Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945

Official Organ of the Diocese of San Diego, August 24, 1945

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Official Organ of the Diocese of ~an Diego, August 31, 1945

I Religious Announce Classes, Supervised Play In Old San Diego The Religious of the Sacred Heart announce that they are now prepared to begin the work which they will carry on at 2600 San Diego avenue, a work entrusted to them by His Excellency, the Bis- hop of San Diego. Shortage of labor retarding the c o m p 1 e t i o n of the recreation grounds and auditorium has pre- vented an earlier start, but now the Religi~us are prepared t'b offer to children, after school hours, from 3 to 5 p.m. daily, the follow- ing : Catechism and Bible History classes, supervised recreation, sim- ple choral and dramatic work, reading guidance, with a juvenile circulating library, gardening and sewing hours. There will be no charges. • Those who wish to participate have only to make application. This may be ·done by asking for Reverend Mother Rosalie Hill or Mother Genevieve Clarke at the Convent of Saint Madeleine Sophie, 2600 San Diego avenue, San Diego 10. ,

Classes al Convent (Continued from Page 1) elude dramatics in their curricula of instruction. I The grounds of the convenf have been beautifully landscaped according to the best California traditions. The patios at the north and east of the property are paved in concrete slabs with an asphalt , surface in green and buff. This \ paving covers the entire ground space of the patios. Along the walls and fences flower beds will permit Bougainvillia to climb. A warm and loving welcome awaits the little children from the Religious of the Sacred Heart who esteem it a. privilege and a favor to cooperate in their small me·as- ure with the First Pa.s

Since the religious of the Sacred Heart have taken charge of the convent extensive improvements have been made. The basement has been reµiodeled into a theatre !;:::::=====================! with raised seats and a newly ... built platform. Dressing rooms

and cabinets for properties have been installed. The lighting and accoustical systems have been un- proved. The sisters plan to in- (Continued on Page 7)

Most Rev. Charles Francis Buddy, D.D., Ph.D. Bishop of San Diego

Most Cordi(ll Congratulations to the Unions Marking Labor D(!,y of 1945 Well, indeed, may the members rejoice in the splendid record they have earned during, the tragic years of world conflict. While the sons and daughters of laboring men distinguished themselves in the front lines and on the home defenses,, their fathers stood valiantly at their posts ·to produce the sinews of war. Like every one of genuine worth, they stand secure on their own achieve- ments, and merit the undying gratitude of many nations. May the Holy Spirit of wisdom and understanding enfold both management and worker with an abundance of Divine Grace and guide them safely through the years of reconstruction.

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