Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940
Extends EasterGreetings
M AY our Risen Sa\'iour bless everyone a hundred fold and endue the precious soul... of all with the graces of this Holy Season. Easter! For many just an incident in the year's cycle-but oh how important an incident! This festival not only invites mankind to rise with Christ-vastly more, it challenges unbelievers to choose between the Kingdom of Christ and the pandemonium of anti-ChrL t. Goel is the Creator of heaven and ea1 th. He made us-and for Himself. He preserves us. Every instant of our being is a continuation of God's creative act and a pledge of His love. The Mastery of love demands our best. We canpot serve two masters. We owe God, our Creator, love, obedience, gi-atitude, service. F'ail Him and our lives spell failure. The burden of this service proves sweet and light when we follow in the footsteps of our Divine Benefactor. Those ,vho walk with Him in the Commandments have tho certain hope of a glorious resunection, no matter how blood-drenched their way of the Cross. This hlessed hope makes the Feast of Easter a time of rejoicing for every human being. "Rejoice, therefore," says Saint Paul, "again I say rejoice." And why rejoice ·when the whole world seems stricken with suspicion, hatred, and violence? Precisely because life is a warfare should men take comfort in the very thought of Easter for "even as Christ rose again from the dead, so we too shall walk in newness of life." The enduring keystone in the arch of our Creed, the message of hope from across the centuries rings out anew-"I am the Resurrection and the Life. He that believeth in me, although he be dead, shall live." "He is risen as He said." These glad tidings transform what, in the despair of Atheism, seems the scandal of the Cross, into its triumphant glory. "He is risen as He said, Allelulia" confirms His miracles and His doctrine and stamps them with divine approval. The triumphant Savioul' speaks to us-"Courage, children, I have conquered the world." Behold, Christian Civilization, like the wonders of the earth, is the work of His Hanel. Christian morality bears witness to His Divinit. ,, Christian enlightenment reflects the splendors of master l\Iorn, as the Light of the World shines forth from th 0 darkness of the tomb. Indeed "This is the day which the Lord hath made. Let u rejoice ancl exult therein."-Ps. 117. + CHARLES Ji'IlANCIS BUDDY, DLJ10p of San Diego.
His Excellency, Bishop Charles F. Buddy, D.D. JESUIT HERE TO GIVE CLERG~ OF DIOCESE RETREAT
The annual Retreat for the clio– cernn clergy will be held Dt the Cal'lsbad Hotel. Carlsbad, April 18-23, Easter week. and will be conducted by the Rev. James R. O'Neill, S J. former ptofessor at St. Louis University. Rt. Louis. Mo., and now assistant pastor of the> College chu,·ch there. All of the priests of the DioceBe, with the exception of the members of religious orders and the three young prietts rccenlly ordained, have been called lo Lhe nctreat by rfo, R·ct:ileney, .Bishop Charles F. Raddy. Pat.her O'N<'ill has conducted · rnany prit'sLs' Retreats in the mid-1 ell<' \,Vtst. and has earned an en– viable rept1L:1.Lion for hi!': ability in thi. wm·k. I The spiritual needs of the Dio– cese will be sufficiently cared for by the priests of religious Orders and secular priests who will not at this time make the Retrpat. A list of these priests an~ the churches to which they have been l a~. ,igned by His Excellency, is given herewith: 1
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