Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940


A Red Cross booth erected in the park, near the Organ Pavi- lion, staffed by doctors, Sisters and nurses of Mercy Hos- pital will provide against any emergency that may arise.

Dr. William J. Ryan

Division Marshal .

19. Nazareth House 20. St. Agnes-Point Loma 21. St. Ann's 22. St. Brigid's-Pacific Beach

@rh-er of Ja:wh-e h~ ~i&isimts DIVISION NO. 1

23. St. Didacus 24. St . John's 25. St. John of the Cross-Lemon Grove 26. St. Patrick's

Division Marshal .

. .. ... . . Captain Harry J. Kelly

l. Police Escort-San Diego Police (Uniforms) 2. Grand Marshal and Staff 3. Chancery Flags (Large Papal and American) Merkley's Band (Uniforms) 4. Marines Massed National Colors 5. Nazareth Home Children 6. Nurses, Mercy Hospital College of Nursing (Uniforms)


. Anthony Ma·guire

Division Marshal

27. St. Rita's-Encanto 28. St. Vincent's 29. Star of the Sea-La Jolla 30. Carlsbad and Vista 31. Chula Vista


Division Marshal .

. .Maurice Shea

7. Boy Scouts (Uniforms) 8. Knights of Columbus Fourth Degree (Uniforms)

32. Coronado 33 . Del Mar 34. Descanso 35. El Cajon 36. Escondido 37. La Mesa 38. National City 39. Oceanside 40. San Ysidro 41. St. Joseph's Cathedral-Rear Guard * * * * * NOTE: The Clerical procession will fall in as the rear of the column passes the House of Hospitality. (9)

9. Junior Catholic Daughters (Uniforms) 10. Other Uniformed Groups (Uniforms)

DIVISION NO. 3 Division Marshal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fred W esterdahl 11. Blessed Sacrament 12. Christ the King

13. Immaculate Conception 14. Our Lady of the Angels 15. Our Lady of Guadalupe 16. Our Lary of the Rosary 17. Our Lady of the Sacred Heart 18. Sacred Heart-Ocean Beach (8)

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