Il Digiuno Delle Donne Religioso Durante il Rinascimento

La Significanza Di Cibo Per Le Donne

“ Food became the ultimate signifier , and abstinence from it was just one of the several ways to use its meaning . The many values of food and the many roles it played in everyday life were not lost to women as a result of their gender … While blood frenzy and living on the eucharist alone might stand out to the modern reader as the most striking and thus most attention - worthy of dietary habits , they were not the average points of contact between women and food , even in the context of the premodern cloistered religious community . In fact , the interaction most religious women had with food was significantly more nuanced and decidedly less extreme … Food was intimately tied to their faith , but they consumed it just as often as they abstained from it , and for the same reason – to express love for each other and God . Perhaps most importantly , even when they engaged in extreme fasting , their attention was frequently not on the food they were losing but rather the food that others were gaining as a result of their choice .” ( Callegari 4) Il cibo era molto impoIl cibo era molto importante socialmente per tutte le persone nel rinascimento e ancheoggi . Nel passato era normale che la responsabilità per le donne fosse di preparare e servire i cibi per la sua famiglia . Il cibo può anche essere usato per la medicina e le donne erano responsabili della cura dei loro figli . rtante socialmente per tutte le persone nel rinascimento e anche oggi . Nel passato era normale che la responsabilità per le donne fosse di preparare e servire i cibi per la sua famiglia . Il cibo può anche essere usato per la medicina e le donne erano responsabili della cura dei loro figli .

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