Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948

Bishop Receives Letter of Thanks For 1947 Peter'sPence Offeri ng (1'1 letter 1 -eproduced here 1l'as receired b11 HU! E.rc llency the 1 l,fo·t Recenml Bishop during _tit past 1cee 1 k. It 1 '!8 a~t ,ex~r;;; sioi of tlte Holy Father's gratitude for tie t wcei;e s ,. Pcter·s Pence offeri11y.)

Head ofIndia See VisitsS. D. Prelate, Praises M. Gandlzi

High prai. e for • fohandas K. Gandhi, recently assassinated Indian leader, was expressed by the Most ReY. Louis :Mathias, Arch- bishop of Madras, India, while visiting His Excellency the Most Rev. Charles F. Buddy, DD, Bishop of San Diego, last week. During his stay in San Diego the Archbishop addressed the ,population is 400,000,000, are un- Father Serra club.

Vatican City, January 14, 1948

Segreteria Di Stato di Sua Santita. •. 169011 Your Excellency:

tion he has been making 11 uu ""- :y ar tour of Canada and thP United States to solicit funds for St. Joseph's Technical college in Madras. Many Faithful More than half of the 5,500,000 Catholics in India, whose total

der Archbishop Mathias' spiritual leadership. There are three native archbishops, 16 native bishops, 3,- 700 native priests and 7,000 native Sisters in India, he revealed. The master of seven languages, including English, the archbishop is a native of Paris. He has served in India for 26 years. From San Diego Archbishop Mathias, who was accompanied by the Rev. Daniel Murray, his sec- retary, went to Los Angeles.

Describing Gandhi India's "greatest I e a d e l' ," Archbishop Mathias stated that "it will be impossible to replace .1lim. He was unique in his kind ana' such men never have a double." Predicts Successor Jawaharlal .'ehru or •Sardar Patel will take oYer leadersl.'iP in India, the visiting prelate op n1.:d, but he said that neither will "the religious leader that Gana was," pointing out that "Gandh \\as dl ply impr ed by the doc- trines of Christ and in the Ser- mon on the Mount found the basis of his own doctrine of non-vio- lence." The archbishop revealed that he had been shocked at news of Gandhi's death, stating that he "never thought an Indian, either Hindu or Moslem, would have touched him." If industries in India are de- veloped, that nation will have a great future, Archbishop Mathias predicted, but he added that the lack of trained technicians, me- chanics and professional crafts- men had made progress there slow. To help remedy this situa- as

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It is my pleasant duty, at the gracious con1mand of the Holy Father to acknowledge receipt of the sum of 14,527.30 which you f~rwarded to Him recently, through His ~xcellency the Apostolic Delegate, as the Peter's Pence offering of the Diocese of San Diego for the year 1947. The Pontiff bids me assure Your Excellency and your d~- voted priests and people of His heartfelt appreciation and grati- _ _ In the exercise of His exalted office during these d1ff1cult and trying times, the Common Father cannot allow the nu- merous heart-rending calls upon His charity to go unh~eded._ It · therefore a motive of genuine consolation and satisfaction His saddened heart to know that ii:1 _this mission of ~ercy He can count on the valuable and unfa1lmg support of His be- loved children of the Diocese of San Diego. Praying that Our Divine Lord, Who has promised to :e• ward even a cup of cold water given in His Name, may. deign to recompense in bounteous measure all those who contribute

I remain,

Diocese to Join Campaign for Victims of War 114 Sees to Take Part in Collection On Laetare Sunday WASHINGTON, (NC) - His Excellency the :\lost Rev. Charles F. Buddy, DD, Bishop of S a 11 D i e g o and the Archbishops and Bishops of 113 other Sees throughout the United States have notified Arch- bishop John T. McNicholas, OP, of Cincinnati, chairman of the National Catholic Welfare Con- • ference Administrative Board, that they will takE> part in the 1948 Bishops' Fund for Victims of War, it has been disclosed here. The Rev. Joseph• Stadler, i'ice chancellor, has been nai:ned di- ocesan director for the fund. The notifications came within two weeks after Archbishop Mc- Nicholas sent out a letter to all' members of the U. S. Hierarchy, notifying them of the campaign, which has a goal of 35,000,ooo. I Th e campaign will be conductt>d in the form of a collection, to be taken up in the San Diego diocese and most other Sees on Laetare Sunday, March 7. St udents to Save In addition to the 114 Sees, it also was a nnounced that more than 2,500,000 studen ts in mort! than 10,000 Catholic elementar y and high schools \'vill participate in t he Childr en's Collection, which (Continued on P age 2)

Sincerely yours in Christ,



His Excellency Most Rev. Charles F. Buddy, D.D. Bishop of San Diego

(Continued on Page 2)



BishopWill Bless Blessed Sacrament School on Feb. 15 His Excellency the l\Iost Rever- end Bishop will bless the new Blessed Sacrament parish Sunday afternoon. February 15, at 4 o'clock. Benediction in the parish church will follow the dedication ceremonies which will include a flag-raising ceremony to be con- ducted by members of Blessed Sacrament Scout troop 80 and Cub Pack 80, according to the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Francis C. Ott, pastor. The school building, which was only recently completed, consists of the first floor of what is l planned as a two-story reinforced concrete structure. Construction of I th e second floor is scheduled to be- gin in April, according to Mon- sig nor Ott, and the entire building is expected to be ready for the fall school term. High Enrollment Two h undred and fifty student., are enrolled in the school and are a ttending classes in h alf-day ses- sions in the first-floor classrooms which were intended for the use of approxima t ely 150 students. When complet ed the structure will (Continued on P age 2)

One College Helps Another General interest and cooperation in the progress of the University I Foundation Fund drive was ex- pressed in an encouraging letter received by the Most Reverend I Bishop this week from the Right, Reverend Abbot of St. Benedict's abbey in Atchison, Kansas. Enclosing a substantial gift ot two hundred dollars, the Rt. Rev. Cuthbert McDonald, OSB, wrote: , "As that well \"lrritten, very in- I teresting diocesan paper of yours comes to my deslt every week, 1 quite naturally keep up with the happenings of the diocese. In par- ticular I have been following with a great deal of interest the re- sults of your campaign for the new university. I t is certainly most gratifying and most encour- aging to see with what great in- terest the laity have taken 'hold of the plan. It certainly has God's blessing the way in which it 1s progressing. Inclosed please find a small donation to the g reat cause. I wish that I could make it many times larger."

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