Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940

"' FRIDAY, l\ ARCH 4, 19:38 Radio T alR&~:/;Iii~1Vill Explain Drive Aim In Many Languages


BROCHURE GIVES NATURL VALUE PURPOSE OF PAIIC[ BY THE EDITOR Another milestone of proi;ress in the diocesan-wide movement to meet the needs and to solve the problems of this newly-erected See of San Diego was reached to- day when the Most Rev. Charles F. Buddy gave the last fine touches to the work of organiza- tion. A brochure, explanatory of the scope, nature and purposes of the financial campaign, is off the press and together with a per- sonal letter from the Most Rev. Bishop will be mailed early next week to every Catholic home in the Diocese. A radio program has also been , arranged for the evening of S*n- da.y, March 6, the important fya- tures of which are brief talks in seven languages by the Bishop and his selected committee of priests. The brochure throws into bold relief the motives which impel His Excellency to conduct at this time a diocesan campaign. One by one, it sets forth the nePd'l and nr"b- lems of the new Diocese and, with their solution in view, issues an irresistible appeal for the cooper- ation and ,support of its members, both lay and clerical. It tells the urgent importance of the Bishop's 12 point program. It is, in fine, an expression of the Chief Shepherd's characteristic determination and desire to care especially for the ·homeless, the aged, the indigent, and the little ones of h1s flock. WARNING GIVEN Beware of, racketeers who may try to enrich themselves at the expense of the unwary during the financial campaign. Such victimization occurred re- cently in other diocesan drives. Pastors are asked to warn their congregations at all of the Masses next Sunday that the Bishop's accredited solicitors will present letters signed by their respective pastors. With- out these letters, solicitors are to be ignored unless they are personally known to the people. The drive proper will not be launched until Monday, March 14.

The radio program to publi- cize the diocesan campaign will be held over K.G.B. Sunday, March G from 8:30 to 9:00 p.m. The program, which will be car- ried over Station KGB this Sun- day, 8:30-9:00 p.m., will highlight an address by the Most Rev. Bishop. Brief talks will ba given by the Very Rev. Laurence Forris- tal in Portuguese; by the Rev. Father Fortier in French; by the Rev. Francis Woodcutter in Ger- man; by the Rev. Damian Oobeo, A.R., in Spanish; by the Rev. Vito Pilolla in Italian; and by the Rev. 1 James P. O'Shea in Filipino. The Rt. Rev. John M. Hegarty, V.O., is Chairman of this program, and will introduce the speakers. St. Joseph's and St. John's choirs will present vocal and musical selec- tions. This week, also, pledge cards were prepared and will be sent to the Reverend Pastors of the Dia- l cese for use by their solicitors in the campaign. The deadline for essays written by the children of grammar and high schools have been postponed to this Friday, when all of these essays must be in the hands of the Very Reverend Deans. Next Sunday the Pastors of the Diocese Will exchange pulpits for the first time, in an effort to awaken the interest and gain the support of all the people for the cause at stake. A novena of prayers and special devotions will also be opened next Sunday in all of the churches of the Diocese to beseech Almighty God to bless and prosper our work. The novena will be closed Monday, March 14. The final appeal for the people's wholehearted and enthusiastic support will be made by the Rev- erend Pastors Sunday, March 13, at; all of the l',1:asses in all of the churches in the Diocese. Thus educated as to the nature, ex.tent, value and purposes of tne carr;tpa1gn, the people will be given .111 \)pportunity to jom w.. b .i.,~ Bish~P and his priests in this holy effort to upbuild the new Diocese of San Diego when the clerical and lay committees in every par- ish will visit their homes and so- licit their financial support. For this work which will be launched Monday, March 14, a period of three weeks-until Monday, April 4-has been designated by His Ex- cellency. . •.------

Message to Each

A copy of the pamphlet explain-

It is for such homeless little children as these that they may be housed and fed under Catholic guidance that a pa1·t of the funds of u e the Bishop's drive will be used: These children at Nazareth }!o~se,


ed r

mg the _purp~se a nd proc

of the fmanc1al drive, together Old Mission, are hap11y in t.he!i: foster }1-on:e, but o~he!'S of similar with. a pledge card and letter age and condition are housed m poor dilapidated bml~mgs ~t ~an- f B . hon Buddy will be ·ng Calif., or have been turned away to find a home m institutions rom IS ,. ' • d f th . b' th . ht • ,.h Cha .....,. Wed- /where they are depnve o e1r n· rig . malled from" e nc-J i:_.:.__________ ___ ________ nesday to each wage earner in the diocese. • --------------;, I OTHER DEANERIES

NAME SPEAKERS Pastors of the fpur Deaneries in the Dioc~se will exchange pulpits March 6 and 1:3 to awa~en. the mterest of the people in the cause to which the D10ces~ has pres- ently set its hand. The program for the San Diego Dean- ery was published in last week's issue of The Southern 'cross. The Reverend speakers' l


schedule for the Deaneries of San 1 Bernardino and Riverside as pre- pared by the Very Rev. Patrick Dunne, V.F., Sari Bernardino, and the Very Rev. Peter Lynch, V.F., Riverside, is as follows:

Murillo's "Madonna of the Im- maculate Conception," beautiful stained glass window in the chapel at the home of His Ex- F. Buddy, as designed by a local: artist. Mr. Wieland. cellency, Bishop Charles


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