Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940
3Ordained To Priesthood By Bishop Buddy With Bishop Charles F. Buddy conferring the sacrament for the first time, the Rev. Leo Davis and the Rev. Kenneth R. Stack, both of San Diego, and the Rev. George MacDonlad Rice, Riverside, were ordained into the holy priesthood yesterday morning at St. Joseph's cathedral. Each of the priests will celebrate mass today for the .first time with the Rev. Davis officiating at St. Ann's church at 8 and the Rev. Stack at 10. The Rev. Rice will RECEPTION THIS AFTERNOON This afternoon from 3 to 5 there will be a reception for the new San Diego priests at the Davis residence. Assisting the bishop as chaplains at the ordination were Msgr. John M. Hegarty and the Very Rev. F. A. Wekenman. Others who par- ticipated were the Rev. William Clavin and the Rev. Charles For- syth, Q. S. B., acolytes; the Rev. M. J. O'Connor, Mathew J. Thomp- son and Thomas Earley, masters of ceremonies; the Very Rev. Peter Lynch, V. F., the Rev. Harry Mitch- ell and the Rev. James P . O'Shea, chaplains to the ordinants. Both the Rev. Davis and the Rev. Stack were educated in parochial s c ho o 1s in California, attended Catholic high schools and colleges and later went to St. Patrick's seminary, Menlo Park, where they completed their studies for the priesthood. The Rev. Rice, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rice, Riverside, was born at St. Peter, Minn., in 1909. Af- ter he was graduated by St. Peter's parochial school under the Sisters of St. Joseph, he came to California and was graduated by St. Francis de Sales High school, Riverside. After a year of junior college there, he en- tered St. Joseph's college, Mountain View. He followed his philosophical course in St. Patrick's seminary, Menlo park, and for the last four years was at St. Thomas' seminary, Denver. ST. ANN'S PASTOR TO ASSIST At his first mass today, the Rev. Stock will be assisted by the Rev. John Purcell, pastor, St. Ann's church, who will act as assistant priest, and by the Rev. Edmund Ford, San Francisco, as deacon, and the Rev. Louis Buechner as sub- deacon. The Rev. David Temple, 0. F. M., San Francisco, will preach. The Rev. Davis will be assisted by the Rev. Nicholas Zabalza, A. R. Elsinore, a former pastor of St. Ann's church, and by the Rev. Louis Buechner, Los Angeles, and the Rev. Harry Mitchell, San Diego, as dea- con and subdeacon, respectively. Clergy who attended the ordina- tion included: The Revs. Raymond Layton. 0. S. B., San Diego; Peter A. Con- nolly, Ocean Beach; Stephen Kiley, Downey; Charles Forsythe, 0. S. B., and John Purcell, San Diego; Thom- as McNamara, La Jolla; John Gal- lagher, El Cajon, and William Clav- in, San Diego. Very Rev. Peter Lynch. Riverside; the Rev. Francis Ott, San Diego; Maj. Edward Martin, U.S. A., March field; the Revs. James Houlihan, Nicholas Zabalza, A. R.; Harry Mitchell, Damien Gobeo, A. R.; Very Rev. L. Forristal, the Revs. Daniel Ryan, Thomas Early, Michael J. O'Connor, Daniel O'Donoghue, Fran- cis Dillon, Luke Deignan, Vincent Shepherd, Rev. Father McArdle, Very Rev. F. A. Wekenman, the Revs. James P. O'Shea, Louis Buechner, Los Angeles; John Mc- Hale, Matthew Thompson, and the Rev. Fathers Arthur, 0. F. M., An- gelus, 0 . F. M., and Breitkofp. offer his first holy at St. Francis de Riverside.
G~~OUATES I . BISHoP·s GUfSTSI SAN DIEGO-The members of this year's graduating class of St. Augustine's High School were the I guests of His Excellency, the Most Rev. Bishop Charles F. Buddy, Wednesday of this week. The young graduates assembled in the chapel where His Excellency of- fered Mass and administered Holy I Communion to them. After Mass they were entertained at break- fast in the garden by Bishop Buddy.
To the Faithful of St. Agnes' Parish, Point Loma, California. For the great Feast of Pente- cost I send you a fervent bless- ing and beg the Holy Ghost to grant you every good and per- fect gift. May both priests and people of Point Loma reap bountiful graees by the indwelling of the Divine Spirit Who enlightens and guides the Church of the Living God, the pillar and ground of truth, and Who ac- companies her children as their lcving Consoler. Ii( CHARLES F. BUDDY, Bishop of San Diego,
SUNDAY SH AS I COMMUNION DAY His Excellency, the Most Rev. Birhop Charles F. Buddy, called the attention of the pastors of the · Diocese to the International Eu- charistic Congress closed Sunday, ' May 29, at Budapest, in a letter issued May 21. His Excellency stated: "The In- ternational Eucharistic Congress at Budap~st will close Sunday, May 29. As an act of participa- tion of the Catholics of the United States, uniting our nation - ad mentem pontificis-with the Con- gress against modern pagani$m, ycu are earnestly requested to make the first Sunday in June- Pentecost Sunday, June 5-a gen-
REDLANDS. for your people and other citizens here will faithful and permission is hereby be happy to learn that the local given, to those pastors who find community of Sisters in charge of it practical, for Exposition of the Lhe parochial school, the Sisters Most Blessed Sacrament during of Mercy, will soon enter a new this day." and spacious home. The new convent is a frame, 1940 EUCHARISTIC - The Catholic eral Communion day
Rose Society f oMeet Tomorrow Night Miss Lotta B. Perry, San schools art supervisor, will speak on "Arrangement of Flowers," at a meeting of San Diego Rose society in Park hotel, 3359 Fifth ave., to- morrow evening, Mrs. C. M. Hos- mer, April program chairman, an- nounced. E. 0. Adams will preside, and the public is inv:ited. Those desiring to exhibit plants are requested to bring their exhibits to the hotel before 6 tomorrow evening. Reservations may be made before 9 tomorrow morning by calling J-3171 in San Diego, Chula Vista 344-J or La Jolla I 3884. r• J r rrr..-
two-story huilding purchased at a cost of $2 .750, which has to be re- paired remodel<'d to provide it with wJtal_le appointments for the Sislers. This work is now un- der way antl, according to nports, the home will be ren,dy for occu- pancy August 15. The present convent is old and too small for the needs of the community.
IN NICE, FRANCE The permanent committee of the International Eucharistic Congress, presided over by Bishop Thomas L. Heylen, Na- mur, decided to hold the 1940 Eucharistic Congress at Nice, France.
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