Citadel 1961


WI LL IAMAMB RE, B.A . National Ci ty, Ca lif . MAJOR : Mat he mat ics MI NOR: Philo so ph y

As the sen iors of 1961 go fo rt hin to th ei r res pec tivefie lds , our tho ug hts go wi th them . Be th ei r ma jor Histo ry ,En gli sh , Business , Mathe matic s,or Ph ilos ophy, the y w ill rep­ resent th ei r Alma Ma ter . The Un ive rs ityof San Dieg o hopes to be pro ud of them . They w ill alwa ys be pro ud of the Univers ity . Their degr ees rep res en t weeks,month s,and years of ha rd wor k, stu dy , and per sev erance . Armed wi th these degr ees they w ill ap­ pro ach new vis tas . Their lear ni ngprocess has onl y beg un.

SENIOR OFFICERS (l- r) :Pr eside nt,Wa lly Keog h; Vice- Pre sid en t,Tom Wh elan ; Sec .-Tr eas ure r,Tom Mu lca hy

MERRITT BORDEN , B.A . Br id ge po rt,Co nn. MAJ OR: Engli sh MINOR : Hi sto ry

WAYNE BOURQUE,B.B .A. Jame sto wn ,N.Y . MAJOR: Gen era lBu sin ess MINOR : Ph ilo so phy

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