Citadel 1961

Ri gh t:Pio nee rPete ge ts a s ho es hin e

Tr ad itio na lHome comi ngac tiviti es ,spo nso red this year by the Un ive rsityof San Diego Ma sque rs,were en­ live ned by man y new ac tiv itie s.Among these were the sin g-alo ngpa rti es in the La rk, Pom-Pom pa rtie s,Blu e and Wh ite Day, and the crazy an tics of jolly ham s who made conta gio usthe es pr itde corps fo r wh ich the Mas­ quers ar e known . The pr og rammingof the fest ivities and en ter tai n­ me nt was alwa ys me rry , although no t neces sar ilyalway s coor din ate d. , , At tra ct iveMa rci a West reig ned as 19 60 Homecom­ ing Queen .

"M ao !Wh ere 'veyo u be en ?"

"An dfu rth er mor e, I ha teco nv er tib le s"

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