Bringing the Marginalized into Conversations about American Raciality - Erin Kane - Keely Gaeta - Emily Norris
“They told us to bring hardy clothes like jeans and comfortable shoes like sneakers. We weren’t allowed to bring radios and anything that could be interpreted as a weapon, not even baseball bats or knives. People brought their own plates and bedding. So Mom, Art, and I began packing and trying to decide what was most important for us to take. I took pictures of all my friends to remember them by. I also took stationery, envelopes, and stamps so I could stay in touch with my friends. This may seem corny, but my WADCA uniformwas really important to me, so I packed it though we really had so little space.” -Kochiyama “Concentration Camps and a Growing Awareness of Race" Diane Fujino
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