Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940

Reverend Matthew J. Thompson Editor, The Southern Cross Pastor, Our Lady of Guadalupe Church , San Diego Reverend John A. Daley, O.S.A. Pastor, St. Patrick's Church , San Diego To RIGHT REVEREND MONSIGNOR JOHN M. HEGARTY Vicar General of the Diocese of San Diego Reverend Luke Deignan Pastor, St. Didacus Church , San Diego Reverend Thomas LeHane Pastor, St. Martin's Church, La Mesa To RIGHT REVEREND MONSIGNOR ARNOLD ESTVELT, P.A. Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe Reverend Edward Hannon Pastor, Sacred Heart Church , Ocean Beach The Reverend Joseph V. Clarkin Pastor, Star of the Sea Church , La Jolla

To His Excellency THE MOST REVEREND JOHN J. MITTY, D.D. Archbishop of San Francisco Reverend John Otterstedt, O.F.M. Guardian, Old Mission, San Luis Rey Reverend Patrick Roddy, O.F.M. Guardian, Old Mission , Santa Barbara To His Excellency THE MOST REVEREND JOHN J. CANTWELL, D.D. Archbishop of Los Angeles Very Reverend Charles A. McQuillan, S. J. President, L oyola U niuersity of Los Angeles Very Reverend Patrick Dunne Pastor, St. Vincent de Paul Church , San Diego To His Excellency THE MOST REVEREND ROBERT J. ARMSTRONG, D.D. Bishop of Sacramento Reverend Edward J. Whelan, S.J. President, Loyola High School, Los Angeles Reverend Donald F. McNeill, C.M. President, Los Angeles College, Los Angeles To His Excellency THE MOST REVEREND PHILIP G. SCHER, D.D. Bishop of Monterey-Fresno Very Reverend Owen Hannon, V.F. Pastor, Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church, San Diego The Reverend Vito Pilolla Pastor, Our Lady of the Rosary Church , San Diego To His Excellency THE MOST REVEREND CHARLES F. BUDDY, D .D. Bishop of San Diego Very Reverend Joseph V. Nevins, S.S. President, St. Patrick's Seminary, Menlo Park Very Reverend Francis Seeliger, S.J. Provincial, California Province To THE RIGHT REVEREND MONSIGNOR JOHN CAWLEY, P .A. Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles (4)


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