Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940
Folders Tell Vital Needs Of Campaign Twelve-Point Program Which i. 'ccc.:sitatecl Drive E.·- J}lained in Detail in Pamphlet . Iaikd to Familie:s: E.-amplc · Arc Cited. The brochure which was mailed thi::- week lo c\'ery Catholic home in the Diocese, and which explain, in de- tail the Bi. hop'::; drive for fund::; for the development and needs of this new episcopal See, is here"' ith reproduced in full. . The fund which the hopes _to 1:aisc by means o! this I imperishable structure-the life campaign is to be known, as the sacrifices of those Religious dedi- brcchure .. cxplai~s m the first I cated to care for old age-a blcss- page, as The Little Flower Fund ing to any Community. for the Diocese of San Diego. Cal- -i- ifornia, under the patronnge of I II. ORPHANAGE AT BAN1"t'ING Our Lactv of Perpetual Help. St. Joseph, ancl th~ Litt!~ Flower" "The Kin~dom or Heaven ' The first 1mcc of the brochure • Is for Such" I I als_o tells the_ goal of the cam- 1 ·•• If the homeless children. doub;~ paign. which is $ 2 00,000. dear to the Heart of Our Savior, PURPOSE are worth while. they sho11ld be -i'- cared for in safe buildings. well To !\Teet Tlr,:-rnt l\'!'cds of This ventilated and equipped with san- Ncwly Formed Diocese, itary plumbing. The Orphanage -·i- at Banning, staffed by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Caronclelet, over- ~. I crowded far beyond its capacity, An effective movement to cultl-1. buildings antiquated-walls crnck-' vatc educate. organize nnd coor- , eel-compels immediate attention. dinate Diocesan responsibtlity: to It i~ _imperative. to build surh an create an Jntelligrnt and sympa- addition t~at will rel1ev~ congcs- thetic undcrrtanding of the needs t!on and capacity. Some and problems confrontmg us. of our C tbolic i;hllrl en. na,...'c to find housing. have been forced •:,• Position cf Strcnsth into institutions wl1ere they are deprived of their birthright-the scntalivc members in enthusiastic that an addition to the Orphanage volunteer service for the purpose would aL50 permit a Parochial of raising the funds required, at school for day scholars from the the same time producing lasting surrounding country. -·i·- rrood will and a new position of strength in the Community. III. JOAN OF ARC CLUB -t- 1\1:ANAGEMENT •:------- Pearl of Great Price •!•------ No Overhead i A Hotel for employed Catholic young ladies-under the auspices Under thr direct supervision of of the Sisters of Jesus and Mary, t hr Bi.o;l1on, Prirst.s and Catholic < Motllcrhousr. Romn. It.alyl, spc- La:vinrn of tile Dioc-c.<;r o{ Sun Di- cialisls in fumi:,him( convenient rirn. No profc~sionril promotrn;, quarters at nasonablc terms for no highpowercd rfficiency experts cultured women who desire the re- nt Ten Tl1ousanci R year. no over- fined atmosphere of home, to- ~r;iii~rd ~~~icitors, no banquets, ~10 I gclhcr with the privileges of a pri-1 chisellcis . no frcs nor fee spht- vate Chapel. Most Dioceses have ing- < the architects' fers will be I such institutions. clona tccl and the Bishop and his -"i"- I IV. SAVE TUE BOY Satisfaction ln Giving All Grief and No Pla.y A recreation prngram lo inter- mccl1anics of proven record for est and reclaim :,trect urchins and honest and competent workman- I so-called "alley rats·· who. ha\'ing ship will be employed at the Union nothin,; to do and no place to go, Scale of wages. Every cent do- find short cuts to crime in the dis- nated goes to the cause. The ex- ma! by-paths of poverty. Do we penscs of printing this folder, pos- wonder at the moral breakdown of tage, stationery and ~ecretaries youth when we close our eyes to have already bee~ contnbuted. lthe plight of so _many helpless -·,- youngsters who dnft. m quest of TUE HARVEST IS WHITE recreation. to the breeding places ·•• 35,879 Sll~aro Miles of vice? ------ -·i·- 'The four southern Counties of v. TO COMFORT THE COM- FORTLESS .