Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940
IARCH 25, 1938
Pastors Set New Goal As Qaota Passed St. Vincent's Parish First in City to Pass Quota Set; Two Pastors in Imperial Deanery· Finish Same Time; E xpect Drive to be Oversubscribed Following closely the pace set last week by St. An– thony's parish, San J acint o, in being first to reach the goal set for them in the Drive for the Little Flower Fund, were the enthusiastic repoi t s in quick succession from five more parishes in the diocese who have passed the quotas set for them and are still I working. Reports from other P"r''l-,.,rf:. both in the city and ~ubu,·b:m communities, indicate that the
Prelate Pays Vi sit Here On Return Home Bishop Kelley of Oklahoma is Guest of Bishop Buddy on 1 Ret urn from New Zealand Centennial Cele- 1 br ation ; Tells of Ceremonies There R~tuming from New Zealand, where with other pre– lates from America, Australia, Ireland, Japan, China and .t~1e So~th Sea Islands, he attends the Centennial celebr a– tion of the Chm·?h in that country, His Excellency, the Most Rev. Francrn C. Kelley, Bishop of Oklahoma City
"There are now 200,000 Catho– lics in New Zealand, out of a pop– ulation of 1,500.000," he conclud– ed Ei£hop Kelley, who is chairman of the United States Bishops' conm1ittee in charge of th e Mon– tezuma Seminary for Mexican ycuths. had as traveling compan– ion, the Rev. James R. Reardon, pastor of St. Mary's Basilica, Min– neapolis. Father Wogan, O.F.M., I cf Australia, accompanied Bishop I Kelley to San Diego.
and. Tulsa, paid a visit last Tues- day to hic; friend of long standing, lhe Most Rev. Cha1•les F. Buddy of San Diego. at whose home he was an ove1•11ight guest. / His Excellency of Oklahoma called at the Chancery offices Wednesday morning and graci– ously granlecl an interview to a representative of The Southern ·cross. "The Centennial wa.c; a marvel- 1 ?us success," His Excellency said, 111 answer to a quesLion regarding his recent trip. Consideiing that lhe EcC'lt>siasi.ical Province of New Zealand. consists of four small dio– ceses averaging 50.000 in each, the I ~clebrat_ion was altogether most . 1mprcss1ve. , On Site of First Mass ' I '·The Centennial observance la, Led 12 days among- Lhe native pcpulation and the Maoris. thou- , sands of whom arc Catholics," Bishop Kelley said in speaking of tJ ,. hi~hl1 hf · 0-• 1111> rpJrb1"1 t ion , whit!J \01 l.eld on lhe site of the fiisl Mui,,.; celebrated by Bishop Pompallicr 100 years before. "The circat Eucharistic Procession to the City Domain, the public park. where Benediction was given to 100.000 people. and a magnificent mystery play called "Credo" and presented by over 1000 actors be– fore an audience of 20.000 gath- f l'l'f'd in the auditorium were most I inspitinp; '• said Bishop Kelley. "When the fir,,t Bishop of New Zealand was named Vicar Aposto– lic of Oceania. his English-speak– ing flock consisted of one family and a few scattered whites over lhc north islands. Although the Anglicans were ahead of him, he converted from Paganism or her– esy about 5000 Maoris.
Drive will be oversubscrib~d. No parish has as yf't completed the canvass of parishioners. Set New Quota In St. Vinc~nt de Paul, S'ln DL ego, the s0Hcit,0rs under t''" ''t– rection of the Rev F:rancl~ c n:t. pastor, rea chcrl thr·,. ,-, 1 ',, tlp first day of th'!ir w •·J• ,, content to stop there. m~, t ed on setting a new quo~a for them.selves which was double the original. They expect to reach th is new quoLa by tile end of the Drive. The Rev. Ernest LeGuyader, Pastor of St. .James Church in Del Mar, reports that the Del Mar parish has oversubscribed its quota and has also set for itself a new goal. doubling the ori,,.inal quota. The n f:''. T. A ' Van Y '! el pastor or , (. Ma iv ,:; Chu. cu , El C n!ro. :uivh,0s that tl1e parish– ioners of St. Mary's arc most en– thusiastic and have alreadJ filled their quota and expect to turn in a final result far in excess of what was asked of them. The Rev. P',;lin W?o 7 Pri 0 '· ,. • St. Joseph's Church, Holtville, an– nounces 1haC his parish was amongst tlw firs!. to go over tre t op an d expects that when the last parishioner has been approacped, the final result will go close to doubling the asse: sed quota. From the Rev. Pattick Kinney, pastor of Our Lady of Soledad, Coachella, comes word that h is pari.!;h reached its quota and went over the top on Monday of this
San Diee:o was honored last Friday by the presence of three distinguish ed guests who paid a visit hown here in the Bishop's garden are (left to right) Joseph Ignatius Breen, national moving •Picture ct•nsor from Hollywood; Bishop James E. Walsh, Superior General of the Maryknoll Missions; Bish op Buddy and the R1.. lrev. Mi;gr. Joseph Corrigan, president of the Cath- olic University of America. ___ -(Cut courtesy San Diego Union ) 1week. j io His Excellency Bishop Buddy.
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