Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948

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I ~ope A,;lproves . Be Awa ~se of French • . Church Rites Is Bishop ~:r;es Partial ·.,acular . ~n,es ,-Par- ~h lan- Circulafion Increase Of Catholic Press in Last Two Years Told WASHI GTON - (NC)

,tration 1£ Bap- n and t als has ., Holiness ding to a let- ~n Clemente Prefect of the

During the last hrn years th Catholic press in the Unite States has risen in circulation 26.7 per cent, with an in- crease of 2,840,662 subscriber s, to a total circulation of 13,495,580,

Congregation of Rites, to according to a survey just com- ,minence Emmanuel Celes- pleted here by the NCWC News e Cardinal Suhard, Archbishop Service. ""' ris. During the prior two-year peri- • Papal authorization was od, 1943-1945, the percentage in- following submission by crease in circulation was 14.4, ac- hard, in the name of cording to a similar survey, and •TiE" - r r· ,. ~f a pro- the total circulation at the enr' atin and I of 1941; was 10,654,91!5. 1.tterned More Pl ,, al- In C , I ,er

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