Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940
become a wandering missionary priest in the New World. He walked 1 more than 20,000 leagues over des• ert, mountain and plain, in a peace- ful penetration of the wilderness, bringing to the wondering Indians the story of Christianity. He became! the apostle of California, building I Mission San Diego de Alcala, the I first in a string of 21 missions in the state. Nine of these he built in its I first 14 years lof labor here, in which he convetted the Indians and presented them not only as loyal subjects of the church, but also as loyal citizens of their new-found temporal government. First Irrigation System "In a few years, Fra Serra and his fellow Franciscans. with the aid of the converted Indians, built an em- pire from a wilderness, installing the first irrigation system in the United States at San Diego, a system that still is used as a model by en- gineers. "San Diego is and should be grate- ful to Fra Serra," the speaker said, "and proud of the history it has made. It has a heritage of honor. While a statue of Fra Serra has been erected at Washington, D. C., his memory is in the hearts of all San Diegans and will remain so down through the centuries." When Bishop Buddy knelt for a moment in front of the Jayme memorial cross on the banks of the San Diego river, he knelt on soil that had been watered by the blood of a martyr, for it was at this spot that Father Jayme gave his life in defense of Christianity, in the early days of the mission when it was attacked by Indians. Held AnSwer to Problems "When we look back to the lives of these humble missionaries of the church," Father Augustine declared. "we know that in their hearts they had the answer to problems which this world is seeking to solve today, a world that is in a turmoil un- precedented in history, a threat to our very civilization, a world that seems to have forgotten the sacri- fices of the past, the heritage of service to God. The world is groping blindly for the light, a light that has been dimmed by avarice and selfishness. What the world needs today is wholehearted, strong, coura- geous men. Half-hearted service breaks down the morale of a people. The people of San Diego have re- ceived a rich heritage, let us keep 1t warmed in our hearts, in memory of a great man who did great deeds. I The great scholar, the great preach- er, the great and humble gatherer of human souls-Fra Junipero Serra." ThE:_mass was celeprated by Bish- op Buddy assisted by Msgr. John M. Hegarty, arch priest; the Rev. William Casey, deacon; the Rev. Nicholas Zabalza, A. R., subdeacon; the Rev. M. J. O'Connor, master of ceremonies; the Very Rev. William P. Kelly, 0. S. A. and the Rev. Daniel O'Donoghue, deacons of hon- or to the bishop. St. Joseph's cath- edral choir of 60 voices, directed ;,,- Nino Marcelli, with Royal A. Brown at the organ, sang the mass. IJ?,cluded in the procession pre- cedmg the mass from the sacristry 1 of the mission to the Grotto of Lourdes, the Jayme memorial and ba_ck to the mission, were the bishop, priests and acolytes, Albert V. Mayr- hofer and Jesse Albert Locks in their uniforms as knights of the holy sepulcher and the uniformal drill team of the Knights of Colum- bus. Thousands attended the services and many remained for the all-day picnic that followed. Luncheon and refreshments were served by the Holy Name society and the Catholic Youth organization had charge of / the card of sporti_ng even~.
_Courageous Men Need of World Today, Priest Says as Mission Founding Marked Thousands Attend 168th
Anniversary Mass; Father Augustine Traces Work Of Junipero Serra, Aids. By PIERCE EGAN "Had it not been for the unyielding faith of a soldier of the cross and his determination to carry on under almost unsurmountable obstacles the map of the United States may never have reached to the Pacific where California's 1000 miles of shore line has become the beauty- spot of the nation." This thought was expressed in a sermon delivered at Mission San Diego de Alcala yesterday by the Re_v. Father Augustine, Franciscan priest from Santa Barbara. The oc- casion was a solemn pontifical high mass ~elebrated by Bishop Charles Francis ~uddy of San Diego, com- memoratmg .the 168th anniversary of the founding of the mission. Reviews Life of Founder Sketching briefly the life of the founder, Fra Junipero Serra, Father Augustine told of his early struggles here and of his refusal to leave af- ter the commander of the garrison at this far-flung outpost of the Spanish empire, gave up hope when a relief ship failed to arrive. He had set a date, that of March 19 1770 when California was to be 'aban~ doned. "It was then" the speaker said "that the first recorded novena ii:{ the h~story of California took place. A solitary figure knelt on the hill- side above the bay of San Diego and for eight days offered up his n~vena prayers that the relief ship might come and that California be saved to the Empire that the In- dians may continue to receive the benefits of Christianity. "(!n the evening of the ninth day a sari appeared off Pt. Loma, at the 1 entrance of the bay, It was the re- : lief ~hip coming to succor the dying soldiers of the king. And thus did Fra Serra, who hungered for human souls, win his first great victory in California. - "By hiS< pleadings with the com- mander of the garrison he had I brought about the postponement of · abandonment until at last relief ' came. The prayers of that humble Franciscan are interwoven with the destiny of the United States. "tfad California been abandoned by the Spaniards, perhaos some other European nation would have c~lonized the region, for at that time the eyes of all Europe were ~ent1;red on the New World. And 1f this had taken place, the golden coast would perhaps never have be- come a part of the United States. Serra Great Scholar "Fra Serra was not only a saintly man," the speaker said, "but he was a great pr~acher and a great scholar. He occupied at one time the chair of _phil?s.ophy in one of the great u111vers1hes of Spain. But in his heart was a longing for the souls of th~ tribal Indians who roamed the "'.Il_d~rnesses beyond the pale of c1v1h~ahon. This longing would not be stilled .and he left the pleasant surrounddmgs of the university to
Four of the principal figures at yesterday's ceremonies commemorating the 168th anniversary of the founding of the Mission San Diego de Alcala were (left to right) Albert V. Mayrhofer, the Very Rev. William P. Kelly, Bishop Charles Francis Buddy and the Rev. Daniel O'Donoghue.
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>.-.•.• ,.,::....• ..... In a colorful procession preceding cele•bration of a solemn pontifical high mass, this group marched from ___t_h_e_sacristry of the mission to the Grotto of Lourdes, the Jayme memorial and back to the mission.
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