Citadel 1961


The 19 60 -6 1season was ri fe w ith ac tiv ity fo r the fast moving Masq ue rs. Harvey , star rin gDenni s Ha llor an an d Be rt Deger i, st ar ted thi ng s off wi th a laugh- pac ked ban g. The Dracula Dr ag Hal loween masqu erade at the U. S. Gra nt was a co lo rful memo rable eve . Then, "Sk ippe rNext to God" clos ed th e fi rs t sem est er cal endarwith thr ee s ti r­ ri ng pe rform ances featu rin gJim Lamb in the tit le ro le. The second semest er openedwi th th e fi ft hannual pre senta tionof the Betray ­ al. The Ma squ ers spon sored the high school drama tou rnam en tfor the sec­ ond successive yea r. The clim ax of th e who le year was the much an ticip at ed ann ual mu sic al;th is year, the Girl From Jazztown, USA. The awar ds din ne rwas May 20 th wi th comp eti tio nkeen an d sp iri tshi gh .

Fre shm en— FIR ST ROW (l -r ):H. Bu rd ick ,J. Ro de nborn,C. Sil va ,T. Ta foy a,D. Lu pt on ,B. Flo res ,B. E lli ot t.SECOND ROW: T. Peterson, S. Ke lly, B. Ku gle r,T. Ch apma n,D. Ma dd en, A. Lenain, T. O 'N ei ll,an d B. McGree.

So ph omores— FIR ST ROW (l -r ). K. Soa re s,J . Coo m be , J . Lgm b,P. Pow ers, H. Ac qu ar el li. SECOND ROW: T. Raga n, J.Rod ee,H. Sull iva n,


L. Aid s,D. Ba rse ll.

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