Copley Library Annual Report 2018-2019

Continued Growth in Library Instruction Considerable gains have been made in information literacy instruction at Copley Library over the past two years. The library strives to enhance the research capabilities of USD students through targeted instruction sessions that align with the projects subject librarians of 213 in 2017-18 was an increase of 76% from the previous year. Building on this success, Copley librarians taught 227 sessions in 2018 19 to a total of 4842 students. Some of this success is owed to gains made in working with students in the First Year Writing (FYW) Program created as part of the university’s core curriculum revision. During the 2017-18 academic year, our librarians provided information literacy instruction to nearly 500 first year students through the FYW partnership alone. This past year, that number grew to 757, approximately 58% of first year students enrolled. In addition to reaching students in the classroom, subject librarians held more than 400 one-on-one consultations to undergraduate and graduate students assigned by discipline faculty. Hugh Burkhart, Coordinator of Instruction, reported that the total number of instruction sessions by

across the disciplines. The library also held its three-credit Information Literacy and Research Strategies course (LIBR 103) twice in the last year to a combined 25 students. The course is scheduled again for the Fall 2019 semester. The library hosted 17 workshops for 97 attendees as well. These workshops, largely attended by students but also by some faculty, covered a wide variety of topics, from learning about citation styles and citation management tools to evaluating sources and engaging in con versations about the role fake news plays in the current media ecosystem. Look for more exciting workshops in the fall. Hugh Burkhart, Coordinator of Instruction, assists a student in the library. For more information on the library’s instruction program, see our webpage at https://www. library-instruction.php.

GOALS FOR THE UPCOMING YEAR Reach even more students in their first two semesters at USD • Make further inroads in instruction at the upper division level • Increase contact with our graduate population (approximately 22% of our instruction sessions last year was to graduate students) both in the classroom and through one-on-one consultations • Conduct more formal assessment of USD students’ information literacy skills so that we can further improve on our teaching

2018-19 ANNUAL REPORT 15

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