Bringing the Marginalized into Conversations about American Raciality - Erin Kane - Keely Gaeta - Emily Norris
DuBois’s Challenge by Yuichiro Onishi T H E G L O O F Upon Du Bois’s research in transpacific race contact, he produced a new theory that encapsulated the globality of racial struggles and Howard Winatn coined this theory “the globality of race”. The core of this theory states that racial injustices can go beyond the United States and if it goes beyond the U.S., there is a possibility for collaboration across countries and nations. Black Americans saw that they were not alone in their struggle against white supremacy and not alone in their struggle for racial justice; they saw that Asian Americans were also facing
extreme and undeserved prejudice. To this day, this theory is more important than ever because almost everyone in this world has access to social media. Collaboration is easier than ever and everyday people are constantly being exposed to new instances of racial prejudice. We are all able to unite and fight this prejudice by posting and reposting informational articles or by emailing representatives to pressure for a change. The struggles that Du Bois saw in the United States have greatly expanded beyond the nation and people all over the world are truly beginning to band together in order to fight racism. 7
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