked .••••. •• 2 PenalfJes against .•• ,. • 33 Yores lost penalties .•••• 252 Total fumbles )3 Fumbles 1051 • ,,.u••·•· B i fe~fld8:0"; .. ...... f Total Points • 47 USD .1, I 96 522 ... 16 2 19 5 7 • 1 .1 ' • .. 119 16 519 3~.• ., 345 6 2 6 0 ,,


Pi n ers Promote 2 Players Ty.a l nh·ersity of

to Chico

tate, 20-~6. and last tion.


w,;t ~ ,t; ..,'

lewis-Clark Faces USD On Saturday

an Di- egq 1re men haH• beer pro- moted to the varsity o!l th r 1 1 II e p rformanC'es in the frosh's 18-0 loss to Los An- g-ele City College la. t ·eek. Fullback Joe Baxter, Texas product, looked good In practice, in addition to the ' frosb til , so coach ob Mc• Cutcheon m o v e d the 186- pounder up to back i tterman Avalon Wright Blg Tackle Ge . od T a c k l e Chuck O Connell, b1gge t man on the fro h ros- 1 er at 248 pounds, al o got the nod from Mccutcheon tor his play against the Cub O'Con- nell played high "chool ball ln Kentucky. Con · uing hi good running was frosh halfback Joe Gray, w;ho played !or St. Aug'l~ti last e r. Gra}' has had some ceptlonal moments tor the "am y this year. tcheon had his c arges working on their o!- te;ns1ve patterns all last week and, plans more of the same for the next few days as the Ploneer, prep !or Saturday n ht's engagement against Lewl.s and Clark. Walker tlll Idle C. G. Walker, !who was d against ontaDA SD' s last :engage- w111 be out for another e ks to allow his in- ribs to heal. e er, one bright s t In the workouts wa the re- turn o! halfback Vic Gau e- pohl, also Injured earlier. Gausepqhl, the P I on e e J' ' leading corer, worked ou t withou pads but ihould be 1·eady Saturday.

INCIDENTALLY YRS.-In a movie hou • iew, Clyde Primm counted seven patrons g a Technicolor pidllre thrau~ dark ard on the way to Ti •n · • ention ody Mor- tuary" ... Students of the University of Sao Dieg_o named their new newspaper simply The Paper A dand too . . . ne of the owners of a restauran called The Joker in Santa Monica is a fel!O\\. named Jack Stern ... Man named Bert who coll"":., U:S. Camera Annuals spent :,cars tr>in"' to loca e 2 193 edition until he discove it wasn t- published 1.ha ~ear. The pu lisher has h d 15,000 reQu for the nonexistent dition. Speeder ample e F Service Goo

Ky JOHNNY McDONALD Lewis and Clark College fllom Portland, Ore., listed among the nation's top small colleges In offensive statistics will serve as the Universit; of San Diego's homecoming opponent Saturday afternoon in Balboa Stadium. The battle shapes up pret- ty even. And to make It more confusing to separate the two clubs is the fact that both are nicknamed the Pio- neers. '.I'he Oregonians have won two, lost one and tied College o! Idaho last week, 19-19. Land C, coached by Joe Hus- ton, has beaten Portland State College, 12-7, and Southern Oregon, 60-13. The Oregon Pioneers' only loss was to Chico State, 26-20. The Portland team Is list- ed third In the ational As- sociation of Intercollegiate Athletics In rushing offense and 13th in overall offense It has averaged 388 yards pe; game, passing and rushing. Also, the club is listed 12th in total team rushing defense, allowing opponent. only 70 yards per game. Needless to say, coach Bob Mccutcheon and his assist- ants have spent many hours (Continued on b-7, Col 1)

(Continued) reviewing pictures• of Lewis and Clark's game with Col- leg~ of Idaho. Th" two leading offensive star ior the Oregon eleven are hal!back Gary Grill. a 5-8, 170-pound sophomore ',,.,ho av- rraged 8.6 yards a rarry in the f1r,t three games a n d q11a1 crback Royce ;:,.,kDaniel ·who has a punting average of 52.7 yard for eight boot·. l\ whllP, Wayne Bou1que, a 1061. 196-pound o p h o. has been assigned tol a left end for USD in pla t of injured C. G. Walk- er ~he club's top pa. s re. ce1ver. . .Although still on the inju1 ed hs!, halfback Vic 'G11usepohl, U. D s leading ground gainer. ncj taekle Rick Novack are rxpe_cted to be suited up to 1• Le,_,1 - and Clark and m.i lim tPd servic!'. Hob Keyes, outstandirtg' ft ha lfhack, is l'Xpected to OJ)f'r dc>,p1te bruised ribs. MC'Cutch. eon figures to open again with Jan Chapman 8' -q1,1a,:terback Tom G:ites a e other half'. ·ba,•k post and Avalon Wrigh't at fullback



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