Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940
• Faith of Indians* I EXTEND AID Shown in Letter .To Their Bishop • IN BUllDING Dear Bishop Buddy: NEW CHURCH
The Santa Rosa Band of Mis- sion Indians wish to thank you for your visit to our Reserva- tion on October 6, 1939. Your inspiring words to the few of us who were there to greet you will always be our inspiration to re- main Catholic. We l\1ission ·Indians of the Santa Rosa Band ha'\1e been taught to conduct ourselves in a Catholic manner and that ideal has been instilled in us from our fathers and grandfathers. They told us that when you first came to California with the Catholic religion it was not forced upon us. And the early Mission Fa- thers did not try to make us forsake our own beliefs or the manner of expressing our devo- tion to the deities whom we to this day still hold in reverence and awe. Our people have em- braced the Holy Roman Catho- lic Church as their one Church which we hold in high and holy esteem. But deep in our hearts we have a reverence for the things our fathers taught us. And ,we still carry on with cer- tain ceremonials for our dead, which do not conflict with our Catholic hearts. Your religion, dear Bishop, has never denied us this worship or tried to take it away from us. You have promised to see us through with the completion of our Church and that to us is most gratifying. We give you our word now, that when we use the Sacristy for our Tribal meet- ings that nothing will be done there that ,will in any way re- flect or defame our Church and religion. May we ever be mindful of your kindly interest in us. This letter has been read in a Tribal meeting and approved. The Santa Rosa Band of Mission Indians. Spok!'.sman: Jack Meyers,
to Dedicate New Church, Rectory at Bloomington on Sunday; Extension Society Aid in Building. Dedication of the new Church of St. Charles Bor- romeo at Bloomington, Cal- ifornia, near San Bernar- dino, and the blessing of the adjoining rectory by His Excel- lency, the Most Rev. Bishop, will be held there Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m. with prospective par- ishioners in attendance. Building of a church at Bloom- ington, where the people were without a church, was expedited by the generous donation of $1000 received by His Excellency from the catholic Church Extension Society. Both church and rectory are of mission style architecture, built of cement and stucco with red tile roofs. The church will seat 200 persons and is very similar to the one dedicated at South Fon- tana last April. The rectory is a mission style bungalow and has beside the office, living room, din- ing room and kitchen, an apa1·t- ment for the priest and one for the housekeeper. PASTOR TO BE NAMED The priest in charge of the new parish of st. Charles Bonomeo, will have the missions of South Fontana and Rialto. As yet the new pastor has not been named by the Bishop. Assisting His Excellency at the dedicatory ceremonies Sunday will be the Rev. Thomas King and other local priests of that vi- cinity. Father King. who 1s pas- tor at Fontana, eight miles dis• tant, has supervised the construc- tion of the new church and rec- tory and will attend to the lo- cality as a mission until the pas- tor is named.
This wedding party posed on the steps of St. Vincent de. Paul's church Saturday after the wedding of Miss ~~genia Barbachano, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Barbachano, San Diego, and Lester Har- old L1vmgston, son of Mrs. Nettie Livingston, San Diego. After a wedding trip to San Francisco tile couple will reside here. Left to right are: Mrs. Raymond Barbachano, Mrs. G. R. Summers, matron of honor;. the most Rev. Charles Francis Buddy, D. D., bishop of the Catholic diocese of San Diego; the bride and bridegroom, Mr. Summers, Father Dunn, pastor of St. Vincente de Paul church, and Mrs. Nettie Liv- ingston. (Sykes photo).
Committee: J. Tortes, Committee: Sam Rice, Committee: C. Tortes, Captain: Alex Tortes.
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