Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940

~DAY, OCTOBER 22, 1939


ill Officiate


Buddy of San Diego Dedication of Clzurclz




Structure Will



Be Conducted at 9 a.m. ; By Diocese Head

(Special State Correspondence) BLOOMINGTON, Oct. 21. - Hun- dreds of persons are expected t o gather in Bloomington tomorrow, Sunday morning, for the dedication of the new St. Charles Catholic church. Bishop Charles Buddy of San Diego will officiate at the rites. The structure bears the name of Bishop Buddy, head of the San Diego diocese which includes churches in lhis district. The serv- ice will begin at 9 a.m. Rev. Father Thomas King or Fontana, under whose immediate supervision the Bloomington church was erected, will assist Bishop Bud- dy in the ceremonies. Music will be furnished by a group of Catechists from the Redlands church. PRIEST TO BE N r,ME D It is expected that t,,e priest for Bloomington parish will be named during the dedication rites or early in the wc<>k. He will have charge of the new church and uf the one in I South Fontana as well. St. Charles parish will be made up of B loom- ington and Rialto 1·esidents who, until this lime, have been obliged to go to Fontana or Colton to at- tend services. Adjoining the church building is a rectory in which the new priest will reside. The church itself is 65 x 30 feet with walls 12 feet high. The rectory contains a living room, dining room, study, kitchen and two bedrooms, each with its adjoining bath. Across the front is a wide j screened porch. The church and rectory were I built at a cost of $15,000. Work was begun early in the summer by Con- I tractor Stephen Skiba of Fontana. Both buildings face south on Or- '..nge stre(!t at the corner of Vine. The church contains 20 pews, each with a seating capacity of from six to eight persons. CH URCH DESCR IBE D While the project of furnishing I the church remains largely for the future, the building itself is com- pleted. Its exterior is of white stucco. Inside it has a high beamed ceiling of darkened wood with a matching balcony at the rear for a choir an dorgan, although the latter has not yet been secured. The altar is_ done in white and will be h ung with deep red drapes which are now being made by women of the church Diocese workers who have bee~ in _the township to make a survey estimate that there are approxi- mately 40 Catholic families in Bloomington whom the church will serve. There will probably be a sim- ilar number in Rialto. I . Al Altar society is already organ- ized, and plans are being made to deve!op a choir. A series of benefit parties has been given to raise I funds for furnishing the church. Landsc_:_ping will~e done g~dually.

Bishop Charles Buddy will officiate today in the dedication of the new St. Charles Catholic c hurch at Bloomington. The building and its adjoining rectory have just been completed at a cost of $15,000. Bishop Buddy is to name a priest for the new parish today or early in the week.


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