~. Faith i~ Action A Catholic Action Prnject to fos- tcr a general awnkcning of the in- safeguards of the Sacraments and the moral training of their 1 natc sense of our obligations. To Church. The Franciscan Padres cnW;t the Churcll's most 1•cpre- presiding at Banning assure us staff arc lhe general contractors in charge of nll building). Only by our Holy Father, Pope Pius XI. with the s1 atus of a Diocese. For day and night to comfort the sick this See of sii.n Diego to stand on and dying with the swe_eL solace of . . the Sacraments. To thtS supreme- its own feet and function properly, 1 . ta t t 1 t -11 b . . . y unpor n apo.s o a e w1 e as- requires the followmg twelve-pomt . d . ts d. t" · h d f development. No half-way meas- 1signe pnes is mgms _e or t th r n ·t zeal. sympathy. understandmg and urcs- everyone 11:us go c 11 i . love of the destitute. -·,·- . LITTLE FLOWER RETREAT YI. "GOING-;HEREFORE, Home for the Aged TEACH" •:• Harbor the Harborless ------ ------•!• •!•'-------------•:• Suffer the Little Children, aml Forbid Them not to San Diego alone 6,500) are prac- aged. For t~is proposed mshtutwn tically lost to the Faith through the Carmellte S1Sters have been lack of the facilities for religious secured and ten acres of ground instruction. 'Their salvation and donated . Into this foundation of hope of future happiness is the far-reachin~ ch~ritv i, bu\ldPd an ,,..>t.',n•,~.t ~n 1, "'" ?1 In cheerful and holy surround- \ ings a haven of peace for who have borne the burden of the day- a tribute of respect ~o the I Come to Me ,•,• •:•------· ------ Tliousands of our children (in, California- San Bernardino, Riv- crsidc, Imperial and San Diego - a total area of 35.879 square miles - form a new unit of the King- dom of Christ on earth, dignified ----- - "They Shall Lay Their Hands ' U!>on the Sick" Full-time Chaplains are needed I to wait on the poor afflicted ones of our County and City hospitals - to be available each hour of the Theme of Progress
THE SOUTHER CROSS olders ExplainingAN~UH ~lrnNERIG RMEllTE NUN 1 ST. PATRICK'S 15 riveMailed ToAII PLANNED BY HOlDINGTHIRO INCENTIVUOR amilies Of Diocese Sund:T~~!~~cj~~. lime. or NOVENA BENfflT (Continued from "'-'' 11 ----__ -______ and the Cafe of the World. Balboa [AI [ SAN DIEGO~ St. Patrick's I derlying reason !or this cam- Park, th place of the annual St. Day card party will be held at st.. 1 Sound, Financial l\Icthods v· ' ign It will be necessary to in- Patrick's dinner and entertain- mcent s parish hall, Hawk street I ease the staffs of religiou~ edu- example: one parish in the Dio- ment, sponsored by all the socie- a nd Fort Stockton drive Thursday tors by inviting the Diocese ,cese has already paid to the banks ties of St. Didacus parish. evening at 8 o'clock, Mrs. A. C. aching Orders whose members $22.000 interest on a S29 000 obli- Baked ham a la Evrard sened The third Novena of 1938, in Long, chairman of the party, has e fully equipped to reclaim and gation-what business men would by the young ladies from 5 :00 un honor of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. arranged tables for bridge and struct neglected children _ to term • poor business". In this til 8 o'clock. and later entertain- will close with the public Novena ··sOO" playing. An attracti\'e door ·epare them at least for the wor- campaign 25 r:o of the returns ment, with cards as you like them, Pi-ayer and Benediction of the prize is also offered. Reservations Y reception of First Holy Com- frcm each parish will be applied and music b}' a popular orc!"lei;tra, MMt Ble~<'ed Sacrament in the may be made by calling the rec- union and Confirmation. To to the principal debt of that par- promises a gay celebration, in MonaS t f'ry Chapel on Hawley tory, Hile. 1899, or by calling Hile. owingly deprive youth of the ish. which the general public is in- Bl\'d.. Wednesday. March 16 at 5939. I ans of salvation is nothing short -"t- eluded. 