Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940
1Lay0[a'S Ex • ucator. p
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Thousands of students under the tuition of this arm hearted and unde ·ho later quali- fied to be la ', doctors. pnests, successful bu iness men 'Blessed are they ho do nd t ach. they shall be called great m the King- dom of Hea\·en' Then came hi;m- tanding profec or-pupils
s ila ian
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(Hereuith i printed in full the - nnon preached b)· IIL E. ·cel- leney, Bi hop Chari F. Buddy at the Jub'lee 1\Ia · of the Rev.
hav.n!!,' nothing and poss sing all er studies of theology and "1th thin .' On one occasion. , ·hUe their completion the glorious handcuffed, St. IITTtatius' com- morning of ordination, the happy
annhersary of which we com- ------
ment re\"eals the spirit of the So-
d, illummed by Di-
ought and d
today. That
le. "tocker.)
'There are not memorate
Sa:d he:
whrn for the first vine Grace mo 'Es s11 n ly across he worlcl enli ntening each soul
so many handcuffs and chains in day of da
"When, se,eral months aP,o, the Salamanca but that I desire even time the chasuble fell over his
trembling shoulders, clothing him it passes long after the human with the dignity of the eternal agent has ce sed its action. While The anticipation of we treasure t:he published works
beloved Jub1larlan of today ac- more for the lo,e of God.'
corded me the privilege of speak- ing on this occasion. I made it
of priesthood.
the subject of many mornings' Loyola is mirrored in his spiritual this day of consecration - the of even closer range hat we have appropriate text to coordinate and following words describing him: vated-<:arries the aspirant over come to cherish his example of unify the truant thoughts. There 'Ardent yet restrained, fearless many a rough place along the I courage, fearle~ly facing every was doubt in my mind about resolute, simple, prudent, strong pathway. , problem even the most discourng- which t-o choose until last Friday, and loving.' Does this picture of . WIY JOYS A1m SORROWS ing physical drawbacks indicating when reading the Mass and say- the Holy Founder remind you of "Many joys and sorrows. smiles clearly that his presence here ful- ing the office of the Feast of the anyone? and tears. have attended the life fill,; a divine plan. Sacred He 1 t, there looms before "This generation. in fact every of our jubilarian, but the so1Tows E."lt::TE~S BLESSI. G this zealous author, it is at meditations and cast about for an sons. His biographer uses the thought of a gleaming chalice ele-
me a wealth of fitting texts to generation, demands strong men were forgotten in the joy of the I crystalize the 25 silver years of disciplmed in virtue, to march un- Altar, and in the consolation that falteringly in the heroic vanguard comes in pronouncing the words in charity, is not the work of a day. Back Beloved Friend across the way, I I our Jesuit friend and consultor. "Ephes. 3-17, 19: radicati et fundati'-That being 'In caritate of the Church militant. rooted and founded
"Dear Father McAstocker we alute and bless you and _the com-
of absolution. Today indeed Fa- pany of Jesus with pries_ts and
''The training of such a soldier ther McAstocker may say to His people while celebrating this feast
of thanksgiving. We are grateful
you may be able to comprehend in the novitiate, at the very start, ·Lord, Thou hast proved me. Thou that ?od has vouchsa_ved your with all the Saints, what is th~ Father David McAstocker drank , hast understood my thoughts afar versatile tal:~ts .to s!une fbrth breadth. and length, and heie-ht, deeply of the Society's funda- off. my path and my line Thou unto the ed1f1cation _of all, that and depth: to know also the char- mental _ namely, nature is the I hast searched out. Behold, o you ~ave set us a high _example ity of Christ, which surpasseth all foundation of grace. Keep your Lord, Thou hast known all things, of faith, hope and charity t~at knowledge, that you may be filled natural gifts and develop them. the last and those of old. Thou you have been content to • Pictur Painted "A surge of happy tears breaks in our eyes- .. , The men whose names are ho 'ored household words Faces and forms and atti uc 1 e~ "'e knew. Faces that stir affcct:on and t!:e chords of tender ·and admiring memories. Some orient morn their hushed communitie::, Will hear the rising bell: And they Ehall rise, and know, And know their souls, And-what· they never knew, Nor mortal could know- The tumultuous thrill Of glorious legions swinging in review Down golden pavements on God's holy Hill!! kings of earth to the King of had been of the world, the wo1ld I Heaven and instructed his soldier., would love its own. but because I t-0 give their officers and their I have chosen you out of the world. Captain Christ, even more prompt therefore. the world hateth you." I and exacting obedience than to a POWER OF GOD military chief. And so with St. "Upon another story and a Paul, 'Everyone that striveth for week of study on the passion of the mastery refraineth himself I Christ. The novices learn that from all things; and they indeed the ·word of the Cross to them that they may receive a corrupt- that perish is foolishness, but to able crown but we an incorrupt- them that are saved ... it is the able one.' While thoroughly ver ed power of God. the devastating in the arts and sciences, St. Ig- ravages of sin, the desolation of natius learned from the school of turning away-aversio--from God, experience how to c.ombine a life contrasted sharply with those sol- I of prayer and penance with that diers strengthened by the soul of of teaching and study. But pri- Christ proud to fight under the marily he and his fellow soldiers banner of the Cross. During the were destined. with St. Paul, to week of this long preparntion, fight the good fight. (II Cor. 6-5) the jubilarian studied Christ risen 'In stripes, in prisons. in seditions, from the dead - the crown and in labors, in watchings, in fast- glory of life-the objecti\'e, the ings, in chastity, in knowledge, iu measure of time and et.emit;,:, the long sufferin~. in sweetness, in immortal soul reunited to a glori- the· Holy Ghost, in charity un- fied body. feigned. As dying and behold we "The years pass swiftly and live; as chastised and not killed; after an intensive review of the as sorrowful, yet always re,ioicint;l; arts and sciences the young Jesuit a.· 1wt•cl;v, yet, rnrichin, nl'lny; ,1 srhol,1.slic :is.-;unwi; th<' roll' or l'd-
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