Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945




St. Francis de Sales High School Graduates

New Church For Colored To Be Dedicated Today This morning at 7 :30 a.m. the · Most Reverend Bishop dedicated the new Church of Christ the King for the Colored which is now lo- cated on the corner of 32nd and L streets. The new church has been completely remodeled and re- decorated through the cooperation of the members and friends of the parish. The furniture from the temporary chapel on Imperial · avenue has been removed. On Sunday, May 25, the first regular Mass will be held at 8 :00 a.m. when over 15 children will make their First Holy Communion. Holy Mass wm be celebrated every. Sunday by the Rev. Charles Forsyth, O.S.B., pastor pro tern, at 7 :00 and 10 :00 a.m., with the choir singing the High Mass. A convert class will be started soon. Plans are being made for the future enlargement of the church and the :furthering of activities there. Through the cooperation of the people and friends all work so far has bi,en paid for. A new altar will be installed later. Sisters of St. Joseph will con- duct catechism classes every Sun- day, Monday and Thursday. No Abstinence on Decoration Day By virture of a special indult enjoyed by the Bishops of the United States, the Most Rev• erend.. Bishop_. has_. dispensed from the law of abstinence on Decoration Day, Friday, May 3 0. Those who avail themselves of this dispensation are expect- ed to perform some acts of charit)', for example, donations to the poor.

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Pictured with the Most Reverend Bishop besides th School, Riverside, is (left to right) the 'R

M O'D _graduating class of St. Francis de Sales High··· and tt:· Re'... T uO,~Tnan,l the Very Rev. Peter Lynch, V.F., pastor, . . oo e.

Dear Reverend Father: All the people of the States are obli- gated to the 1,500,000 recruits now assembled in Camps. These brave boys have given up home, comforts and positions to be schooled in the de- fense of that cherished liberty so essential to peace and progress. They submit themselves to many hardships and a i.-i.gid discipline to safeguard our beloved country. We must be unite·d with them In the develop- ment of morale and in providing them with recre- ational and religious ·facilities. To carry out this program, our ·Government has approved of six organizations, including the Na- tional Catholic Community Service. A campaign for funds to finance the necessary overhead has been started and the goal of ~10,765,000 will re- quire loyal co-operation. It also affords us the op- portunity to share according to our means in the national defense. Kindly receive with gracious understanding the solicitors who have volunteered to do the hard work • of collecting these funds. Express your patriotism by a generous gift. Praying upon you and your faithful flock the blessing of Almighty God, I remain, Sincerely yours in Christ,


To the Reverend Pastors: Under separate cover you will receive a poster calling the attention of the faithful to the Feast of the Most Sacred H eart, June 20. Kindly arrange for the solemn observance of this great festivity. Providing a sufficient irumber of adorers are available, Exposition of the Most Blessed Sacra- ment is permitted during the day. We further re- quest that you announce a general Communion for the Feast Day itself and surround it with all pos- sible Eucharistic splendor. Let several convenient hours be appointed wherein the faithful can be ac- commodated for confessions. Complying with the instructions of the Holy See, the Act of Consecration to the Sacred Heart and the Litany of the Sacred Heart should be re- cited after every Mass and again in the presence of the Most Blessed Sacrament exposed during the afternoon or evening devotions. A sermon ex- horting the people to consecrate their families to the Sacred Heart and to enthrone an image of the King of Love in their homes will bring happy results. Only through constant, fervent supplications to Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will disaster be averted in this world emergency. The more wick- edness in high places rages, so much the more should we increase the fervour of our sacrifices and humble petitions. We, therefore, direct that nothing be left undone for the sanctification of the people to the end that unabating prayers be offered for peace. Very sincerely yours in Christ,

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Bishop of San Diego.

To be read at each Mass on Sunday June 15, 1941.

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