Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940
RIDAY, APRIL 1, 1938
Eighty ,-i);~ent Of Fund Is S~bscribed; Deadline Extended BISHOP PRAISES
Sid en Pa:riMhe Ha Pa sed Drive Quotas Set for Them, Some Far in Excess of Amount. As the Diocesan Cam– paign for funds nears its close reports reveal that the quota of $200,000 will be reached by the time the last Catholic in the Diocese signs his pledge. As we go to press we are in a position to 1·epor t that 16 parishes have not only reached their quotas but exceeded them and, in many cases, have driven far beyond them, whilst word from the other parishes of the Diocese indicates that their drives will be brought to a successful issue when every home has been visited. A rough estimate puts the amount raised to date at 80 per cent of the quota. Encouraged by ·the example of the paxishes of St. Anthony's, San Jacinto, St. Vincent de P aul, San Diego, st. James', Del Mar, st. Mary's, El Centro; St. Joseph's, Holtville; Our Lady of Soledad, Coachella, whose reports of ex– ceeded quotas were published last week in The Southern Cross, the following churches have this week sent the same joyful word. From the Rev. Edward Hannon, Pastor of Sacred Heart Church, Redlands, His Excellency, Bishop Charles F. Buddy, received this telegram: REDLANDS 100 PER CENT FOR OUR BISHOP. GONE OVER TOP AND STILL GOING STRONG. (Signed): EDWARD F. HANNON. His Excellency's reply, tele– graphed to Father Hanon is : ...._ PLEASE EXTEND SINCERE CONGRATULATIONS AND DEEP APPRECIATION TO YOUR GEN– EROUS FAITHFUL. MAY GOD BLESS BOTH PRIESTS AND PEOPLE OF REDLANDS. (Signed) CHARLES F . BUDDY. The Rev. Nicholas Zabalza, Pastor of St. Frances' Church, El– sinore, telegraphed to His Excel– lency today, as follows: GLAD NOTIFY YOUR EXCEL– LENCY ST. FRANCES', ELSI– NO:fl,E HAS REACHED ITS QUOTA. (Signed): NICHOLAS ZABALZA. Th,e reply sent by His Excellency to Father Zabalza is: CONGRATULATIONS ON EL– SINORE'S SPLENDID SUCCESS. MOST GRATEFUL FOR YOUR LEADERHIP AND RESPONSE OF– YOUR PEOPLE. BLESSING TO PRIESTS AND PEOPLE. (Signed) CHARLES F. BUDDY. The parish of Encanto and Lem– on Grove, of which the Rev. Dan– iel O'Donoghue is pastor, sub– scribed $3,000 and thereby exactly trebled its quota. st. Edwa1·d's oa1ish, Corona, with a quota of $2,500 rose gallant– ly to the occasion and subsc1ibed $3,700, according to word from the Rev. Michael J. Byrne, pastor. The Rev. Francis Dillion, pastor of St. Mary's, National City, re– ported today an amount far in ex– cess of the assessment levied against his parish. With a quota of $2,500 at which to aim, Father Dillon's parishioners subscribed 1 over $3.000. I
According to the Rev. Peter Con– nolly, pastor of Sacred Heart church, Ocean Beach, his parish– ioners subscribed so generously that the amount assigned was ex– ceeded by at least $1,000. i A letter from t:tie Rev. Thomas I A. Matthews to His Excelbncy, Bishop Charles F. Buddy, reveals 1 that Holy Rosary parish, San Ber– nardino, is abreast of the other parishes thus far reported. Whilst the quota is exceeded, some parish- I ioners have yet to subscribe. Far in exc-ess of the quota also , is the amount subsc1ibed by the parishioner.;; of Our Lady of the , Sacred Heart church, East San Diego, acco1•ding to the Rev. Owen li Hannon, pastor. The Rev. Luke Diegnan, pastor ·, of St. Didacus' parish, San DiJgo. i has submitLed a like repoit and states that "Nhilst the quota has been exceedr.d, many of his par- ishioners are still to be seen. Another parish w hi ch has reached its quota and will exceed it by the time all of the P'irish • ioners have been seen is Holy .. Rosary church, San Diego, of which the Rev. Vito Pilolla "i;,, pas– tor. of Workers Source of Great Joy to Bishop Buddy; Sacrifice Is Shown. Whilst the unusual success of this Campaign is a source of great joy and encourage– ment to Bishop, priests and people, the happiest feature of it is that the amount now raised consists, in the main, of the ordinary givers' subscrip– tions. The masses will make it a success. Modest and even poor in the goods of this world but rich in