Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940

Y, APRIL 22, 19:3 New Scho·t:~'>1~1obile Chapel Purchased Wi hDrive Funds


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TEMPORARY QUARTERS The Sisters of Jesus and Mary, whose mother house is in Rome, have anived from El Paso, Texas, at Bishop Buddy's invitation to open the Joan of Arc club at 1567 'inirt avc1m , w.iere temp ry quarters will be opened about May first. Four members of the order are here to direct the remodeling and furnishing of the club and three more Sisters are expected to arriv in tin1e for the opening. The order conducts a like club in New York, where over two hun- dred lady boarders are accommo- dated and in El Paso they have the Queen of Angels Club, which has been conducted wilh marked success bringing the highest rec- ommendations from Bishop An- thony J. Schuler, S.J. A private chapel is being in- stalled in the club, and every con- venience will be provided for those living there, including the privi- lege of as many meals as is desired. It is within eas}· walking distance of the busine$S district and but two blocks from the car line. Only young women of refinement and background will be admitted to live in the club and applicants are asked to bring recommendations with them. Information may be secured by phoning the club at Main 2602.

Dire Needs Filled in Buying School Building and 'frail- er Chapel; Cash Discounts Made Possible. First fruits of the LiWe Flower Fund have been re- alized in the Diocese of San Diego, as His Excellency, Bishop Charles F. Buddy, not waiting for the close of the drive, this week com- pleted two proposed projects and has a third well under way. A new school building has been purchased at San Ysidro, taking the children and the Sisters of the .Blessed Sacrament who teach them, from the garage that serv- ed as their classroom and placing them in well ventilated, commodi- ous rooms; a trailer chapel has been secured for the Indian Mis- sionary priest, Fathe1· Felix, 0. F. M., at Fort Yuma; and the Joan bf Arc Club for employed ·young women has been located at Third and Cedar streets, one block from the Cathedral, where two Sisters of Jesus and Mary have started the supervision of remodeling and furnishing in preparation for an early opening. The new school in San Ysidro, a roomy California bungalow style residence, is surrounded by four acres of ground that will provide ample recreational grounds for the children. The property is in ex- cellent condition, even the gar- dens being piped with sprinkling system. 1 It is Bishop Buddy's plan to have a chapel added to the school and other necessary improvements made so that the school may be moved immedia!,ely to the new building, taking the children from , the poorly ventilated make-shift buildings they have been ii1 for the past few years. The school was 01ig111ally started in a small resi- 1ence and the grow~ng ~tudent ody 1 quired a contilrnea 1.>ranch- 111g into adjoining buildings. Because of the first returns on the Little Flower Fund, the new school has been pmchased and paid for at a good cash discount. .Arrangements for the transaction were made through the Rev. John Regan, S.J., pastor of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel parish, San Ysidro. CHAPEL ON WHEELS Modern in every .sense is the new Mobile Chapel purchased for the use of the Rev. Father Felix, O.F.M., among the scattered In- dian population that he serves from his mission at Fort Yuma. The Diocese of San Diego has an Indian population of over 7,000 and a great many are located in

·woRK PROGRESSING IN PARISHES GIVEN EXTENSION OF TIME Encouraging reports from parishes whose time limit was extended in the Diocesan drive for the Little Flower Fund con- tinue to reach campaign head- quarters. In reporting the Diocesan drive totals last week as ex- ceeding the goal set by more than fifty per cent and in giv- ing the detailed results in the different parisltes, an error was made in reporting pledges re- ceived from the Blessed Sacra- ment parish in Descanso. The resort parish's quota. was $200, and the pledges made totaled $340, instead of the $200 er- rorneausly reported in The Southe1n Cross last week.

+ Michael J. O'Connor, Secretary

MONDAY TO SATURDAY-April 18 to 23-Priest's Retreat. SUNDAY-April 24, 3:00 p.m.-Confirmation at st. Mary's Church, Esoondido. 7:00 p.m.-Knig·hts of Columbus dinner, San Diego. TUESDAY-April 26-Leaving for San Francisco. WEDNESDAY-April 27, 10:00 a.m.-Solemn Mass of ltequiem at St. Mary's Cathedral, San Francisco, for the repose of the soul of Rev. Gerard Donovan, Maryknoll Missionary, who died at the hands of bandits in Manchuquo. THURSDAY-April 28-Returning· from San Francisco to San Diego. SUNDAY-May 1, 10:00 a.m.-Confirmation, Church of the Pre- cious Blood, Banning. 2:30 p.m.-Conllrmation at St. Boniface Indian School, Banning. - 7:30 p.m.-Conllrmation, Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, San Berna1·di110. TUESDAY-May 3-Silver Jubilee of Sacred Heart Patisb, Brawley. 9: 00 a.m.-Solenm High Ma s, Coram Pontifice. Sennon. ' 12:00 noon-Luncheon at Planters Hotel sponsored by the Kiwanis and Rotarians. Address. 7: 00 p.m.-Silver Jubilee Banquet sponsored by the , Catholic people of Brawley. Address. FRIDAY-May 6, 8:00 p.m.-Holy Name Social :at La Mesa. : Grammar School, La Mesa, s1>onsored by Holy Name units I of. La _Mesa, Lemon Grove, Ei Cajon and Encan;to. Address. : SUNJ?AY- Ma:y 8,_ 4:00 p.m.-Co~firmation; Sain Luis Rey. : Co11firmandi to mclude San Luis Rey Acadeln\Y and Vista. I I WEDNESDAY-May 11, 7:45 p.m.-Confinnation,. St. Mary's 1 THU CRhSuDrcAhY, NMaiiona 1 t? c 1 i 2 ty 1 . 0 · l - ay ~, : p.m.-San Diego Rot:itry. Address. FRIDAY-May 13, 8:00 p.m.-Holy Name Deanet'.Y, Meeting at St. Joseph's Cathedral. · --------~--- ~-----------'--•--Iii--·-

.Toan of Arc Club to Open In addition to conducting the Temporary Quarters Next Joan of Arc club, _the Siste~ ?l . Jesus and Mary will also aid m Month; To Have Chapel m teaching catechism to the chil- Building. dren in surrounding parishes. I

the district about Fort Yuma, where no public building is large enough to hold them. Last Oc- tober Bishop Buddy administered the Sacrament to 450 Indians there, half of the number receiv- ing the Sacrament in a grove at Andrade, where despite the fact that the dust was a foot deep in places, the Bishop moved about among them bestowing the Sacra- ment by the light of the moon. The new trailer chapel is especi- ally practical in this case, since the Indians move about from place to place, making tlae building of permanent chapels impractical. The vehicle is completely equip- ped, not only with an Altar and all necessities for the celebration of Mass, but with a baptismal font and sick call kit. It has an or- gan, loud speaking system and electric lights. A recreational ceriter to accom- modate 300 persons is also under way at Fort Yuma, where His Ex- cellency, Bishop Buddy, has made arrangements to furnish the adobe bricks and the labor under the di- rection of a Franciscan brother, Bro. Juan, as foreman and car- penter.



. A trailer chapel, designed along t~e same lines as this one shown at the recent Chicago Automo- i >ile sh9w. has been purchased by the Dmcese for the use of the Indian missionary priest Father Felix ).F.M., at Fort Yuma. The rolling chapel ~s also equipped with baptisn1al font, sick can' supplies, and 1as loud speaker fitments for outdoor servrnes.

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