Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945
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odd the Knute Rockne Academy, Son Diego Foundation for Boys, to its list of community projects. * The announcement, so capably handled by our local press, created favorable comment from a 11. * In erecting this lasting monument to a great Amer- icon, His Excellency, Bishop Buddy, hos earned the re- spect and gratitude of all who are interested in the wel- fare of our youth. * There long hos been a need for just such on institution locol ly. We join with others in tendering a note of sinc_ere appreciation to the Bishop. We feel that such a worthy enterprise cannot help but have the blessing and guid- once of Divine Providence . U.L.J!l(IJ!t§ ci SfJll! JI ffE aJU IE fL IE R .§ 1147 FIFTH AVENUE
-Photo J, Alfred Mitchetl
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- Photo Cortez Studio
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