4 :oo pm. diabolical. . . . IX. BISHOP'S H01'1E The committee includes Mmes. During these monthly Novenas. COMBIN~O GROUPS ••• John Deery, R. E. Crabtree, T. P . the Carmelite Sisters recommend ' "Break for Them the Bread 'f" · For the Servant of Priests Greville, R. Bohrer, c A. Bur- to Our Blessed Mother, the bodily, of Life'• and Peo,!lle roughs, Misses Betty Gunn Flor- temporal and spiritual needs of SPONSO p~~TY "Or what man is there arnong I A mortgage foreclosure ~a~e ence Gunn, Ver~ I~blum. Miriam all who have sent in their peti- u. of whom if his son shall ask po~s1ble the purchase of a digm- Melanson, Ma1ga1et Hallahan. tions or who have been inscribed r bread. will reach him a stone." fied residence for the Ordinary of I Delphia Fo~, Messrs. Dick Calla- on the Novena list. N[XT wrE~K t. Matthew, 7:9>. I the Diocese and his successors. ban, S. Lormger, Charles McMa- Following the Novena to Our L 1 ·"TI 1 e little ones have asked for 'This home was had for about one- nus, Ted Greville, A. ~age!, Leo 1 Lady. the Carmelites ·also make a ead and there was none to break fourth of its original cost- ac- J Imblum. Carl . Schamel, John second Novena each month from _ __ 1 unto them.'' the Annunciation. general offices of Holy Cross Keystone in the Arch of Cemetery. A temporary loan was more convenient may remit in in- Msgr. Hegarty To~'Address Irish Group On 'Cultur:e 1 Of Ireland ' On Feast Day negotiated to make these improve- stallments ever a period of 24 Faith With the Sisters of Mercy and ments and to supply the necessary months to complete their pledges. her fervent missionaries of the equipment. Payments may be made direcLly ·esent day, Our Sisters of the -t- to the Most Reverend Bishop, Of- oly Family and Catechists of XII. SUPPLEMENTAi, fice 1528 Fourth Avenue, San Di- ctorynoll, alert to the needs of ••• e"'D o th h R d p Bury the Dead 1 • "" , r roug you everen as- e times. do not wait for the chi!- tor. Your cancelled check will en to come-they go out into ,:.,______ S"rve as receipt. For pa:vments in Other -1rgent needs in the Dio- - e highways and byways and by currency · t ·11 b · A cese call for a Recreational cen- a rece1p wi e given. the occasion are Pedalo White, Patricia Mullaly, Lt. Thomas Da- ney, U.S.N., William McCauley. James H. Kelly, Dodo White, and 1 Donald J. Sullivan. FOR RENT ROOMS.-Clean. attractive rooms, $2 50; hot water, phone park- ing: block._ to Aircraft. ;,,300 Kettner Blvd. lip ave been com- ts h rrangemen ter for the Indian c. Y. o at Fort Yuma; a Chapel Trailer for the Franciscan Padres who make Jong 1 b or an e a orate program o your P e e I t d f t and unfeigned "charity "th ei eir er pa.ymen ts Make B"sh 1· I · e nsh cottage, onor of Eire's h th h Id · e to b B lb p t o t 1 as or-no one e se 1s · op or eetness in the Holy Ghost - mpel them to come in". Hence e necessity of transportation. .c - ,- SHELTER ANGELS OF P e 111 P authoi·· d ize · k ar . m · a oa a r n s s · t am d un ay th" f TRIUMPH OF CHRIST rom • treks their missionary zeal among the far-flung tribes of the Red men who have been pushed back and back into the mountains 'f' 1- far from any church; the reha- Roll of Honor: in lS 2:00-5:00. The highlight of the Shall Be I celebration will be an address by •••1· th e Rt. Rev Msgr. John M. Heg- • arty on the early history and cnl- I "Every M.a~n1r;:r I . f th Ch 1\-IERCY h p . Once the pledges are paid in ture of the Irish people. u_r_c__ ,:. bilitation and _proper ma!ntenance nncess o __e__ Artists who will entertain on the names of contributors The Biides of Jesus Christ who , of old Catholtc cemetenes, as at full, - allow the Immaculate Lamb San Bernardino, Del Mar, Braw- and t.he amounts donated will ap- ley al1d San Diego . the ere t· n 0 crated their lives to the educa- new Cemeteries where the people feature brings f pear in The Southern Cross. Th1·s ithersoever He goeth" have con- , c 10 to light the real pillars of the Church in Southern California. Now is the time for Catholics to show their colors. be found either hot or have requested them. -t- n of our children and the pres- vation of their faith . Though or. they merit a decent home. unspeakable housing
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