Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1949



Bishop Returns From Journey o Europe

Greeted in See City After Visits to Four Countries Hi::; Excellency the .. Io t Reverend Bi hop of an Diego ha· 1·eturned to hi See City after a six-week ' journey to Europe during which he made his "ad limina" vi it to the Holy Father in Rome. Accompanying the San Diego Ordinary; on his travel was his secretary, the Rev. Richard R. Daniels.

(Continued from Page 1) scheduled to conclude the cere- mony. Vi. it~d Four Countrle During their travels the Most Reverend Bishop anq Father Dan- iels visited Portugal, where they saw the shrine of Our Lady of Fatima: Rome, where His Excel• lency made his ''acl limina" visit to the Holy Father; England and Ireland, where thev visited semi- narians who have• been accepted to minister in the San Diego dio- cese after their ordination. After flying back to the Unitro States from Ireland, they had at- tended the centennary celebration at the Trappist monastery at Gethsemani, Kentucky, last Wed- nesday. H Excellency·s first official appointment after his return will be at Si. Joseph's cathedral where, tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock, he ·will celebrate a Ma s for the graduating class of St. Augustine High School. He ,,ill offer a baccalaureat Mass for graduates of St. Joseplt's Commercial College and all Cath• olic high schools and academies of the San Diego area on Sunday In the Cathedral at 10

·outheru Cross wru; too early to allow the inclusion or full d tails on His Excellency's arrival in San Diego, but it had b n announced that he would arrlvc at Lindbergh Field on Thursday evening, June 3, at 6:10 o'clock. Hundreds of the faithful and nearly every priest of the San Diego area were expected to be on hand to greet the .Most Reverend Bishop as he alighted from the plane. Ct•remon · of Greeting "'elcoming eremonles we r scheduled to begin In St. Joseph's cathedral at 7 p.m. last night, after a police escort hnd led the Snn Diego prelate nnd his entourage there from the airport. The semi• nary choir was to sing- "Ecce Sac- erdos .Magnus" and the "Te Deum·• when he entered the . ~~c- tunry. A brief address of welcome was to be delivered by Rt. Re,·. l\Isgr. Thomas J. 1c •amara, chancellor of the diocese, and His Excel- lency's respon e wa to follow. The Papal Blessing and B ed1ctlon of the :Most Bles~ed Sacrament were (Continued on Fag 2)


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