Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940

Compliments of a Friend

Compliment of Gildea's

Phone L. J. 3291

Estimates Free

Lory's Cleaning San Diego Cleancraft Laundry, Dyers, Dry Cleaners ''Superior Service for Fine Fabrics" Jerry Crary Phone L. J. 2162 712 Pearl St.

C. H. Messner Electrical Contractor and Dealer Wiring, Radios, Fixtures 7909 Herschel St. La Jolla, Calif. Telephone La Jolla 3727 Petite Marinello Shop For Those Who Are Particular Mrs. Clancy 7840 Ivanhoe Ave. ½ Block South of the Post Office


La Jolla, Calif.

7745 Girard Ave.



.. Jack and Alice Louise Monger .By Brahms .Miss Patsy Thompson .. His Excellency, Most Rev. Bishop Buddy

Piano and Trumpet duet Lullaby "When Irish Eyes Are Smiling" Address

Baby Groups from the Ratliffe School of Dancing

Dance Numbers

"A Spirit Flower" ,. A Slight Mistake"

Mrs. Elizabeth Clarke

H. KOHNSTAMM AND CO., INC. Manufacturing Chemists Since 1851 Laundry Supply Headquarters 4735 District Blvd. Los Angeles California

Compliments of a Los Angeles Firm

Compliments -of- ~d. lzac YOUR FRIEND -in- CONGRESS

Be sure and ask for ARDEN'S Prize Vvlnning lee Cream La Jolla Dry Cleaners A. P. Matlaw, Owner Cleaning, Dyeing, Pressing Alterations Office and Plant, 1933 Wall St. Phone L. J. 2015 La Jolla, Calif.

Boulevard Market Corner La Jolla Blvd. and Marine La Jolla Liquors and Groceries-Always Open Telephone L:i Jolla 2235 The Mel Stewart Drug Store

A FRIEND - of-

Compliments of a LOS ANGELES FIRM

Prescription Druggists Prompt, Free Delivery 7857 Girard Avenue


Phone L. J. 2189

La Jolla, Calif.

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