Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945


ishop Blesses De Anza Bas


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Father Stack Writes !l To His Bishop ( Continued from page world. Of late I have been ing of the irony of the fact I who always found his recrea- tion and friendship among priests am now completely and thorough- ly cut off from them for months to come. This, I am sure, will be my biggest trial. The other hard- ships of combat duty are rather negative-we sleep on the ground with the for our roof, eat when and where we can and some- times manage to get a. bath! TROPICAL HEAT This life is a real preparation for one of the lesser parishes in your Diocese. I have no church, no rectory but I have one of the finest congregations in the Army. Like St. Paul, having nothing I yet possess all things, It's too bad I can't send you a picture of my uniform -due to the terrific heat we wear only the lightest tropical clothes and a sun helmet. When I do get back to San Diego the only thing that would make me lose the Faith would be a. pas- torate in the Imperial Valley be- oo.use I'm sure my parishoners would object if I went calling on them clad in tropical infonnals! Just now the area is quiet so I spend my time going from post to post, much like any pastor visiting his flock. It gets very warm walking in this climate and when I set out I often think of you and pedometer hiking along Mission Hills. TREi\lENDOUS RESPONSIBll,ITY

arm Response To Pius XII Silver 1 Spiritual Bouquet Coun.1eiss Offerings Pour In From Evcrv Corner Of The Diocese-April 26 Last Day Fo.r Return Of Your Spiritual Bouquet Slip . In a recent Pasto al Letter our be 1 o v e d B' h . icated to his priests nd I th , . 15 op l.n· haract h" h h H I peop e e preaommantly spiritual er w ic t e o y Father d . . h I b s·1 J b"I es1res m t e ce e ration ; ver n I ee ~f his ~pisco~al Consecration on May ,...,...,....,,.... -· In compliance wah. thts. expressed wish of the d

Please pray for me, dear Bishop, not for my physlool safety because I am ·willing to of!et up my life if God RO desires, but for the lnten• tion that I will always be a true "sacerdos alter Christus." My re- sponsibility Is tremendous out here and I am entirely alone-I pray for strength. We do not often 1 have a chance to receive or send ' mall so I am writing to as rr1

I ~"vere1gn Pontiff His Excellency 1s most anxious to collect a. mam- moth Spiritual Bouquet from the people of his diocese. Individual records of this widespread crusade of prayer for the holy intentions of Pope Pius XII wlll be gathered • from every individual, every home, every Catholic school, every insti- tution within our boundariC's. UXDAY LA T DAY This list of your "Spiritual for the Holy Father must be In the hands o! your Pas- tor not later than Sunday, April 26, 1942. Printed forms for th;., purpose have long since been dlS- hibutcd throughout the Diocese. Please make it a point to fill out raur slip immediately, You may Ul.Clude In this record not only 1 prayers and spiritual works which you have already of!cred for the i~tention of His Holiness, but also a~ devotional exercises which you \nil perform before May 13, 1942 , Please be generous in this matter. Never before has the Father of Christendom faced such a serious and world-wide crisis. Bl,sHOPS' RELIEF Are you h:lping your Pastor to reach his quota In our 4-polnt d10- drjye? Vcrv JUf.l.e. UmLi:e ' Flowers"


their first contact with a priest in many, many years. Naturally, I cannot i;peak their le.nguage but one of these days I am going to attempt to hear their confessions by the sign language, at least it will be a generic confession. They are a friendly and simple people bewildered by this war that has upset their lives e.nd taken away tMlr families. TROPIC RAX.. Yesterday I got homesickness In an unusual way. We were walking along a jungle path when a very familiar sound came to me and in a few minutes I saw a B-24, one of Consolidated's bombers. He spotted us, wiggled hls wings and kept on. He was evidently on patrol. The thought struck me that you were probably hearing the same sound In your of- fice so• many thousands of miles away. It may be just a noise to San Dlegans. hut down here It's 11, 11ymJ?hony, So the next time a B-2'1 "cuts his gun" over your of- :tice just remember one may be doing the same thing over my Mad. Klndt!st regards to all my dear tl'iends and to you xny affection- ate prayers. Respectfully, -Chaplain Kenheth G. 3tack Headquarters Dat.i.chment A.P.O. !l15 c;o Postmaster, San Ii'ranc!sco, Calif.

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