the things that appertain to God-and amongst our CathrJi ~ people these are many-the o. nary wage earners and modes,l; salaried have donated even unto sacrifice. Many instances of this fact have_ been reported to this office. A father of five children who earns $100 a month pledged the sum of $150. A maid in the linen depart– ment of a local hotel subscribed $300, whilst two employed women each with an income of $600 per year pledged $500 each. One paid $250 in cash and the other $100 when they signed their pledges. It is upon subscribers such as these that the Diocese depends largely fm the success of the Cam– paign and for the balance of 20 per cent which as yet is needed to fill the quota. of $200,000. Some very handsome donations also have been received and these will in due time be published in The Southein Cross. 1 Generosity
Time Extended
SAN DIEGO.-The Lenten play, "Christ Before Pilate," is being produced for the fourth successive year by Lhe Gemma Players under the direction of Mrs. John J. Shea In the House of Hospitality, Bal– boa Park, h ere. This _year the text oJ the play has been elaborated and the dra– matis personae have been in– creased. There is a decided mis- ' sionary ring to the purpose for I which the a1"tists have given of their time :md efforts to prepare and stage !,his play. Their unself– bhness and Catholic spirit are at– tested by the fact that all the funds raised will be employed for the extension of Christ's Kingdom in pagan fields. "Christ Before Pilate" will again be presented this Sunday at 3:30 p. m . and at the same hour on Sunday, April 10. The first performance last Sun– day afternoon was attended by His Excellency. the Most Rev. Bishop Buddy, who, when interviewed made the following conunent : I "The Sacred drama of 'Christ I Before Pilate' was most impres– sively staged. The performers de– livered their lines with poise and earnestness, but. what captivated and moved the hearts of all. they feLt deeply and understood the 1 subjects of their porfrayals in a setting dignified, elegant and rev- 1 erent. • "The play gripped my interest from first to last. The immortal j texts from Holy Scripture are <:hosen with splendid judgment and carry the audience to a sub– lime climax of loving appreciation , 1 for Redemptiqn and the consoling hope of Divine pardon. The an- • guish and repentance-the tears of sorrow that furrowed the face of St Peter, strikes a kindred note in the breast of all who see it. 'Christ Before Pilate' is a mes– sage of hope, an eloquent expres– sion of faith, a classic memorial of the Saviour's love for man– kind.'' It is hoped that when more of the people of San Diego become acquainted with this annual pro– duction by the Gemma player:; they will be able to produce it, in other sections of the diocese.
To the Priests and People of The Diocese of San Diego: Owing to the inability of some parish committees to can– vass all the people in their dis– tricts within the three weeks allotted for the Little Flower Fund campaign, we hereby ex– tend the time to April 12-the final closing date. Distressing conditions in the flooded areas of the Diocese h.ave .necessarily hampered the l progress of our cause in those sections. , Otherwise reports to date are · nost stimulating. Indications point to a successful quota by the time every Catholic's pledge is signed. The prayers of both children and grown people have been heard. To reach the goal of $200,000, a generous return from every income (excepting the desti– tute and suffering poor) will be required. May the Divine "Giver of every good and perfect gift" bless the faithful and active r tho\ r-r the gnod soil-Wb" aiert w duty and with keen vision havi:i thus far rallied so loyally tci the appeal for the urgent needs and development of this Diocese. No matter what you give, it will ever be outdone by God's generosity. Indeed, the largest donation wil) be but a small return for the favors and graces He has lavished on you. Very sincerely Yours in Christ,
CHARLES F. BUDDY, Bishop of San Diego.
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