Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940
Mercy Hospital Marks 50 Years In San Diego of founding of Mercy hospital was celebrated yesterday with ceremo- nies witnessed by about 2500 per- sons on the hospital grounds. The Most Rev. Charles F. Buddy, bifhop of San Diego diocese, cele- brated a solemn pontifical high '!Dass. The Rt. Rev. John M. He- garty, V.G., preached a sermon pay- ing tribute to the Sisters of Mercy whose "toil, labor and heartbreak" produced blessings "that still are with the people of San Diego." The program began at 10:30 a.m. with a religious procession from the Mercy Sisters' convent, through the hospital, out the main entrance to the outdoor altar. In the proces- sion were 75 priests., 80 graduate nurses, 100 sisters, a company of cadets from St. John's Military academy, Los Angeles. These were :followed by Bishop Buddy, escort- ed by two papal knights, Sir Albert V. Mayrhofer and Sir Jesse A. Locke, who were accompanied by a guard of honor of eight fourth- degree Knights of Columbus in full regalia. CHOIR SINGS MASS The altar was brought from Los Angeles for the occasion. Mass was sung by a choir from St. John's academy. The Very Rev. Owen Hannon, V.F., was assistant priest at the solemn high mass. The Very Rev. Francis C. Ott, V.F., was deacon and the Very Rev. E. A. Mauch, O.S.A., subdeacon. Deacons of honor were the Rev. E. M. Kelly, S.J., and the Rev. Luke Deignan. Masters of ceremonies were the Rev. Kenneth G. Stack and the Rev. Leo Davis. Bishop Buddy read a cablegram from Cardinal Maglione in Vatican City, imparting the blessing of Pope Pius XII to the sisters and staff of M"rcy hospital. Church dignitaries attending in- cluded the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Laurance Forrisfal. diocPse chancellor; the Rt. Rev. Msgr. George Donohue, Los Angelef; the Rt. Rev. Msgr. A. V. L. Estevelt, Santa Fe, N. M. Sisters of Mercy from all parts of the country were present. Others takinE! part in the ceremonies were the Rev. P. Dunne. the Rev. T. l\lf~Namara. Fr. Charles. O.F.S., Fr. F>imund. 0.F.M., Fr. John Heagarty, Fr Sutton. Css.R. The Rev. Mat- thew J. Thomoson explained the mMs as it proceeded. Amc,ng' prominE>r,t l<'~al Catholics attendi'1P' "'as Lady Marie Mayr- h~f0r, L.H.S. LAUDS SAN DIEGANS' AID In his sermon, Msgr. Hegarty re- The 50th anniversary "A large share of the reverence • and gratitude and financial support that has helped to maintain Mercy hospital." he said, "has come from J ooen-minded and kindly non-Cath- olics, who, from the very moment they under,tood the unselfishness of Mother Michael, revered her and p: gave her not only un~tinted praise U but unstinted support." The !'!)1:3k:;r paid particular trib- ute to the late John D. Soreckels, ebout whom he said. "I think it is fair to say that our generation does not realize how much San Diego as a whole owes to that great man's courage and foresight."
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Seated by the altar
in yesterday's celebration of solemn high
MSGR. JOHN M. HEGARTY • , . preac4ed sermon in praise of efforts of Mother Michael to es- tablish hospital in San Diego in the face of overwhelming odds.
mass at Mercy hospital were, left to right, the Very Rev. Owen counted the struggles of Mother Hannon, V. F., the Rev. E. M. Kelly, S. J., the Most Rev. Charles Mary Michael Cummings and Sister F. Buddy, San Diego diocese bishop; the Very Rev. Francis C. Ott, Mary Alphonsus in establishing a kneeling, and the Rev. Luke Deignan. About 2500 persons attended. small institution that has since ------- grown to become the present Mercy hospital.
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